Eyes of the Chimera S3E7

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"Aww, Leo." April said and hugged Leo. Mikey walked up to the two of them and said, "You guys were awesome." Mikey gave Leo a high five and April a fist bump. "It's good to have you back bro." Mikey said. "It's good to be back." Leo said and smiled at his baby brother. Donnie walked over and April looked around. "What's wrong April ?" Leo asked. "Wait guys. Where are Raph and Casey ?" April asked and the three teenage boys looked around for any sign of Raph or Casey. "I don't see them." Mikey said and they started to panic. Leo and April started looking around where they were standing and Mikey and Donnie spread out a little and started looking. They were looking for what seemed like forever when there was a yell. "Guys !" April yelled and Leo, Donnie and Mikey ran over to where April was at the side of the cliff, looking over. They all looked down and hanging off a ledge with his fingers slipping, was Casey. On top of the ledge was Raph laying down to the point where he was almost falling off. "Hold on dudes ! We're coming to save ya !" Mikey yells down. "Alright, we can take all our grappling hooks and tie them together, that way we can get Raph and Casey at the same time, and it would be much easier." Leo said and took out his grappling hook and looked at Mikey and Donnie for theirs. "You know, ummm, Leo, it's not...always... good...to have a grappling hook...because...of..." Mikey started when Leo realized what he was stalling for. "You don't have your grappling hooks ?!" Leo yelled and Mikey and Donnie jumped. "Relax Leo, right now we have to focus on Raph and Casey." April said and put her hand on his back and Leo closed his eyes and calmed down. "You're right April." Leo said and put his grappling hook point side in the ground and tied the other side to his waist and held on to the rope with his right hand. "Ok, Mikey and April, you two will lower and pull us. Donnie stand here and when I come up with Casey and Raph I want you to lift them up. Ok." Leo said and everyone nodded and did what they were told. "Donnie, be careful on the edge." Leo said and Donnie nodded his head. "You be careful too." Donnie said and with that Leo lowered to Casey since Raph was on a ledge and Casey was slipping. "Alright Casey, grab my hand." Leo said and lowered right next to Casey and he grabbed his hand and held tight to Leo's torso. Leo and Casey made eye contact and Casey said, "We don't tell anyone about this, right ?" Leo nodded in agreement and they pulled Leo and Casey up and Donnie pulled Casey up and Leo went back down to get Raph. He lowered himself all the way to Raph's ledge and Leo hadn't noticed Raph was unconscious. "Did no one notice he was unconscious ?" Leo asked as he tried to wake Raph. "Surprisingly not." Donnie said and Leo lifted Raph onto his front and put his knee under Raph so he stayed up and wrapped his arms around Raph's shell to keep him close. "Alright, pull us up !" Leo yelled and they started pulling them up and Leo put his leg up on the mountain to push themselves up and Leo's leg popped. "Ahh !!" Leo yelled out in pain. "Leo ! You ok bro ?" Leo heard Donnie's and Mikey's concern in their voices as Leo heard them. "Yeah ! Just keep pulling !" Leo yelled back, no matter what pain he was in he knew had to get Raph, up, to safety. Leo and Raph finally reached the top and Donnie lifted Raph out of Leo's cradled protection, and Mikey and Casey pulled Leo up while April and Donnie checked Raph out. "Is he ok ?" Leo asked Donnie, his leg still throbbing from the pain and his eyes tightly shut. "I don't know. I have to get him back to the barn so I can do some proper tests." Donnie put his finger on Raph's wrist to feel his pulse. "Are you ok Leo ?" Donnie asked and looked at Leo. Leo was still where Mikey and Casey pulled him up and Mikey was right next to Leo. "I'm fine Donnie." Leo said and Donnie and Mikey lifted Raph and carried him down the mountain. April and Casey helped Leo after April had to lecture Leo about accepting help from friends and family. They got to the farmhouse and Donnie and Mikey took Raph to the barn and Mikey walked inside the farmhouse with April, Casey and Leo. They sat Leo on the couch and he moaned as he stretched his leg out rubbed it. April sat next to him, Casey stood behind him and Mikey sat on the arm of the couch. "This is stupid." Leo said aggravated as he continued to rub his leg. "What is bro ?" Mikey asked and Leo sighed. "I'll never heal." Leo said and looked down. April put her hand on Leo's shell and said, "You're going to heal Leo, you just have to give it time." Leo pushed her hand off and got defensive. "That's what everyone says !" Leo said looking at her in a mean way. "Leo I know..." April started to try to calm Leo down but just made him even more mad. "No ! You don't know ! You all think you know what's going to happen ! You don't ! Not you April ! Not Donnie ! Not Mikey ! Not Casey !.........Not Raph." Leo said Raph's name softly, thinking about his direct younger brother out in the barn. "Raph will be ok Leo. It's not your fault." Mikey said and touched his older brother's shoulder in sympathy. "No Mikey, it is my fault. I'm leader and I knew that mountain was going to explode but I didn't get you guys out of the in time. I got Raph and Casey blown up and thrown off the side of a mountain. They could've been killed." Leo said and covered his face with his hands and felt a tear from each eye fall down his face. Then another hand on his other shoulder and looked to see who it belonged to. He looked up to see it was Casey's hand. "Yeah we could've been killed but we weren't. I almost was but you saved me. Off that cliff side remember. YOU saved me Leo not anyone else. You did. Thanks bro." Casey said.

Author's note
Will continue on this page in the future

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