Chapter 12 - Fast, we Drive too Fast

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"I like the way you blush

I like the way you bite

Touch, each time we touch

I wanna take too much

Keep me up all night"


Nick's P.O.V

The rain is pouring and it's pitch dark outside the car, which makes it difficult to see further ahead on the road. From the corner of my eye, I can see that Sophie is kind of nervous, rubbing her hands on her thighs, and we still have a long way to go. I remember spotting a motel sign a few miles back, and I'm thinking maybe it's best to stop until the rain eases up a bit. Or even spend the night. I mean if I was alone it'd be fine, but I'm worried about Sophie.

"I think I saw a motel sign back there... I think we should stop."

"Hum... Yeah..." she says and I can hear the gears inside her mind cranking. She's been acting a little weird since we left the park. When I hugged her it was like she was zapped, pulling away from me quickly. And she hasn't looked me in the eye.

I know she said we should go slow, but does that mean I can't touch her? What the fuck is slow supposed to look like? I'll have to figure that out, but I don't want her to think this is another move, I would just feel really bad if we got into an accident because of this.

"Are you worried about the whole 'taking it slow' thing? I'm honestly just trying to be safe here."

I'm dying to look at her, so I can see the look on her eyes and try to read her mind, but it's not a good idea to take my eyes off the road. She doesn't say anything and I see the motel sign, so I decide to stop and take the next exit. If she doesn't want to go in we can just park here and wait for the rain to ease up a bit.

As I stop the car I see there are only two other cars here and feel hopeful they'll have a room for us if we need it. Once I park I turn to look at her and I'm surprised by the look on her face. She doesn't look worried like I thought she was. She's blushing a little and biting on her lip. I wonder if she does that a lot. I certainly notice it a lot. How could I not? My attention is almost always on her lips.

"So, should we stay?" I ask trying to read her face while she keeps her eyes forward.

Please say yes...

"Do you want to?" She responds, and I can't be sure if she wants to stay.

"Yeah, I mean... the road is really tricky... But we can keep going if you want to." I feel a sting in my chest because I think she doesn't want to stay with me another night. And I still don't understand how this is supposed to work. I just want to be around her all the time. I couldn't have paid attention to anything today if she hadn't come with me. I don't know how I should act or what to say. I'm scared I'll say too much too soon, or that she'll realize I'm a loser and just not want to be near me anymore.

"I know, I was nervous on the road." She smiles sweetly at me, and I feel my stomach flutter.

"Oh, so should we get a room?" I say looking at the steering wheel, afraid of what she's gonna say.

"Sure... If you don't mind." Her voice is low and when I look at her she's playing with the rings on her fingers.

"No Sophie... I don't mind at all. In case you haven't noticed I'll get whatever chance I have to be with you for longer."

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