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🦋 Nika Mason pictured above 🦋
"Go on, Nika," Zeus shouted, his voice hoarse. Even as he tried to scream, his words slipped from his lips in a small whisper, a mere ripple in the ocean of darkness. "Fight me! Punch me! Hell, kill me, and see if I care!"

Nika blinked at him, shocked. "Zeus..."

"Don't act like you care!" His eyes were shards of glass now, and if his jaw wasn't clenched, he'd fall apart, the blood staining the beige, worn-out carpet. The remorse in Nika's eyes was evident, but at this point, Zeus didn't care. "Stop pretending like you give a damn about me. Stop acting as if I'm not a burden to you, a weight lifted off your chest when I'm not around. I know who you are, Nika, and the look of pity in your eyes won't change that."

Nika was baffled. Speechless. He wasn't as if he didn't care about his roommate of almost a year. He just wasn't aware of the problems he was dealing with. Nika and Zeus weren't close at all. In fact, the pair hated each other, for the simple fact that they were polar opposites.

Nika's hair was tousled blonde, revealing his crystal blue eyes most have described as dreamlike. He wore piercings, one on his lip and two on his ear. When he spoke, a slight Brooklyn accent bled through. Zeus's curls were black and his eyes were a dark brown. A pair of dimples popped out when he smiled. Like Nika, he wore earrings, but they were small studs, whereas Nika wore a ring wrapped around the top of his ear and a diamond in the earlobe.

Nika was careless and reckless. His personality was rebellious and he cared about no one other than himself. Zeus, however, was the complete opposite. He cared too much. He didn't take enough risks. Zeus cared about everyone, even if they wronged him. He even cared about Nika.

Nika's heart shattered at Zeus's words. Every accusation hurled at him was true, as much as he hated to admit.

Nika pretends to care. Not on purpose, though. He wishes that he fucking cared. But as hard as he tries, he finds a flaw that prevents him from being friends with Zeus.

But that was the issue. Zeus didn't hate him. Not at all. But he had to act like he did. Because if Nika knew that he didn't hate him, he'd walk out of his life, for fear that the only feeling he could have is hatred. Zeus didn't know that, of course, because Nika couldn't tell him that commitment scared him. So as long as the pair were roommates, they hated each other.

Jeong was sprawled out on the top bunk of his bed, a small blanket, torn at the seams, wrapped around his body, as he listened to the rain pounding against his window.

On the bottom bunk, Journey slept soundly, his bright red hair, falling into his blue eyes, and his slow breathing a barely audible whisper in the screams of the rain.

Jeong could never sleep on stormy nights, for he was too captivated by the rain. Whenever he was a child, he'd sit by the window, on his mom's lap, and stare at the storm. The way the darkness engulfed the pale blue sky. He was told, by his father, that darkness was an illusion because light always bled through. Whether it was a sliver of space, in comparison to an ocean of darkness, the light found it's way through. Jeong remembered the words everytime he felt as if his world was falling apart.

Jeong stared up at the celling, a small smile tugging at his dark red lips.

His raven hair, parted through the middle, gave way for his near black eyes. His high, golden cheekbones and chiseled jawline were fawned over on a daily basis.

Jeong brushed the compliments aside, though he wasn't immune to their stares and whistles. Compliments never phased him, especially when the compliments were from people who absolutely despised him. Jeong wasn't a popular name throughout the hallways, for it was a name that every student feared. Jeong gained a reputation at Meadowsville, but it wasn't one of popularity. He was labelled as an Alpha in a pack of Omegas.

Jeong was a name that started fights and sent even the strongest wolves whimpering in fear. The red haired boy asleep in the bed beneath was the only person who hasn't cowered in fear at a single glare.

That alone scared Jeong because he'd much rather be feared than loved.

In the room down the hall, Jaehyung stood on the tiled floor of the shower, letting the hot water cloud his vision, and wash away the unwanted images. Through his faded, brown hair he threaded his hand, revealing his chesnut brown eyes.

Jaehyung craved a touch he could never have. In his mind, fingers waltzed across his skin, but in reality, fingers felt the skin of another. The thought alone left a bitter taste in his mouth. The boy he desired more than oxygen left his scent in a different bed every night. But for some reason, he crawled back to Jaehyung's sheets the following morning, and despite the pain he felt, he threw his head back at the feel of his lips. A soft growl grew in the depths of Jaehyung's throat as his mind played with his feelings. The image of Reese toying with someone else's body sent a wave of crushing defeat, drowning him in the tides of jealousy. Jaehyung promised Reese that it didn't phase him, that he didn't care, but that was a lie.

Lying to Reese was painful, but seeing the relieved smile form on his lips was unbearable. Reese didn't give a damn about Jaehyung. All he was to him was a fucking lay.

Hey! This a new story I'm writing about an all boy's school, where the characters deal with painful issues such as heartbreak and unrequited love. I'm warning you that your hearts may be shattered.

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