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Zeus snuggles deeper into Nika's bare chest, his arm wrapping around his torso. Zeus smiles softly and buries his head into the crook of Nika's neck. "I love you, Nik," he whispers against his skin.

Nika involuntarily giggles at Zeus's breath on his neck. "I love you, too, Zeus." Zeus pecks Nika's cheek gently. A wide smile forms on Nika's lips. He blushes a deep scarlet at the contact. "Have you ever had sexual fantasies about someone?" he blurts out in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

Zeus arches an eyebrow in surprise. "I have," he replies after a moment.

"Oh?" The tone of his voice is somber, but he tries to hide the pain bleeding into his words with a small smile. The smile was clearly false, however, and Zeus noticed.

"Yeah," he says without missing a beat. "It was about you."

"W-What?" Shock seeps into his expression and he blinks at the dark skinned beauty in his arms.

Zeus hums in response. "Yeah, Nik, you're hot." He pokes his cheek. Nika rolls his eyes at him, but he can't halt the smile from being drawn onto his face. "You could be a fucking model. I'd love to see you in Calvin Klein," he comments.

Nika plants a quick kiss on Zeus's forehead before he rolls over. His arms release their hold on him. Zeus grins when he notices the rosy hue of his cheeks. "Aw, are you embarrassed, baby?" His voice is teasing, as he tries to pull Nika into his embrace. Nika swats his hand away. "Nik, it's not my fault that you're fucking hot. Have you even seen your body? You look like a snack. Hell, you look like a five course meal."

Nika barks out a laugh. "Wow, I look that fucking good?"

"Yeah." He coasts his brown eyes down his body. "You fucking do."

Nika's lips quirk up into a lazy smirk. "Well, I'm all yours," he replies. Zeus trails his finger down his golden chest. He outlines his muscles one by one. Nika's breath hitches. "Dammit."

Zeus glances up at him. "Say that again."

"I'm all yours," he whispers. He felt small under the heated gaze of his coffee brown eyes. Zeus slowly dips his hand into Nika's sweats. He waits for his permission to venture further. Because he didn't trust his voice, Nika nods.

"Yes you are, baby boy. And I'm yours." Zeus strokes him slowly.

At his actions, Nika groans lowly. "Zeus," he says, his voice a mere whisper.

"Yes, Nik?" His voice is sultry and carries seduction on his tongue. He licks his lips in a slow motion.

"Move your hand faster. P-Please," he chokes out. Zeus almost comes at his words. Zeus quickens his pace. The movements of his hand causes Nika to jerk his hips.

"Oh fuck," Zeus breathes out when he collapses onto Nika's chest. He wipes his hand with a Kleenex and tosses it in the trashcan beside him. "I love you, Nik," he whispers before caging him in his embrace.

"I love you, too."

Journey winced in pain, his muscles whining in protest, as he leaned his head against the shower wall. The hot water trailed down his back. Crimson liquid washed down the drain. His blue eyes were brimmed with tears. Salt tumbled down his ruddy cheeks. He pulled his knees up to his chest.

Strained sobs echoed throughout the bathroom. Mauve bruises decorated his stomach. "Ginger, are you okay?" Journey quivered in fear when he heard Jeong's concerned voice. He wasn't scared of Jeong. He was scared of what he would do when he found out who caused his pain. "Ginger?" He repeated.

"I-I'm fine," Journey whisper shouted. His voice shattered at the words. The raven haired boy stood, with crossed arms, in the doorway. His dark eyes coasted down Journey's small body.

"Who did this to you?" Jeong clips.

"No one," Journey mutters. A sniffle leaves his pink lips. His azure-eyed gaze is pained, almost broken.

Jeong crouches in front of him. "Love, don't lie to me. Who fucking did this to you? I'm not mad at you, okay? I just want to know who hurt you."

"His name was Kaysen," Journey breathes out. "Kaysen Wilder."

Jeong clenches his fists. "I will tear that fucker apart and throw his damn corpse in the fucking lake. Why did he do this to you?" Journey lowered his head, his red strands obscuring his view. Jeong lifted his chin gently and the auburn met his eyes filled with anger and concern. "Please tell me. You have nothing to be embarrassed about it. Was he trying to be an ass?"

"He cornered me in the boy's locker room. He tried to kiss me. I fought him. He cursed at me and insulted me. When he tried to kiss me again, I kneed him. That's when he started to beat me up. He wanted me to submit to him, Jeong. He tried to rape me."

Jeong let out a low, menacing growl. He held Journey in his arms. With his thumb, he traced soothing circles on his back, careful not to hurt him. "I'll fucking strangle him, baby," he says in a dangerous voice. Journey clutches at the fabric of Jeong's button up. Into his chest he sobs loudly. Jeong wraps his arms tighter around the quivering boy. "I won't let him hurt you again."

Journey's baby blue orbs were pink from crying. His bottom lip trembled. He encases his lean arms around the black haired boy. He inhales his scent of spearmint gum and cologne. "Jeong, I-I love you," he choked out.

"I love you, too, Ginger." He planted a kiss on his forehead. A frayed, white towel was draped over Journey. The fabric lessening the nipping cold from his small stature.

"I'm tired, Jeong. Can you cuddle with me?" Even though his eyes are puffy, the excitement still clouds his blue eyed gaze. Jeong chuckles softly and pecks his cheek. Journey, clad in one of Jeong's shirts, snuggles closer into him.

Subconsciously, I wrote two cuddling scenes, but the first one was definitely more serious. I'm sorry for hurting baby Journey and inevitably hurting Jeong, but it was necessary. Are we looking forward to Jeong beating Kaysen's ass in the next chapter? I know I am. 😉😏

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