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Around the dust covered bookshelves were loosely woven spider webs. Shaky lamps dangled from the ceiling rafters, littered with uneven cracks. Across the worn-out carpet was torn paper. Journey's lips upturned into a wide smile, all teeth, when Jeong blinked. "What is this place, Ginger?"

"It's the library," he says in reply. Journey bounces excitedly on the balls of his feet.

A look of confusion appears on his face. "We have a library?"

Journey nods. "Yeah, I found it, while I was researching the school's history for an assignment. Do you like it, Jeong?"

Jeong flashes him a mirroring smile.  "Of course I do, love. You didn't have to do this, you know."

Without skipping a beat, he says. "I know."

Jeong glides his fingers across the tattered leather spines and frayed covers. The ink bled onto the pages. The stories reminisced within the words were cherished by past, wide eyed students who loved to read.

Journey stood behind Jeong, his lean arms draped around his torso. The red haired boy inhaled his familiar scent. "What's your favorite book?"

"Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte," Jeong hummed in response, leaning back instinctively to bathe in the presence of the boy behind him. "I appreciate the dark themes, such as the supernatural, in the story, along with the passion and love."

"I've never read it. I'm more of a scientific fiction fan. I don't believe supernatural beings exist."

Jeong rolled his eyes at him playfully. "Well, yeah, supernatural beings don't exist, but that doesn't mean you can't let your imagination run wild."

Journey shrugs. "I believe in factual evidence rather than superstition."

Jeong flashes him a wide smile. "That's okay. Can I read to you, love?"

Journey nods at him. On the floor the pair sits, a book perched in Jeong's lap, Journey's red strands sprawling across his black jeans. As the words spill from Jeong's mouth, Journey listens intently, his unwavering blue eyed gaze focused on his face.

Nika doubles over in laughter. "You have ice cream on your lip, Zeus," he points out.

Zeus gives him a small smirk. Slowly, his tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip. "Is that better, Nika?"

Nika's blue eyes darken. "You did that on purpose."

"Did what?" He bats his eyelashes innocently. "What did I do?"

With a glimmer of mischief present in his irises, Nika gently pulls at his lip piercing in an attempt to agitate Zeus. "You know, Zeus, I'm sure that vanilla ice cream would taste better if-"

"Nika," Zeus warns in a dangerous voice. "I fucking dare you to finish that sentence."

"-it was my tongue across your bottom lip."

Nika smirks wickedly at the boy across the table. Zeus shoots him a murderous glare. To cause further discomfort, Nika purposefully moans at the taste of chocolate ice cream on his tongue. From Zeus's throat rises a low growl. "You're such a tease," he says through gritted teeth.

"Damn straight I am," he winks.

"There's nothing straight about you, baby," he counters.

A brunette sitting at the table behind them, with her fingers interwoven with a petite blonde, cackles. "That makes two of us." Her girlfriend, who was wearing a "Justice for Lesbians" tshirt, rolls her dark eyes playfully.

Both Nika and Zeus crack a smile. Nika stares adoringly into Zeus's coffee brown orbs, a smile plastered onto his lips. "I love you, Zeus."

"I love you, too, Nik."

Ryleigh: thank you for helping my brother by the way, Casper.

A minute passed before Casper gave a response to the message on his screen. Ryleigh's lips upturned into a small, tight-lipped smile, while his jaded eyes skimmed through Casper's words.

Casper: you're welcome. it was my pleasure. anyway. you owe me a favor, though, Ryleigh.

Ryleigh raised an eyebrow at his words. Confusion washed over him.

Ryleigh: a favor? what kind of favor?

He couldn't deny the fear biting at him. What kind of favor would he make him do? As far as Ryleigh knows, Casper wasn't involved with any illegal crap, but then again, he didn't know much about him.

Casper: I'm making a documentary for film class based on oppression against the lgbtq community. I want you to be in it. I want you to share your story.

Ryleigh bit down on his bottom lip gently.

Ryleigh: share my story?

Casper: yeah. because of Bodhi being a complete dick, it gave me an idea for my project. I'm supposed to revolve it around oppression and inequality. I also want you to ask your brother for his help, too. what do you say?

Ryleigh: okay. I'll help you with your documentary. I don't know if Zion will help. he's not out to a lot of people. he doesn't know how people will take it. you know, considering how much people care about not having any attraction to anyone, apart from a little sexual attraction.

Casper: okay. that's fine. I'll see you in art class tomorrow, Ryleigh.

Ryleigh sent him goodbye before he turned off his phone. The fact that he gained the respect of Casper Roman, who made sure that none of Bodhi's asshole friends bothered him, was a unfathomable thought.

Before, Bodhi would fire a series of insults at him after gym, but ever since Casper threatened him, Bodhi left him alone. Ryleigh was grateful to have someone to back him up that wasn't Zion. Someone that most of Meadowsville cowers away from.

Even Jeong, the one person Casper can't upstage, has left him alone. That was undoubtedly because of that red haired boy he hangs out with. He's in one of his classes, but Ryleigh wasn't sure what his name is.

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