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At this point, y'all, I'm competing with myself to find out who's the dirtiest couple. I think Heidi and Apollo still have the top spot. 🥵 What do y'all think?

Jeong littered Journey's body with feathery kisses, his dark eyes peering into his orbs of baby blue. Around them hot water cascaded and pelted onto their skin. Jeong smiled up at the red haired boy and his hand threaded through his wavy, auburn locks.

Journey's wrists were held above his head, as Jeong's crimson lips attacked his shoulder blade with gentle love bites. Journey groaned softly. "Jeong," he breathed out. Pleasure was sewn into his florid face.

Jeong peered up at him through his dark eyelashes, hidden behind his onyx strands. His hand traveled between Journey's legs. Journey gasped quietly when Jeong gripped him.

Journey writhed in pleasure. His small hands gripped onto Jeong's black hair. "Aw, fuck," Jeong cursed. He growled throatily. Slowly, Journey rolled his hips against Jeong's hand. Shock colored his face and his lips upturned into an amused smile.

Jeong kneeled down in front of him and slid his mouth onto him. A low moan fell past Journey's lips. Journey bucked his hips into Jeong's mouth. A groan rose from Jeong's throat when Journey started to quickly thrust.

"Love," he growled.

"Jeong," Journey whimpers when Jeong's mouth slides off.

Instead, the black haired boy pushes him against the tiled, shower wall, his tongue gliding across his upper lip, as he slowly grazes his fingers, coated with liquid, against him.

Journey mewls softly into Jeong's ear and the noises tumbling past his lips urge Jeong to speed up.

Journey covers his face with his hands in embarrassment when he coats Jeong's fingers in white liquid once again. Jeong allows the water to cleanse his fingers before he pulls Journey into his embrace. Gently nibbling on his earlobe, he smiles. "You don't have to be embarrassed, love. It's natural."

Journey buries his head into the crook of his neck. Jeong kisses his forehead softly. "I love you, Ginger." The mint on his breath tickles his ear.

"I love you, too, Jeong," he murmurs against his pale skin.

Scarlet droplets painted Bodhi's pale lips, which were curled into a malice smirk. He cocked his head at Casper. Casper's chest rose and fell rapidly, as his dark blue eyes glowered down at Bodhi.

"Fuck you," Casper spat. His chiseled jawline was locked with fury and his tanned skin glistened with sweat. His wavy, caramel hair was matted with crimson. His knuckles were smeared with blood. He loomed over Bodhi's smaller frame, but the two figures behind the malicious boy towered over Casper.

"Nah, I think I'll leave that to him," he replied. He gestured to Ryleigh behind him.

With anger and fear circling through his midnight orbs, Casper gritted out, "Leave," to the quivering boy.

With his hands trembling at his sides, he shakes his dark hair and says,"I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Ryleigh," he tries, pain laced in his tone.

"No!" Ryleigh screams at him. Casper stumbles back. "I fucking love you. But that doesn't matter to you!"

Bodhi laughed cruelly. "Wow, Casper, I didn't know you were weak. If I knew that, I wouldn't have left you alone. It's pathetic, really. Who knew Jeong was the smarter one."

Casper ignores Bodhi. He rakes his hand through his soft, caramel locks. "That's not true! It does matter to me, Ryleigh. I love you." Because he was so distracted with comforting Ryleigh, he wasn't prepared for the direct hit to his cheekbone. "Fuck," he growled.

Bodhi's smirk widened. "Oh, did I catch you off guard? My bad. I really thought you were paying attention."

Swiftly, Casper struck him in the ribs with the heel of his boot. Bodhi fell to the dirt in agony and clutched his side. "My bad," he drawled out. "I thought you were paying attention."

"Go to hell, asshole," Bodhi spat at him. His hazel eyes were narrowed and his teeth were bared. The smirk formerly adorning his lips faltered.

Casper gave him a wicked grin, his teeth hidden behind a cruel smirk. "Bitch, I'm already there. They've named me their king."

Bodhi flashed him his middle finger before he stalked off and the looming figures trailed carelessly behind him. Ryleigh reached up on his tiptoes to examine Casper's cheek. "Are you okay?" His voice was a whisper.

Casper nodded. "I'll heal." He hooked his arm around the slim waist of the jade eyed boy and pulled him closer. "I love you, Ryleigh. Don't forget that."

Ryleigh's cheeks tinted a soft pink at his words and he lowered his head. "I won't," he murmurs quietly, his lower lips between his ghost white teeth. "I love you, Casper." Casper leans down to gently kiss Ryleigh's plump lips and the dark haired boy's mouth opens to allow Casper to slide his tongue in.

Casper smirks into the kiss and his hands yank gently at Ryleigh's dark hair. Ryleigh groans softly.

Heidi bucked his hips back and forth on Apollo's lap. Apollo hissed lowly, his fingers caressing Heidi's bronze skin. "Baby," he gritted out. Heidi didn't halt his actions, however. He continued to ride the boy beneath him. He smirked at Apollo's facial expressions.

Heidi nibbled softly on his ear. "Daddy," he purred. "Do you like it when I ride you?"

Apollo nipped at the hickey stains adorning Heidi's skin. Heidi groaned softly. "Do you like it when I touch you, baby?"

"Apollo," he moaned. His fingers gripped onto Apollo's dark hair harsher than he intended. Apollo growled throatily at the action. "I'm sorry, daddy," he squeaked. His brown eyes met Apollo's subdued green orbs.

Apollo smiled at him. He planted kisses onto his v-line. "You don't have to apologize, baby. I'm not mad at you. In fact, I love when you do that." His tongue glided across Heidi's worn-out jeans. Heidi moaned when his mouth grazed his covered erection. "Suck on it, baby." Heidi peered up at Apollo, with sultry eyes, as he sucked on his fingers. "You can be as loud as you want, Heidi."

Heidi writhed with pleasure, when Apollo curled his two fingers inside him at a fast pace. "Oh fuck, daddy," he says breathlessly. Apollo smirks, his mouth littering feathery kisses across his base. "Ah, fuck, A-Apollo."

Heidi comes all over the white sheets. Apollo captures his lips gently and his thumb strokes his cheek. "I love you so much, baby," he whispers.

"I love you, too, Apollo," he chokes out. He lies on Apollo's bare chest, their legs tangled together beneath the loose sheets, as he listens to his steady heartbeat. Apollo laces their fingers together and plants a kiss on Heidi's knuckles.

Hey loves. I'm listening to the Hamiliton soundtrack. Yes, again. Okay, well, that's it for the story. I'm thinking about a threesome scene between Apollo, Heidi, and possibly Jaehyung in the future, but I don't know yet. I'll post a Q&A part with the characters, where they answer the questions next.

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