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I think we can all agree that Heidi is a lucky bastard. I, however, have accepted the fact that I'll be single until the point where I can craft my own boyfriend or girlfriend.

A soft moan rose from Heidi's throat when Apollo nipped at the skin on his neck. He clutched desperately onto his shirt. Apollo pushed him against the door of the supply closet, his wrists pinned above his head, and continued the assault on his neck. "Apollo," he grits out. "We're going to be late for class."

Apollo smirks. "You were the one that just had to tease the hell out of me last period, baby. Your touch drives me to  the brink of insanity, you know, and I was sporting a boner for a hour and a half."

"Fuck," Heidi whispers when Apollo grinds onto him slowly. "Apollo."

"You're always teasing me, Heidi," he breathes into his ear. He glides his hot tongue across Heidi's skin and plants feathery kisses in its wake.

Heidi grips onto his dark hair. Before he could stop himself, the word slips past his swollen lips. "Daddy."

A deep growl bubbles from the depths of Apollo's throat. "What did you just call me?" Heidi swallows nervously. Apollo's lips brush against the other boy's ear. "Call me that again, baby."

Heidi's breath hitches when Apollo's hands encircle his waist. His fingers waltz across his defined, golden v-line and his mouth follows suit. His green eyes threaten to venture lower, to dip into the ripped jeans hanging low on his hips.

"Daddy," Heidi's voice reduces to a low moan.

"What do you want, baby? Tell me exactly what you want," he purrs. The sound of Apollo's husky voice sends shivers coursing down Heidi's body.

"I...I want you to claim every inch of my body," he says.

"Okay," Apollo replies. "I want to hear all the moans I coax out of that pretty mouth of yours, baby. Don't hold back. You can be as loud as you want."

"What if someone hears me?" Heidi breathes out. Apollo's hands dip into the waistband of his jeans and palms him through the fabric.

"Then they fucking hear you," he casually says. "Do you want me to stop?" He peers up at the brown haired boy with a sultry gaze.

Heidi's teeth clamp down on his lower lip. He shakes his head. Past his lips soft moans slip. "Oh fuck, daddy."

Apollo smirks. His mouth encircles Heidi's dick. The other boy tugs at his dark strands. Apollo growls throatily. Through hooded, green orbs, Apollo deep throats him hastily. "Apollo." His name tumbles from Heidi's swollen lips in a moan.

"Don't tease me, baby," Apollo says against Heidi's inner thigh.

Nika sits on Zeus's lap, his fingers fiddling with the buttons of the controller. Zeus holds the tousled blonde by the hips. Occasionally, he glares at Reese. Confusion is etched onto Reese's face, however, as he sits beside Jaehyung on the carpeted floor. Zeus spins the silver ring decorating Nika's index finger, the sapphire gem sparkling underneath the fairy lights.

Zeus latches his lips onto Nika's neck. He sucks and bites at his tanned skin. Nika groans lowly, but allows the dark skinned beauty to adorn his neck with faint hickeys. Zeus's tongue waltzes across his golden skin and licks at the crimson marks painting his neck.

Even though Reese had admitted to never actually liking Nika, Zeus still felt jealousy flare in him when he hung out with Nika and therefore, he made it his life mission to mark a claim on him.

Nika didn't mind the attention, for he enjoyed Zeus's antics. The way Zeus's teeth grazed his neck pulled groans from Nika's lips. "Oh fuck," he groans when Zeus begins to nibble on his earlobe.

Zeus smirks. "You died again, Nik. Am I distracting you?" Zeus's hot breath fans his neck, tainted with the fresh hickeys.

Droplets of blood splatter across the screen and the round of bullets strike him.

"Yes," he says breathlessly.

"I have to pack," Reese throws his hands up in exasperation.

Casper Roman smirked lazily at the jade eyed beauty across from him. With his worn-out backpack in his grasp, he intertwines their fingers. 

"Okay, stop undressing each other with your eyes for five seconds and hop on the bus?" Mr. Sommerhill gave them a piercing glare. "You're holding up the line."

Mischief glinting in his dark blue orbs, Casper slipped onto the bus. Even though he despised nature, he was jubilant for the annual camping trip. With small, cabins built out of creaky wood separated from each other, the peaceful wilderness was his to enjoy with his bunk mate. And his bunk mate was whoever he sat next to on the bus.

Ryleigh sent him a small smile. "So, Casper, you ready for a week in the woods?"

Casper laid their interwoven hands on Ryleigh's thigh. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Ryleigh laid his head on the caramel haired boy's shoulder affectionately, his dark green irises slowly closing. Before he fell into a restful sleep, he mumbled the words that pry Casper's eyes open for the duration of the bus ride. "I love you, Casper."

Casper didn't reply. Instead, he rested his head against the cool leather seat. The issue wasn't his lack of love for Ryleigh. In fact, he adored the boy with the piercing, jade eyes. But Casper had never fallen for anyone before.

He promised himself he wouldn't hand over the burdens weighing him down to someone else. Especially to someone he cared so much about.

  The book is coming to a close and I'll miss every one of these boys. I'll miss their flaws and imperfections. I'll miss the burdens weighing them down. I'll miss the tears they shed when they think no one else is watching.

Most of all, I'll miss their scars hidden beneath tattooed illusions. I hope you'll like my past and future stories just as much, and I hope that you're invested in their lives.

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