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Zion: I have anorexia nervosa.

As soon as Casper opened his eyes, he was met with a message from Zion.

Casper: listen to me, Zion, you're not fat. you're not disgusting. there's nothing wrong with you. and I'm here for you at any time of the day. if that means talking on the phone for three hours, then that's fine. if you want someone to shower you with pointless compliments to remind you of your worth, I'll be that someone. you're not alone.

Casper would be dammed if he had the opportunity to prevent someone from being hospitalized and he threw it away, for the fear of destroying his reputation. He didn't give a damn about his reputation. Hell, he didn't even want the reputation. He gained the reputation when he refused to socialize with anyone for half of last year.

Casper was scary as hell when he was angry and no one cared enough to mess with him. When it came to fighting, his punches were brutal as hell and he was clever. When his eyes darkened to the point where they were black, that was everyone's cue to fucking run. Beating Casper at a fight was nearly impossible. One person at Meadowsville ever beat the shit out of him.

Min fucking Jeong

The fight between the pair at the beginning of the year was merciless as fuck. When Jeong heard someone wasn't petrified of hearing his name throughout the hallways, the cold blooded, raven haired boy with a murderous look within his nearly black irises was fuming. At the end, however, Casper backed down. He knew he couldn't take the irked wolf, especially when a look of rage shone in his eyes.

His chest rose and fell slowly. Scarlet liquid poured from his chin when he let his gaze fall to Casper on the cold, tiled floor. Though he tried to mask it, fear swirled within his dark blue eyes. His hands were held up in surrender. Jeong let the petrified wolf escape, a look of regret reflecting in his orbs, as he trudged back to his room to wash the blood matted to his hair down the drain.

Jaehyung sat by himself in the large cafeteria, munching on the Japanese food he ordered from a restaurant near campus, with a halfhearted smile on his lips. Focused on eating, he didn't notice Casper standing in front of him. He smirked at Jaehyung.

"What the hell do you want?" Jaehyung asked, his tone clipped.

"I want a lot of things, Jae, all of which you can provide, if you'd like," Casper quips.

"Can't you just fuck off, Casper?"

Amused, he replied. "No, actually, I can't. I can fuck you if you want."

"Casper," he warns dangerously. He let his gaze fall to the table to prevent Casper from catching the blush on his cheeks.

"Jaehyung," he says cheekily. He winks at him. Jaehyung's name rolls off his tongue in a seductive way that causes Jaehyung to mask his embarrassment with a scowl.

"Casper, if you don't fuck off-"

"What?" Casper's voice taunts him. As if he's challenging him to repeat that statement. "What will you do, Jae?"

Jaehyung swallows. Casper's jaw locks and irritation flickers within his blue orbs. "We both know you can't hurt me in any way, shape, or form. I tower over you easily, Jae. You couldn't make a dent, even if you tried."

Although Casper didn't give a damn about his reputation, he liked to see Jaehyung flustered. Even though he wore a stone cold mask, Casper knew that beneath his snarky remarks and glares, Jaehyung was easy to agitate.

Ashtyn was sleepy as fuck when he quite literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Even though it was just a phrase, Ashtyn assumed he fit the description perfectly. Because he was the epitome of pissed. He flicked Trace off almost three times before he even left the comfort of his bed sheets. Trace doubled over in laughter and shouted "maybe later, baby," over his shoulder on the last time, before he slipped into the bathroom to mentally prepare himself for eight hours of hell. Ashtyn cursed under his breath, as he dragged his bare feet to his dresser.

Because he sported the I don't give a shit look ninety percent of the time, he threw on a long sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. The epitome of a zombie he appeared, as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom mirror.

Ashtyn shot menacing glares at anyone who even glanced in his direction, daring them to speak to him. Most of them shot him the middle finger, but a few of them didn't respond. Ashtyn would have chose the former option, but that's just who he was.

Ashtyn boredly scanned the empty, apart from a sleeping boy beside him, classroom and looked through his notifications carelessly. Most of them he didn't give a fuck about. He didn't care enough to read them. He swiped them across the screen. But a message from an unknown number caught his attention.

Unknown: please check on him. your friends with him, right. if you care about him at all, please convince him to eat. he's my brother and I love him more than anything.

Ashtyn arched an eyebrow, his eyes skimming through the words tattooed onto his phone screen.

Ashtyn: I don't know who this is.

Unknown: Ryleigh.

Curse words fell from his mouth. Zion's brother. Why the fuck was Zion's brother texting him and what was he talking about?

Ashtyn: I'll keep an eye on him.

He promises Ryleigh and more specifically, he promises himself. Inwardly, he chastises himself. He criticizes himself for brushing Zion's unwillingness to eat off. Why wasn't he here for him?

Zion trusted him enough to tell him and he didn't try to help him. At the time, he assumed he was joking when he asked if Ashtyn and Trace thought he was fat.

Why the fuck was he was so stupid?

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