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🤑 Zeus Lyons pictured above 🤑
"Well, fuck me," Jaehyung muttered at the sight of Reese walking out of the school's fitness center, water droplets clinging to his long eyelashes. His dark hair was damp from his recent shower and a pair of washed out jeans hugged his waist. His tanned body was on full display, apart from the towel hanging loosely from his neck.

On Reese's lips formed a smirk. Lust was circling through Jaehyung's eyes, that was for sure, and Reese certainly wasn't opposed to the words uttered previously by Jaehyung. In fact, he'd love to ride him as if he were a stallion, hearing the pleasurable moans falling from his lips.

But the sight of Jaehyung coming undone at his presence alone thrilled Reese even more than a quick fuck against the wall. Reese received that from everyone he crossed paths with. Almost every student at Meadowsville fell at his feet, but none of them sent him into a frenzy from a lustful gaze.
At every reaction Jaehyung made, he sported a hard-on.

Reese despised that, which happens to be the reason he seeks refuge between the sheets of another. He's scared that he cares for the brunette more than a lay he can dispose of the following morning. He falls apart at the teary gaze in Jaehyung's brown orbs before he shuts the door.

Reese vowed that their situation was no strings attached. He vowed to himself that he didn't care about Jaehyung.

That was a fucking lie. He cared. Oh God, he cared. And it broke his heart to say his next words.

"Jaehyung.... you're nothing more than a toy used for my desires. You know that, right? I don't care about you. Not at all."

"Oh, I know," Jaehyung shot back. "I'm fully aware that I'm an object to you. I know you don't care about me. And trust me, I don't give a damn about you, either."

A look of sadness appeared on Reese's face, but he quickly covered it up with one of indifference. "I'm glad we're on the same page," he says, unphased by the previous accusations.

As soon as Jaehyung walked out the door, Reese fell to his knees, tears blurring his vision. From his lips tumbled sobs. Letting his walls fall down, he completely fell apart, and his true colors bled through. The words said to him were a round of bullets straight to the fucking heart.
Although he seemed unbothered at the time, he had to bite his lip to prevent himself from breaking down.

"Reese, are you alright?"

Reese glanced up, catching the worried gaze of Nika Mason. His blonde hair fell messily onto his forehead and an unlit cigarette sat between his lips. His blue eyes were glazed over with concern directed at the boy on his knees.

Reese laughed dryly. "I don't know, Nika. Am I alright? My eyes are red and puffy as hell from crying. I'm on the damn ground. And my voice is as dry as my humor. So you tell me if I look alright."

Nika's eyes narrowed in his direction. "I was trying to help you, Addison. You don't have to speak so cruelly. I was merely worried for your safety. I wasn't sure if you were crying or high. So excuse me for being so ignorant."

Reese didn't answer. Instead, he allowed himself to bathe in the comfort of silence. Scoffing, Nika sat down beside him, refusing to let him be alone in this state. Even though he's an asshole, Nika won't cost Reese his life. As long as Reese stays, so will Nika, even if he has to stay all damn night.

"I'm sorry," Reese says after awhile. His reply startled Nika. He lifted his head, his eyebrows arched. "I'm sorry that I use sarcasm to hide my fears. I'm sorry for snapping at you when you were only making sure I didn't kill myself. I'm sorry for being a dick. And I'm sorry for costing you that cigarette."

Nika laughed at the last statement. Truthfully, Nika was grateful he didn't smoke the cigarette. He snatched it from Trace, the school druggie, and he wasn't a smoker himself. The smell of cigarette smoke was horrible.

Nika's father, before he left, was an alcoholic who never cared enough to pay attention to him. He'd end up smoking a different substance every weekend, blowing their rent. As a result, Nika beat himself up every time he drank or smoked a cigarette. He carried a pack of cigarettes to keep up appearances, though, because he'd be taken advantage of if his so-called friends knew he was afraid of getting drunk. Well, more specifically, he was afraid of becoming his father.

Jeong slammed his fist into the locker an inch away from Zion's head. Zion lifted his head, his eyes full of fear, as he watched him. Zion was a small kid, almost a foot shorter than half of the students. Jeong towered over him. He forced him to meet his dark eyes.

Zion widened his own honey colored orbs. Jeong wasn't trying to hurt him, but he had to scare him. He had to uphold his reputation, to maintain the fear he inflicted. Zion, the smallest kid in the school, was the perfect target.

"I can make your life a living hell, you know," Jeong whispered darkly.

"My life already is," the boy replied, his voice laced with an underlying sadness. Jeong's facade faltered and for a split second, his mask fell. He felt undeniably sorry for him. He couldn't help it. His own mother took her own life.

And Jeong blamed himself for her death.

..... I'm sorry for breaking your heart.

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