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So who else almost cried last chapter? I swear, no other book has made me fall in love with this many characters. So who's ready for cute moments that don't make me want to cry myself to sleep? By the way, who's your favorite character and couple at the moment? I gotta say that mine is either Heidi or Jeong for my favorite character. Apollo and Heidi are my favorite couple, by far. Okay, lets dive into the chapter, shall we?

Jeong peeled open his dark eyes to come face to face with Journey's baby blue orbs gazing at him lovingly. His red hair was dripping wet, painting Jeong's bare chest with droplets of water. Jeong smiled softly at him, his head propped up with his elbows.

"You know, Ginger, this is starting to feel like some Twilight shit," he teased him. Scarlet colored Journey's face, as Jeong's lips quirked up into a smirk. "I love you, baby," he whispered into his ear.

"Thank you," he replied. "I love me too." Jeong rolled his eyes at him. "I love you," he kissed his lips. "Oh fuck, Jeong, brush your teeth!"

Jeong burst into laughter. "Love, I just woke up. What did you expect? I'm human. I have morning breath."

Journey blinked at him. "Wait, you are human? No, I'm pretty sure you're a sock."

"The only acceptable option, is for me not to be a sock, cause then I'd have to say no homo after I've just done the gayest shit ever and trust me, love, I'm a walking, fucking rainbow."

Journey laughed at his words.

"You know what sucks, love?" Jeong traces Journey's jawline with the tip of his finger. Journey hummed in response. "That your parents forced us to sleep in separate bedrooms."

"Well, maybe, they wouldn't have done that if you hadn't painted my neck with hickeys," he grunted. His pink lips fall into a pout.

"But, Ginger, you know my weakness is your body. It's so fucking perfect," he whispers into his neck. He scatters soft kisses across the rosy skin and nips his earlobe gently. "You're so beautiful, love."

Journey writhes beneath him, as low groans tumble past his lips. He loved when Jeong complimented him. He made him feel loved. Journey tugged at the black strands. He smirked at the throaty moans he was pulling out of him.

"Ginger," he warned lowly. Journey straddled Jeong, his legs on either side of his waist. He ground his body onto him. "Ginger." His voice came out in a growl, his hands on the red haired boy's hips.

"Shush. I'm paying you back for teasing me at the party, Jeong." He lowered his lips to his ear. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Ah, fuck, Ginger." Journey palmed him through his jeans and trailed his tongue across his neck. Jeong's head fell back against the headboard, his black strands dipping into his irises, as he let Journey tease him. Usually, Jeong would dominate him, but the playful side of him turned him on.

Journey purposefully moaned in Jeong's ear, his hot breath against his face. "Jeong, do you mind?"

Confusion appeared on his face, but it dawned on him when Journey points to his jeans. "No, Ginger, of course I don't mind."

Journey lowers his mouth on him. Jeong moans at the contact. Slowly, Journey leaves kisses across his dick.

"Ginger," he groans. "Don't tease me like that."

With a playful gleam in his blue orbs, he replies with, "I'm not teasing you."

"Like the fuck you aren't," he scoffs. The hard-on he was sporting hurt like hell. "Just hurry the hell up already."

Journey peers at him through his long, auburn lashes. "But you do the same to me."

"Please," he inquires. The pleading look on his face coaxes him to curse inwardly. When did he become so submissive?

Abruptly, Journey speeds up, his mouth travelling Jeong's dick at a rapid pace. Jeong moans repeatedly. "Love, you do remember your parents are here, right?"

"I've heard them fucking at two in the morning before. At least, I have the common courtesy to wait until the sunrises."

"Okay," Jeong smirks. "My turn." Fed up with submitting, he pushes him onto the cream colored bedsheets. Journey grips tightly at the fabric. He face plants in the pillow to muffle his screams.

About an hour passes before Jeong collapses onto the pillow next to Journey. Journey intertwines their fingers. "I'm pretty sure we missed breakfast," Journey remarks with a giggle.

Jeong shrugs. "I would like to say my breakfast tasted pretty fucking good."

Journey blushes at his statement and buries his face in the crook of Jeong's neck. "Aw," he cooed softly. "Is my baby embarrassed?" Journey shakes his head. "It's okay, Ginger. You're so fucking perfect. You don't have to be embarrassed. I love you, baby."

"I love you, too," Journey murmurs.

"How do you feel about staying in bed and cuddling for the rest of the day?" Jeong prompts. He smirks lazily at him.

Journey's eyes light up. "I love that idea!"

"I knew you would, Ginger. You have a cuddling obsession."

Journey shrugs casually. "Who doesn't?"

Reese dipped his feet into the cerulean, lukewarm water of his parents' lake. With a smile on his lips, he glanced over at his younger sisters chasing each other near the dock. A gentle breeze brushed his cheek, as silence clothed him, apart from the hushed tones of his parents and the hysteric giggles of his sisters.

Mabel and Josie ran through the grass barefoot, while their sandals were carelessly thrown onto the top of the hillside. Wide smiles adorned their faces and their eyes crinkled with laughter.

A year apart, they were inseparable. With rich brown curls that reached her waist and golden skin, Josie was undeniably beautiful. Many have told her she resembled a model, but Josie waved her hand dismissively at the comment. Josie explained repeatedly that she didn't want to be known for her body. Instead, she wanted to be known for her intelligence.

Mabel was a foot shorter than Josie. She had straight, black hair that was styled into a pixie cut and pale skin. Mabel appreciated art and spent her time sprawled out on her bedroom floor painting. Her biggest dream is to be a freelance artist. The similarity the two share is their golden brown eyes.

Reese slipped further into the lake, to the point where the water pooled his waist. The grass at the bottom tickled his toes. And small fish swam quickly through the cool water. 

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