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Jeong's chest rose and fell rapidly as his eyes fell to the floor. With the color of blood smeared across his knuckles and fury dancing within his nearly black irises, he petrifies his reflection. And if he was terrified of himself, he couldn't even imagine what the boy with the beautiful blue eyes would think of him. Even though he's seen him during the aftermath of a fight, he hasn't seen him when that person dared to insult Journey, calling him a toy used for Jeong's amusement. The blood staining his hands rubs off into his hair when he lets his hand thread through the strands.

Looking like the equivalent of a psychopath, he finds his way down the dimly lit hallway to his room. He smears blood on the doorknob during his many failed attempts to open the door. Journey lifts his azure-eyed gaze when he hears footsteps pad across the carpet. As soon as Jeong came into view, a smile forms on his face, but the smile soon falters when he sees the state he's in. Crimson stains the sleeves of his leather jacket and his facial expressions are hardened.

"Jeong," he reaches up to touch his cheek. "What happened?"

Jeong firmly pushes his hand away, but not harshly enough to hurt him. "Everything's fine," he whispered lowly.

"Everything's not fine," Journey replied, his tone laced with a underlying sorrow.

"I said everything's fucking fine!" Jeong's face was painted with a mixture of anger and sadness.

Onto his face he slipped the mask, afraid of letting his true colors seep through the cracks Journey created with his choruses of laughter and sweet smiles.

"No," Journey's voice almost breaks. "Don't shut me out again. Don't act like you don't know me. Please don't do this to me, Jeong."

Jeong promised himself he wouldn't let anyone in. He told himself he wouldn't let anyone see how broken and vulnerable he was.

But he did. He let Journey in. He even gave him a nickname. And he doesn't do that with anyone. He let Journey see his cracks, how much he was hurting, and the scars imprinted onto his heart from the daggers pierced into his flesh. He let him heal his wounds.

He let himself care about someone other than Jaehyung.

In a quiet voice, he replied. "He called you my toy, Ginger. He said you were used for my amusement."

Journey quirked an eyebrow at him. "So? I don't understand why that hurt you so much. I don't mean anything to you. I'm just your roommate."

"Is that what you think?" Jeong asked softly. "It hurt me because I care about you. Even though I force myself not to, I still care about you. You think I give everyone the time of day? You think I give everyone a nickname? You think I protect everyone? You think I let everyone touch me? Love, if anyone else turned on the shower the other day, I would have punched them. But I'd never hurt you. You mean too much to me."

Journey blinked at him, shocked. "You care about me? But I'm annoying." He scrunched up his nose cutely, causing Jeong to laugh. A geniue, beautiful, fucking laugh.

"I care about you because you're annoying, Ginger. You annoy me so much, so damn much." Jeong ran his fingers through Journey's auburn locks gently. "But if we're being honest, I also wanna kiss you."

"What's stopping you?" Journey murmured in a soft voice. "Because I'm sure as hell not."

Slowly, Jeong captured Journey's lips with his own, savoring the warm taste of him, as Journey moaned into his mouth. Journey practically melted into a puddle of rainwater at the feel of Jeong's tongue on his skin. Gently, he gripped onto the strands of Jeong's hair. Low moans tumbled past his parted lips at the way it felt. Even though he won't admit it, someone pulling his hair was a kink of his.

"Fuck, Ginger, you shouldn't do that," Jeong grunted breathlessly. "I won't have any self control if you do that."

"But I don't want you to have any self control," Journey mumbled. "I just want you."

Holy fucking hell, Jeong thought.

He hesitated for a moment, but when Journey pulled harder onto his black hair, he shrugged the leather jacket off his arms and tossed his tshirt to the side.

Across Journey's neck Jeong's lips traveled, biting and sucking on the skin. Moaning softly, Journey hooked his legs around Jeong's waist. Jeong hoisted him up, his arms bracing him up. "You're beautiful, Ginger. Every part of your body is beautiful. So fucking beautiful."

Journey's hands roamed Jeong's chest, but when they threatened to venture lower, Jeong caught his hands. "Not yet, baby," he purred into his ear. Onto every inch of exposed skin he could reach Jeong's lips planted soft kisses. He whispered compliments onto Journey's body in between the feverish kisses. Journey was coming undone by the soft kisses and sweet words traced onto his flushed skin.

"Fuck," Journey cried out, tears pricking at his eyes when Jeong's mouth grazed the waistband of his jeans, his hand feeling him beneath the loose fabric.

"Don't cry, love," Jeong whispered against his skin. "Can I touch you, Ginger?"

"You're already touching me," Journey mumbled, voice hoarse.

"No, baby, can I touch the most sacred part of your body?"

Confused by his words, he nodded. "Yeah, of course you can, Jeong." The way his name rolled breathlessly off Journey's tongue gave Jeong a boner.
Jeong's mouth moved over him at a slow pace, his tongue licking down the base, all the while he maintained eye contact with Journey. Journey's fingers scratched into Jeong's back, painting red marks with his nails.

Journey gripped onto Jeong's raven hair, groans slipping past his pink lips. "J-Jeong," he panted breathlessly. Jeong sped up his movements, driving Journey to the brink of insanity. "Oh fuck."

A smile formed on Jeong's dark lips. "I know, baby."

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