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Heidi watches, jealousy bathing in the freezing waters of his coffee colored irises, while Ryleigh playfully flirts with Apollo during a heated game of basketball. Beads of sweat paint the exposed chest of Apollo, glistening underneath the sunlight. In a not so subtle way, Ryleigh shoots him a seductive wink before sinking a three pointer into the worn-out net. Apollo brushes it off, an amused look on his tanned face. Because he assumes Ryleigh just wants a hookup.

Heidi sits on the cold surface of the bleachers, a gray sweatshirt hugging his body, while the cold nipped at his skin. Brown, unruly hair dipped into his dark brown orbs. He directs a glare at Ryleigh, but he completely dismisses him, granting him the warmth of silence. "What the hell?" Heidi grits his teeth, jaw locked, as anger flashes across his face.

"Hey, Apollo," Ryleigh calls, running a hand through his dark locks. "Want a grab a drink with me later? I heard you like iced coffee."

Heidi visibly scoffs, earning a raised eyebrow from Apollo. "Apollo hates iced coffee. He's more of a caramel mocha fan. So for your information, he won't be joining you for a drink."

Ryleigh laughs dryly. "Can he not answer himself? I didn't know you were his fucking messenger."

Heidi clenches his fists. From his throat rose a low growl, a scowl etched into his features, as he peered through his dark lashes at Ryleigh. "It's called a best friend," he says, his voice dangerous.

"No, actually," Ryleigh pursued his lips. "It's called having an obsession."

Heidi's body stiffened. He glares at Ryleigh, flashing him the middle finger, before stalking away, curse words falling from his mouth.

Ryleigh scoffed at his retreating figure, irritated.

With fast steps, Apollo catches up to Heidi. "Heidi?" But he's bathed in the embrace of silence. "Heidi," he repeats with frustration in his voice. Again, he's ignored.

Because he's fed up, he drags Heidi down the hallway, gripping onto his arm, and traps him in his bedroom, refusing to let him leave.

Apollo crosses his arms over his chest defensively, anger radiating off him in waves.

"Talk to me," Apollo snaps, his tone demanding, and his jaw clenched.

"Fuck you, Apollo!" He attempts to escape his iron grip, but Apollo catches his wrists, pinning them above his head, a pleading look inked onto his face. Heidi struggles to break free of the handcuffs encircling his wrists.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Apollo breathed, inches away from Heidi's ear.

"I'm not jealous," he assured him, his voice hoarse. "Just leave me alone."

Apollo lifted his chin, forcing him to look at him. "Say that again. Tell me to leave you alone. Look me in the eyes and say you don't care about me. Say you don't ever want to talk to me again, Heidi."

Salty tears threatened to stream down his face, as he stared into the pools of pistachio green, endangering him of drowning in the murky waters. Heidi thought his eyes were beautiful. His orbs were a subdued shade of an emerald green, soft and delicate"I-I can't..."

"Why is that?" Apollo murmured, his gaze loving, admiring the work of perfection standing before him.

"Because I love you. God, I love you. I love every-fucking-thing about you. I love how you refuse to shut the hell up. I love how you ramble when you are nervous. I love how you pretend you're fine when you'd like to punch someone. I love how your eyes light up with excitement. I love how you comfort me when I'm sad. I love how you pack me a hoodie whenever we go anywhere because you know I'm gonna complain. I love how you smile and, oh fuck, I love how you laugh-"

Apollo didn't allow him to finish his rant because he pressed his warm hand against his chest, peering at him through his long, chocolate colored eyelashes. "Can I kiss you?" His voice was seductively low, to the point where he was almost growling. He gazed down at Heidi the way an animal looks at their prey.

"Sure," he choked out, ignoring the pain in his groin. Instead of his lips, Apollo kissed his neck, across his jaw, and his shoulder blade. But he avoids his lips at all costs, even when Heidi whimpers. "Apollo," he pleaded. But the dark haired boy refuses to comply.
"Apollo," he repeats, his voice sultry.

Apollo almost comes undone at the way his name falls off Heidi's lips. His coffee colored orbs are clouded with lust and his bottom lip lies between his teeth. Oh fuck, Apollo mutters to himself.

Slowly, he captures Heidi's lips, his fingers threading his brown hair. Heidi grabs ahold of Apollo by his belt loops, pulling him closer, as he slides his tongue across his bottom lip.

Gasping, Apollo allows the other boy entrance. The kiss becomes greedy and passionate, their skin ablaze, as their tongues meld together, battling for dominance.

"I...I have class," Heidi choked out. Disappointment washed over Apollo. Reluctantly, he nodded and pulled away from the rather heated makeout session. Hastily, Heidi pulled open the door, leaving Apollo bathed in silence, with the memory of the other boy's lips.

"Bloody fucking hell," Apollo curses when he realizes he was sporting a boner. Biting down on his bottom lip, he chastises himself, raking a tattooed hand through his dark hair.

Icy water painted the glass of the shower, leaving a trail of frozen kisses across his skin. Desperately, he tries to wash away the aftertaste of Heidi, but his inxotiating touch stays rooted in his mind, refusing to let him think straight. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," the words tumble past his parted lips. Breathless sounds pulled from Heidi's throat play back in his mind.

Well, Apollo's fucked.

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