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3 days later

The boy's were back in Miami. They had studio time and free time for themselves. Today was a studio day so that's where they were right now.

" while you guys do your part I'm going to take a nap." Chris yawned and the guys nodded.

These past 3 day's Chris hasn't had a dream and he's been hoping for one ever since he had the last one.

He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. There his green eyed beauty appeared. This time she was already fully naked and so was he. He was already in awe by her but , now it was even more. Chris thought this girl was perfect in every way. Although , he doesn't know her at all ,he could tell she was such a chill and genuine person.

" stop teasing me." She complained , for the first time Chris heard her voice. Although , it did sound quite fuzzy because it was a dream.

" que quieres preciosa?" Chris asked with a smirk.

" you know what I want." She replied her green eyes looking into his brown ones.

" lo que tú quieras ." He said and placed his length inside of her. A moan escaped her lips and he smirked.

" mmm" she moaned as Chris began to fasten his pace.

" is this ok ?" Chris asked

" p-perfect." She moaned out once more.

Eventually they both came and they laid beside each other trying to catch their breath.

" Chri! Chri!"

Chris woke up realizing he wasn't dreaming any more.

" yo good bro?" Richard asked trying to hold in a laugh.

" si , porque ?" Chris asked

" Bueno es que ..." Erick said pointing down

Chris had a huge boner

" Ay!" The Ecuadorian exclaimed hiding it from the guys.

" someone needs a girl." Zabdiel commented and they all began to laugh.

While the boys were at the studio Clara and Ali were dealing with an important issue. They were looking to hire a new photographer for the boys. The boys had no clue about this though.  They have about 5 to 6 interviews scheduled for the day and they were up to their third one.

" Hi you must be Lauren right ?" Clara spoke glancing from the papers to the young girl.

" yes , it's a pleasure to meet you both." Lauren smiled

" I'm sorry , this is very off topic but , you are extremely beautiful." Ali complimented her and Clara nodded agreeing.

" Thank you." Lauren thanked the both of them.

" You're welcome but , tell us a bit about yourself." Ali stated

" Well , my name is Lauren Jauregui and I'm Cuban. I moved to Miami when I was little. I studied photography and music in college. I also know a bit about management." Lauren began to speak.

Lauren continued to talk about herself and show both ladies some of her work. Clara and Ali were already impressed with Lauren. They had liked her from the start but , they had to give the others a chance.

" we'll call you if you get the job." Clara smiled and Lauren nodded.

" Thank you so much." She said with that she left.

Lauren wanted this badly. She wanted to live her dream as a photographer and who knows maybe even more.

Chapter 5 , What do you think ? Will Lauren get the job ?

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Chapter 5 , What do you think ? Will Lauren get the job ?

For those of you who don't know Lauren she used to be one of the girls from fifth harmony. Now she's solo , her latest song " Lento" is above incase you want to listen. I'm literally obsessed with it.

I really went on full rant mode last chapter pero ...

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xoxo CNCOx5

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