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Lauren woke up super early , it was award show day. She wanted to make sure she had enough time to get ready. Plus , she wanted to record some behind the scenes footage for the cncowners. Therefore , she had to get ready before the boys woke up.

She began rummaging through her luggage. Clothes flying out of it.

" it's like 6 am , what are you doing ?" Ali groaned.

" I'm looking for an outfit. I need to get ready now. Remember I'm your camera girl." Lauren replied

Eventually she found the perfect outfit.

Eventually she found the perfect outfit

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After some time the boys woke up and made their way to the girls room since there was breakfast in there.

" Where's Lauren ?" Chris asked

" I'm here." She said walking out of the bathroom.

" oh - wow." Chris said and then laughed

" holy shit , your hair is straight." Joel commented

" bella como siempre nena." Zabdiel said , Erick and Richard nodded.

After eating it was time for them to get ready. Lauren first headed into Erick's and Chris's room since she heard music. She walked in with her camera on. There stood Erick next to the widow dancing to " verte ir."

" pero por tu nalga a mi me encanta verte ir." Erick said and danced. He shot a wink into the camera.

She walked into another room and spotted Richard completely dressed and getting something done to his face. From there she began to make her way out but , spotted Zabdiel in the bathroom. Lauren decided to capture him.

" oye nena!" He exclaimed when he noticed her presence. She giggled and ran off.

Joel and Chris were no where in sight but , she knew she would get footage of them later.

They arrived at the red carpet , the scream erupted as the boys came into view. Lauren took this opportunity to begin recording as the boys walked down the carpet. She walked behind Joel , he turned around and gave the camera a wink. Then out of nowhere Erick appeared saying something but , with all the noise you couldn't hear. They began walking and they all bumped into Lunay. He sent a smirk Lauren's way.  Lauren seem to catch every guy's attention.

It's only my my eyes , she thought to herself after that encounter.  My eyes is what makes everyone fall for me, she thought once more. 

But , she was wrong. 

" guys get ready !" Clara shouted and the boys began to undress from their carpet clothing.

𝑦𝑜 𝑡𝑒́ 𝑠𝑜𝑛̃𝑒́ ( 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑧) Where stories live. Discover now