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1 month later

Believe it or not , Lauren and Chris have been dating for a month. Do the rest know , no. They decided they would give it some time before announcing it. Has anyone brought it up ? Not at all. Chris being all over Lauren was normal to them.

One day they were all at the beach , having an amazing time.

" Mi amor , can you help me with the umbrella." Chris spoke out.

" pues claro." Erick said walking over. Chris in fact was actually looking at Lauren. Lauren held in her laugh. Chris told her to stay silent and to not say a word.

After the two set up the umbrella , Chris picked up Lauren and ran to the water.

" Chris! Don't do it !" She squealed but , it was too late. She already felt the cold water all over her body. After awhile , she became used to it.

Chris stood there laughing. She smirked and began to splash him. He then pulled her towards him and she wrapped her legs around him; he held her up. They floated with the waves just talking to each other and soaking in some sunlight. Eventually they both began to lean in and they kissed. It was sweet and gentle like all of their other kisses.

Lauren softly bit his bottom lip. They both pulled away laughing.

" mami aquí no , estamo en la playa." Chris joked.

" we seemed to have had an audience." Lauren said pointing at the guys.

" y cuando paso esto ?" Zabdiel asked hurt that he didn't know.

" por fin , manin!" Richard exclaimed.

" Really ? You didn't tell me. Don't talk to me." Erick said turning around.

" LOS NOVIOS !" Joel yelled out loud disturbing a few people around them. They all laughed.

" We've been dating for a month." Chris said to them.

" Erick quit being a baby , we know you want the chisme." Lauren called out to him.

" Ay verdad si, quiero oír." He said leaping into the cold water to get a better listen.

As he was leaping in a huge wave came in taking Erick down.

" Pendejo." Chris said as he laughed his famous laugh.

" quien te manda brother." Zabdiel said calmly walking into the water. Erick just glared at him.

Then Chris and Lauren began to tell them everything that has happened the past month.

" Estoy aquí haciendo un live porque tengo algo que decirle a ustedes." Chris began to speak to the phone to the thousands of people watching.

" I'm really super happy right now. Well , I'm always happy but, now more than ever. This has been in my life for more than a month. Well , even longer." Chris laughed thinking about the dreams and when Lauren got hired.

" I have a girlfriend , who I love so much. I loved her before I even got to meet her. Do you want to meet her ?" Chris ended the statement with the question.

The cncowners were going wild typing yes.

" here she is." Chris said pulling Lauren onto his lap as she giggled. They shared a quick peck for the camera.

" it's me." She said in a cute baby voice.

" Lauren makes me really happy de verdad. Please don't send her hate , she's literally one of the best human beings ever." Chris spoke into the camera.

After the big reveal they did a Q and A before signing off.

" I love you." Chris said to Lauren " you don't have to say it back yet."

" I love you too." Lauren smiled back at him.

Chris had the biggest smile on his face. His dream finally came true.

The end

I am terrible at endings omg

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I am terrible at endings omg. But , that is the end of this book. Of course there will be more Chris stories in the future. Just be on the look out and make sure to follow me.

Thank you for your endless support and love towards the story. I appreciate it so so much !! Much love to you all!!

Don't forget to check out my new story " ghostin". You won't regret it.

xoxo CNCOx5

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