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Chris woke up the next morning. He couldn't stop replaying Lauren's voice in his head " I like Joel."

" porque soy tan lento." He huffed to himself.

But , he also thought that he couldn't do much. He would never want to force her. If she likes Joel she likes him there's nothing he can do. Chris just wants her to be happy.

There was a knock at Chris's door and he knew it was Zabdiel. Chris grabbed his things and they left.

" y la nena? We not going to get her ?" Zabdiel asked realizing they didn't stop my Lauren's door.

" no , she has other plans." Chris answered and Zabdiel just nodded not asking anymore questions. He could sense Chris wasn't in the mood.

" Oye papi !" Erick exclaimed as he saw Chris and Zabdiel walk in.

Richard and Joel as well greeted them.

" hi." Chris said dryly. 

" what's wrong with him ?" Richard asked Zabdiel and he shrugged as a response.

" let's start guys." Joel said pulling out paper and pencils.

They all sat down and began to think. All Chris could think about was Lauren.

" y como te fue ayer ?" Erick asked smirking.

" oh yea blood , how did it go ?" Richard asked

" wait, what happened yesterday ?" Joel asked lost.

" Chris and Lauren went out to eat yesterday." Zabdiel stated. Joel just stood shut.

" I was going to confess to her my dreams and everything but , I couldn't. She confessed something to me first." Chris finally spoke

" what did she say ?" Erick asked

" she said not to tell anyone so you better keep your mouths shut." Chris warned.

They all nodded , Erick eager to know the chisme.

" Lauren likes you." Chris said looking directly at Joel. The boys followed his gaze and gasped. Except for Richard , he knew it all.

Joel stood there in shock. He couldn't move or say anything.

" I'm sorry Chris but , it was obvious she liked him." Richard said.

" I don't know what to say." Joel spoke

" Compadre I can't force love. She likes you and I just want her to be happy. If you like her too go for it. I'll be ok" Chris smiled at his bandmate.

But , was he telling the truth ?

Chapter 19 , Do you think Chris will be okay ?

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Chapter 19 , Do you think Chris will be okay ?

Your comments on the last chapter had me nonstop laughing.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝑦𝑜 𝑡𝑒́ 𝑠𝑜𝑛̃𝑒́ ( 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑧) Where stories live. Discover now