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2 months later

Lauren and Joel have been dating for two months now. For two months Chris has been having dreams about Lauren. He hadn't told the guys but , he wanted to; except for Joel obviously. He had been acting different and that was the reason for it.

There would days where Chris could handle the dream. He would wake up and act as if he never had it. Then there were other days where he just couldn't erase them. On top of that , he sees Lauren all the time; she works for them. It was all a lot for Chris but , he was managing. Until a few days ago when his feelings got the best of him. He began to cry about it all. 

As per usual the guys had another studio day. Chris arrived with sunglasses on. He didn't want anyone to see his eyes.  He cried last night before falling asleep.  Chris has never felt this way about a girl; it was all so surreal to him.

" hey man , how are you ?" Richard asked Chris

" sabes que puedes contar con nosotros , verdad ?" Zabdiel stated

Chris took off his sunglasses revealing his puffy eyes.

" Diablo loco !" Richard exclaimed

" eh , eso esta. Bueno no está bien." Erick added. Zabdiel thought it was best to not make a comment.

" ever since she's gotten with Joel I've been having dreams again , with her in them." Chris sighed.

The boys nodded , letting him know to continue.

" I thought I would be okay but , I'm not. Honestly, if it weren't for these dreams and having to see her everyday I would be ok. I just want her to be happy but , I'm not happy." The Ecuadorian confessed.

" I'm going to end it." Suddenly a voice spoke. The boys were so focused on Chris they didn't notice Joel's presence by the door.

" I like her but , not as much as you do. I mean you've dreamt of her before even meeting her. Here I am ruining the chances of you being with your soulmate." Joel spoke walking in further.

" No , you can't. I don't want to see her hurt or sad. She likes you Joel." Chris stated

" But , what if we broke up and you go and be honest with her. Lauren will listen to you; she's one of the best listeners we know." Joel replied

" el tiene razón." Erick pointed.

" just tell her how you feel." Richard said

" so really your going to end things ?" Chris asked looking at Joel.

" yes , your my brother."

Chapter 22 , Joel and Chris 🥺

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Chapter 22 , Joel and Chris 🥺. That's literally all I have to say. How do you think Lauren will take it?

Next , chapter may be the last one.

xoxo CNCOx5

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