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Today was a free day. Clara and Ali decided to hang with Lauren at her place. Before she had to  go out with Chris later.

" so where are you guys going ?" Clara asked

" no clue." Lauren shrugged

" what are you going to wear?" Ali asked

"I don't know but , you need to help me." The green eyed girl said.

" of course." Ali smiled

" but , it's just a friendly thing you know." Lauren clarified. " I think I have other interests."

" and what are those interests ?" Ali asked with a smirk

" does his name happen to be Joel Pimentel?" Clara asked and Lauren blushed.

" I knew it!" Ali squealed

" correction, we knew it." Clara said

" He's literally the sweetest and the cutest. I understand the girls who are in Joel's lane." Lauren giggled causing the girls to laugh.

Little did she know that not only Joel was into her.

It was currently 5:30 when Lauren heard a soft knock at her door. She was just finishing up with her lipstick.

 She was just finishing up with her lipstick

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She opened the door and there stood Chris.

" ready ?" He smiled and she nodded grabbing her purse which had everything she needed.

They walked out to where Chris's car was and they spotted Zabdiel about to leave with Richard and Erick.

" dímelo papi." Zabdiel smirked and Chris glared at him.

" we'll see ya tomorrow." Richard added and drove off.

They reached Chris's car and he opened the door for her. She thanked him and got in.

" so where are we going ?" She asked looking at him.

She couldn't deny Chris was cute. Well , she thought all the boys were cute and they treated her well. But , she didn't overthink any of their actions. She was glad she had them as friends.

" I was thinking why not some burgers." Chris smiled and looked at her for a second.

" Sounds perfect and I'm starving. I mean when aren't I hungry." She laughed

" Your just like me." Chris commented.

He believed she was put in his dreams for a reason.

They arrived at the burger place and sat at a booth. Lauren and Chris decided quickly what they wanted to order and a waitress came to take their order.

Eventually their food came and they began to eat. 

" Lauren I have to tell you something." Chris spoke

" I have to tell you something too." She smiled nervously.

But , what Lauren had to tell him , he wasn't going to like.

" ladies first." He said cleaning his hands with a napkin.

Lauren took in a deep breath.

" I trust you to not say a word." She said to the boy looking at her anxiously.

" I promise." He smiled

" me gusta Joel." She said and Chris forced a smile.

When deep down he just wanted to scream. His heart shattered.

Chapter 18 , Lauren confessed her feelings for Joel to Chris

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Chapter 18 , Lauren confessed her feelings for Joel to Chris. What will Chris do ? Will Joel find out?

xoxo CNCOx5

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