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Lauren was awoken the next day by the sound of her phone ringing. She didn't bother to look at the caller ID.

" hello." She spoke groggily into the phone

" you got the job !" Clara and Ali exclaimed into the phone causing Lauren to fully sit on her bed.

" really ?!" Lauren exclaimed

" Yes girl and we were hoping if you could meet the guys today." Clara spoke

" sure , just text me the info." Lauren said

" we're going to have another girl around." Ali said excitedly and Lauren giggled.

As soon as they hung up Lauren began to look for an outfit. She wanted to make a good first impression on her bosses.

" we have you on speaker." Chris said to the phone in which Clara was on the other line.

" you guys will be meeting your new photographer so dress nice and come by the offices." Clara spoke

" Photographer ?" Erick asked

" I didn't even know we needed a new one." Joel shrugged to the guys

" Just don't be late." Clara said and hung up.

" Ahora hay algo que hacer." Zabdiel said to the guys. They really had nothing to do for the day.

" Bueno you heard the women , start getting ready." Christopher said pointing to Joel and Richard. They are the ones who take the longest.

" don't give me that look you know I get ready in 30." Chris said replying to their glares.

They boys arrived to the offices on time. They actually had extra time. Clara and Ali were already there.

" When is he getting here ?" Richard asked

Clara and Ali just smirked.

" 3." Ali replied

" How old?" Chris asked

" 23." Clara said and the boys nodded.

" he's gonna be one of the guys." Zabdiel said and the boys all smirked.

The ladies just stood shut and let them  run their mouths.

Eventually the room grew silent as they were all on their phones until Richard hit Zabdiel with a pillow.

" Pero brother , que te pasa ? Como siempre nunca se pude hacer na tranquilo." Zabdiel said hitting Richard with a pillow back. Only instead Richard moved and it hit Erick messing up his styled hair.

" Acere !" Erick yelled and began to hit them both with pillows getting Joel in the mix. Before you know it , they were all fighting with pillows. Their laughter ( especially Chris') and screams filled the room.

They were too busy with their pillow fight to realize there was now someone else in the room. Joel noticed her presence first.

" Girl!" He shouted and the guys all stopped and posed. Clara and Ali tried to hold in their laughter.

" Hey." Lauren said with a wave

Christopher was in complete shock. He couldn't even move or talk if he wanted to. There she stood in front of him.

The girl that has been in his dreams.

Chapter 6 , Christopher is in front of Lauren

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Chapter 6 , Christopher is in front of Lauren. Will they talk ? Will she find Chris attractive?

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xoxo CNCOx5

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