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The new year has been filled so far with lots of studio days. Which meant Lauren had off days but , she would still accompany the boys to the studio. Plus , she enjoyed hearing them record.  Although , she really didn't have a choice because Chris and Zabdiel would drag her out of her apartment.

" I'm glad you guys are finally releasing this song." Lauren spoke as they listened to honey boo for the 50th time now that they had Natti's part.

" which reminds me we leave for Puerto Rico in a day." Joel spoke

" en veldad ?" Zabdiel asked in shock

" si compadre." Chris replied

" I have to actually start packing." Lauren added

" so do I." The boys all said at the same time and they all laughed.

" how's the boyfriend?" Erick asked after they were done laughing , wanting to know the chisme.

" We're good to be honest." Erick's green eyed twin replied. 

She said they were good but, were they really ?

Next day

Tomorrow was their flight to Puerto Rico. Which means they had the entire day to pack. Lauren first went out to the store to buy anything she may need and then began with the packing.

As she was folding close she got an incoming FaceTime call. The caller ID read Anthony.

" hi baby!" Lauren squealed into the phone.

" we need to talk Lauren." He spoke in a serious tone.

" okay , what's up ?" She asked calm and collected. 

" you've been spending too much time with those guys. You don't even talk to me." He said into the phone.

" they are my job. I work with them and we are traveling and doing so much. It's not easy." Lauren defended herself.

" babe!" A voice called out on Anthony's end.

" you know if your cheating and aren't into me anymore you could've just said it." Lauren spat and hung up.

She let out a yell in frustration. She began crying and fell to the ground. She truly loved him. There was then a soft knock on her door.

"Coming!" The girl groaned getting up from the floor.

Lauren opened the door revealing Chris with a concerned face.

" oh uh , hey." Lauren said wiping her tears and forcing a smile.

" I'm not even going to ask because your not ok. I heard you scream from outside." The Ecuadorian said inviting himself in and closing the door.

Lauren began to cry even more. Christopher pulled her into a hug.

" no llores más.  Las princesas no lloran." He cooed into her hair.

" they do when their boyfriend cheats and breaks up with them." She mumbled into his chest.

" wait what?!" Chris asked in shock and also slightly happy. " I thought you guys were good."

" I thought the same Chris." She said crying even more and he hugged her tighter. They then pulled away and he wiped her tears with his thumbs.

" Look stop crying , I know it's hard but think of this. Tomorrow we leave for Puerto Rico." Christopher said to her and she chuckled softly.

" your right."

" we're going to have so much. I promise you." Chris smiled at her.

He'd do anything to make her happy and see her smile.

Chapter 12, boyfriend is out of the way

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Chapter 12, boyfriend is out of the way. If Chris doesn't take his chances now he's dumb.

Also , I have the characters set to my next story ... AJNAANNSNS

Game time !
Who can guess my favorite line from De Cero ? Who ever guesses right , gets a shout out.

You can only guess once . Good luck
xoxo CNCOx5

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