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" Lauren , meet Chris , Richard , Zabdiel , Joel , and Erick." Clara said pointing to each of the boys. They all waved or did a nod. Chris didn't do anything at all, he was still frozen.

" Bro que te pasa ?" Erick whispered

" es ella." Chris spoke softly

" ella quien ?" The Cuban asked

" the girl that has been in my dreams." Chris replied taking a seat.

Erick then made his way towards Lauren.

" you have green eyes like me." Erick said excitedly.

" excuse him." Joel said taking Erick away and Lauren laughed. Ali and Clara just placed their palms to their forehead.

" So your our new photographer ?" Richard asked slightly smirking

" Yes , I am." She said , her green eyes staring into his soul.

" Bueno una photographer linda ." Zabdiel said nudging Richard thinking the girl didn't speak Spanish.

" gracias, pero deben de saber que tengo novio." Lauren smirked and Zabdiel turned red.

Erick just looked at Chris and Chris shrugged back at him. He thought to himself , why is he dreaming of a girl who has a boyfriend.

" Where are you from ?" Joel asked , being the nice and innocent one.

" Cuba but , raised here in Miami." Lauren answered

" Acere." Erick said snapping his fingers.

" I know you all are getting to know each other but , you have a photoshoot in a few days and that will Lauren's first job with you guys" Clara said and they all nodded.

Chris took a glance at Lauren and their eyes locked. There was no doubt that this was the girl. She sent a soft smile his way. Chris got himself together and smiled back.

" You are all free to go." Ali said to the six of them.

The boys said their goodbyes and walked out.

" why does she have to have a boyfriend ?" Zabdiel asked

" Why can't no one ever be my age." Erick huffed.

" y tu loco , why are you quiet ? Flirting is like your main job." Richard said to Chris laughing.

" Oh , eh wasn't up to it today." He said making up an excuse.

" bro your always up for it." Joel said

" que te pasa ?" Zabdiel asked

" I've been having these dreams with a girl I've never met. It's been happening ever since we were in California. " Chris began to explain to his band mates.

" that explains your situation yesterday." Richard said and the others nodded.

" Well Lauren is the girl."  Chris added

The boys all stood there in shock.

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Chapter 7 , Lauren has a boyfriend and the boys now know how Chris feels about her

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Chapter 7 , Lauren has a boyfriend and the boys now know how Chris feels about her. Will Chris still try to pull her in ?

Originally there's only suppose to be one gif but , I came across the second one and had to put it. Erick on the table has me weak.

Crazy how I started this book 4 days ago and it has 487 reads. You guys are amazing!!

Erick or Joel ... please just pick one. It has to do with my next story.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝑦𝑜 𝑡𝑒́ 𝑠𝑜𝑛̃𝑒́ ( 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑧) Where stories live. Discover now