Chapter 10

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Lagertha noticed her father talking to her in a way that forced her to realize and come to an understanding of the things likely to come. She believed in God and knew there is only one God who can protect his people and make all things new. She also knew that her father was a fierce fighter and the noblest leader of Midland's army. Lagertha was noticing a small pattern going on with Julius and herself; they were both wanting to know so much about what the future has in store for them. And it was during that time that Julius continued his short monologue of giants and titans once ruling the earth.

He stood there and spoke with his daughter, saying, "The titans were immensely powerful creatures that served only themselves. The giants were far inferior to the wrath that the titans wrought down upon them. It came to pass that Sarabande, the king of the elder dragons, released his fire and burnt all of his enemies down. Titans, giants, the undead, goblins, and orcs. All who served the darkness were cast out and sent back to where they came from. A thousand years ago, dragons ruled the earth, and it was so that fate has been brought down upon the world that one day, the hordes of Hell would return."

Then, Lagertha was looking at her father in a state of awe and shock that he knew so much about ancient people and their culture. Her mother never knew about these things, but it seemed like Julius was trying not to get into so much detail with his wife. Knowing Lucy, he would not allow her to be so shocked and horrified about what might happen to all of them if the demons do not stop their invasions. Some people believed that the invasions would last from now until the end of days; while others thought it might last a decade or two. Neither Julius nor Harald knew of the day that would come when the demonic invasions would end, and none of them knew what kind of dark fate they would endure.

"Father, whom should I trust during these times? What is out there for me?" Lagertha asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, you have something that you're planning, aren't you? And I've been thinking maybe I should know what or whom to trust later in life?"

"You should put your trust in yourself. During these times, you must plan what to do. You must trust no one if you wish to survive. There isn't anyone in this world that you can trust — men, women, nor beasts. Trust not only yourself. Trust in your sword. The sword that you will use in countless onslaughts against every enemy you encounter."

What he meant by trusting no one, he most likely reminded her to also not trust her own family in these violent times. Truly, most people are beyond hope and beyond redemption, because they turned their backs on their trustworthiness. There are many excuses that some people have for running away from the demons instead of fighting back. It has always been foolish to run from those who wish to bring harm and death. It has been something that Julius and Harald have lived by in their father's name to trust no one, except their swords.

"I understand now," Lagertha said.

"Good. I believe the sun is setting down. Let's get back home," Julius said. And so, they said nothing else to each other and began walking back to their house.

The sun was still in the sky, but the clouds were changing color and the sky was no longer blue. Sometimes, the sky never seemed to bother Julius as he fought against the demons, but it mattered this time around. It mostly has to do with the fact that his daughter was walking with him, and he did not want her to be attacked. The road was still intact and nothing horrible or abysmal seemed to happen to those two as they kept walking. Julius was already proud enough to hear that Lagertha would attend the feast with him and Harald.

As they made it to their house, Julius saw so much stuff happen in his mind; his head started throbbing and his vision was blurry. Even if his head was not responding well, he still had the chance to get his daughter back home safe and sound. For a few seconds, he felt his head and saw if he could get all of that madness out of his head. The dark imagery couldn't leave his mind because it would remain with him for all eternity. The powerful creature was not wrong about anything that he said to the noble knight; he and Julius will meet again.

"Father, is something wrong?" Lagertha asked.

"No, nothing's wrong. Let's go back to the house," Julius said.

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" She asked.

"Yes, there is nothing for you to worry about. I'm just glad you could come with me and have this moment with me. Now, I'm pretty sure that your mother will start dinner in a few minutes."

He had nothing more to say to her about anything else; by then, he believed she should already know everything that he said on their hike. Then, he opens the front door and allows Lagertha to enter the house as he closes the door behind him. He was always the last person to enter the house, mostly because he was the one who opened the door for them. Then, Lagertha walks back to her room and closes her bedroom door, and she waits for her mother to prepare dinner for the family. Julius was feeling a little off the edge as he was getting himself situated and ready for food to be served.

Lagertha was sitting on her bed and remembered all the things that her father told her, and she opened up her sketchbook to continue drawing her sword. As she was looking at the unfinished drawing of her heirloom sword, she recognized every word Julius said. Of all the things she remembered, she hears the words of trusting in the sword coming back to her.

"Trust in my sword? Do not rely on anybody? Who even says those things?" Lagertha asked. She sat there and tried to think of a solid answer to give her mind, and the answer was getting very challenging.

Then she said to herself, "I still don't know what will happen to us? In current standards, what will I do with my life? Yeah, I could be an artist, a sculptor, a painter, and even a poet. But, what will that bring me in the long run? I guess he'll never tell me a single thing. Perhaps I don't need to trust anyone."

Not trusting a single person could lead to some dire threat against those who want to make sure that person trusts them. In Julius's eyes, those were the type of people who knew absolutely nothing about themselves and what their biggest fear is. Some people prefer not to fight the demons, and the people would rather die by the creatures' hands. There was so much that kept coming back to Lagertha's mind, and these were all making sense for her. She never knew that one day, she would have to pick up her sword and kill whatever monster stood in her path.

Then, Lagertha continued to draw what was left of her sword and see how the result would appear. She already saw and felt the blade becoming stronger and better than before; she already saw the sword as her finest work. Lagertha was also looking at the other drawings and sketches she did by herself and thought if this was all worth it.

"Bloodbringer. When you are fully forged, your name will go down as the fiercest and most gorgeous blade. Even though I have a feeling that my father will be against the idea, it still worries me about what's going to happen to him," Lagertha said.

Then, Julius felt his head again and had the same problem as before; the vision of darkness was not leaving his mind. Because of this, he wraps his cloak around his back and puts his sword into his scabbard, and he places the weapon onto his cloak.

"Julius. What are you doing?" Lucy asked.

"I must get out of here. Make sure that Lagertha doesn't follow me," Julius said.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" She asked.

"I can feel them. The demons... the sun is already down. I must defeat them. Have nobody come after me on this night!"

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