Chapter 34

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They both had many things to say and many reasons to give them, and it was as if they have not spoken to each other in a long time. Truthfully, they did not have limited time to talk with each other about their daily lives and the critical tasks they have planned. Thankfully for Julius, he did not worry too much about what he had planned for himself. Harald could go on all day long about his later things going on around the city and the palace. But they both did not waste their breaths nor time worrying about what might happen if they cannot succeed.

Meanwhile, Lagertha had both something to eat and drink as her mother continued to sleep from the long night. Lucy assumed that her daughter would also be exhausted from the banquet and not think about waking up. She looks out at one of the house's windows and looks at the plains and forests that she might check out one day. But she only cared about the problematic aspect of everything that made her think three times before doing it. She also cared about the safety of her family and Brant as she continued thinking about him.

"Good thing, Mother isn't awake. I would have to be prepared to answer a thousand questions. I don't know if I can straightforwardly answer all of them," Lagertha said. She then looks at the ceiling and tries to think about what she would have to do while her father is away.

As much as she cared about what her father might accomplish, she was also anxious about her future and what it holds for her. The conversation she had with Rollo would never leave her mind, and she would have to figure out what everything means.

"I guess I have no choice but to make myself go through it. I won't be needed here by the end of next year. Maybe I feel bad for doubting the old man," she said. It was a moment in her life she will never forget; it would remain inside her head for the rest of her days.

Then, she walks back to her room and looks back at everything that she has done over the years. There were so many drawings and sketches she has done in the past, and she never wished to throw any of them away. The only picture that she was the most impressed with was the drawing of her heirloom sword. If her path were to be a hunter of demons, she would not be afraid to take that path for herself. If her choice in life were to be an adventurer or even a poet, she would not hesitate to make that ultimate decision.

"Rollo. If I ever meet you again, I will have so many things in my mind you will tell me about it. I will make you answer me if I had to," Lagertha said. Her mother was still asleep and needed more rest than anyone in the house; apparently, she did not want Lagertha to wake her up for whatever reason may be out there.

Meanwhile, Julius and Harald were finished discussing all the exciting things their father and grandfather had done. They have done this for about ten minutes and needed to go right ahead and discuss other things. It mostly had to deal with the next raid and the subsequent plans the demons have in mind. Julius did not care how long it would take for his brother to tell him, and he had plenty of time to do whatever he wished. Harald did not mind bringing his brother as many details as he needed to as the morning continued.

"So, what's next for us? That feast was perfect enough to make me want more from you," Julius said.

"Really? I was certain the banquet filled you with enough reason to seek more food and drink more wine," Harald said.

"Ha, I don't mind eating meat and drinking wine, but it'll make me slow down. I also don't mind being given a tremendous celebration from the earl of Loftain."

"Well, what's next for the both of us is that there is a castle near here which has a demon king sitting on the throne."

"A demon king. What do you mean by that?"

Julius knew all kinds of demons and their physical nature, but he did not know that there were such things as kings of demons. He may have known a few of them, but not in a way that would immediately make him assume that they have all come into existence. Harald had many reasons to make him wonder and be curious about the situation at hand. He also did not want to make Julius too confused about the next raid he will have with his men.

Then Harald answered and said to him, "A demon king is a ruler of both the higher-level and lower-level demons. If their god allowed it, they would gladly sit on the thrones of all the abandoned castles of the world. They would resurrect the castle only to make it their property. The demon kings would call upon his servants to attack cities and villages that defy their rule. Sometimes, the onslaught will be powerful enough to take down an entire civilization of people. As you can see, that's not happening on my watch, and I know just one person to do the job."

"I won't let you down, Harald. Your city is yours to protect and defend. And I know you will lay down your life for all the people of Loftain," Julius said.

"Such an honorable thing has always been by order of all Midland's kings. They will willingly throw away their lives for the sake of keeping the kingdom under protection. It has been my father's purpose, and it shall also be my purpose."

"I have high hopes that you will do our father a favor. I bet he is watching us from the gates of heaven."

"I'm certain he is. For all these years, I have done my father's bidding, and by my command, you have paid honor to me and lifted your sword against countless demons. Truly, the demons will know and fear the man who never hesitated to kill them in the name of God. My people may follow Brant when he becomes the earl of this city, but your service and honor will still be needed. Someday, you will be called to train my son to become a powerful warrior like you are. You will have no choice but to abide by his wishes and make him become the great earl that he will become after I do."

Then Julius stands up and holds out his hand for Harald to shake it before he walks out. His brother was a bit confused why he would do this before he goes outside.

"Even in death, I shall never let your kingdom fall. I will follow you and your son until the day I draw my last breath. It has always been a purpose for the lives of knights and citizens," Julius said.

"Thank you, Julius. Even the chronicles and tales of later events shall tell of your honor and bravery against the night creatures. Your daughter and wife would be extremely proud," Harald said. Then, he lifts his hand and begins shaking Julius's hand as they both agreed on their terms.

They were both satisfied with how they came together and how well they matched up as the morning sun passed through the clouds. Both Julius and Harald trusted each other to the bitter end; they would both lay down their lives to do what they must for the good of Loftain. They both swore to face the night creatures and survive all of their encounters with the ones who serve the night. Harald does not know that Julius already has a dire opponent inside his body, and he could not tell because Julius was still a human. Julius swore to himself that he would tell no one in Midland's city that the Demon Wolf is inside his soul.

"Julius, your hand... it's hot. You got a fever?" Harald asked.

It cannot be. The wolf shouldn't be doing this to me right now. Not when I'm speaking with my brother! Julius thought.

"No. It's nothing. I'm fine," he said.

"Let's go, then. There's plenty of air to be had in the great hall, and I take it everyone is expecting me there. Let's not keep them waiting," Harald said. Then, he allows Julius to walk in front of him and let him be the first to exit the library.

Harald closes the door behind him and walks into the great hall where mostly everyone who took down the decorations was preparing for the earl to speak with them.

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