Chapter 54

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Harald answered and spoke to Julius, saying, "Your father and mother came to Midland the week after you were born. They wanted to find a place in the world to live and be protected by the king. My father made sure your parents had a suitable house to live in the kingdom. Your mother died a few days later while your father became a servant to the king. The king decides for your father to stay under his protection for the rest of his life. But then, King Lancelot notices by his servants that your father had something in mind that would be treason in his eyes."

"You lie! My family would never commit such a crime. The blood of my family has always been loyal to every king... to every ruler. I don't believe you for a second," Julius said.

"I speak the truth. The darkness tempted your father and mother. They were free to die with their people. Lancelot kicked them out and bring you into his service. He made you my brother and forced me to call you a member of my family. My father forced me to teach you everything about the kingdom."

"You bring nothing but lies and tricks! I was brought in to be kept from the storm! Some wild beast must have slain them both. Some necromancers must've come and split their minds in half."

"What I give you is the only truth above all truths. Your father betrayed the command of the king because he did not give him what he wanted. Your mother died and was buried in a cemetery. But your father dug up the grave and cremated her instead. Your actual family came from the north and worshipped Odin. They knew he did that on holy ground, and because of that, he was banished."

"No... no. I don't believe it. I... won't believe it."

Julius was already at a loss for words and felt his voice throbbing and swelling up as he stood before Harald. The Earl goes over to Julius and tries to cheer him up; it was rather clear that he needed the dark knight more than ever. Julius looks at his hands and tries to figure out the man he has become and the one he was forced to be a part of. He squints his eyes in fear, and he tries to find a way out of the pain he was going through. His mind was being at all kinds of corners and much madness as he stayed with Harald.

"I've been lied to. I've been tricked. You tricked me and made me your servant," Julius said.

"The king did no such thing. He did it to save you and keep you from the darkness," Harald said.

"You all... made me what I did not intend to become. My life is meaningless!"

"Your life was saved. In the darkest night and the bleakest hour, my father came to your aid and brought you in from the cold. He would not let mere children die alone and without someone by their side."

"Fine, then. I hoped it would not be possible. I have raised my daughter in this city without ever realizing the truth. I will not be betrayed again. I will not have my mind be dealt with in treachery. On behalf of whoever is still by my side, I will now do what I should've done long ago!"

Then Julius held onto the handle of his greatsword and pointed it at Harald's chest. He had lots of time on his hands to kill Harald and be done with the torment he is having. Harald knew from an instant that his time was coming, and he would be ready for death to come for him.

"What are you planning to do? What will you do now that you know the truth? Where will you go once you're done here?" Harald asked.

"I am betrayed. My entire life is a lie and an illusion. Since we are not brothers, I won't be relying on you anymore," Julius answered.

"What will you achieve by killing me? There is a demon inside you, Julius. I know for a fact that one demon you have slain gave you a path. He gave you a chance to save your people and go down a path you can't possibly return from. This creature is a traitor of his kind, isn't he? I know for a fact that servants from Hell never make promises to anybody."

"You and I were born to be rulers. I was born to lead the people of the earth into a new era. My strength outmatches all of those who fought under King Lancelot's banner. I will one day take the role of a mighty king who will rule wisely and strongly. I will not hold myself back from the inevitable path I will follow. Fulfilling my purpose in life is satisfying enough, and all that's left inside me."

Julius and Harald began such an argument against each other in many areas, and they had many problems trying to agree and disagree with each other. Julius refused to believe that such things concerning his life would stand in his way and interrupt his journey. They also knew that stirring up a harsher conversation would only make matters worse because the demons were coming for them. The night creatures would not back away from their onslaught; they would bring death to all of their enemies and slaughter anyone who gets in their way. Then Julius stops holding his greatsword and walks much closer to Harald as the night is coming for them.

"I could kill you now. I could just end it right here. But our duel may have to wait," Julius said.

"We must combine our powers and fight the bigger threat coming to our doorsteps. Even if you stopped trusting me, I would need you, and you will need me," Harald said.

"I gave you glory. I gave you everything. This city is still standing because of me. The demons run from me like scared rats. Even Bael, the ultimate demon, is too afraid to leave the pits of Hell and fight me."

"We will discuss this later at full length. They need both of us out there. To preserve them, I must commend order. One last time lend me your strength. Follow me into battle."

Julius had nothing more to say after Harald said that to him, and he began regaining some trust in the earl. As he stood in front of him, Julius thought of a plan that might work out; it was his only idea of winning the onslaught and ensuring Loftain's safety. He wanted his secret plan to make himself keep trusting the man who once called him a brother. Julius headed out towards the door, and he let Harald prepare himself and take his time. He looks down at himself and almost feels guilty and remorse for becoming the man he is now.

"I'll be waiting for you outside. For Midland, King Lancelot, and this earth," Julius said. Harald nods his head and watches Julius head out of his secret room and be with Erica and the other knights.

Julius had plenty of reasons just to give up and leave Loftain never to come back, but the problem is that he would not know how much danger he might bring. There is always a catch for deciding where a person wishes to go in his life. Julius looks up and sees the many paintings of other Midland kings and queens and feels ashamed that this might be the last time he will ever get to see them. Harald had no question about the danger awaiting at his doorsteps from the night creatures. The demons were more than just prepared to fight the remaining humans; they brought all kinds of material too advanced for any ordinary battle or onslaught.

Julius lifted the curtain and watched the knights look at him with all kinds of disparity and surprise. They were all afraid that he might put them all out of their misery and steal all of their souls for his amusement. Then Harald's wife walks up to him as he waits beside the knights, who once followed him in battle. She was concerned for both herself, her son, and her husband as she waited for Harald to get back in the throne room.

"Erica, leave this place. Get out of this room," Julius said.

"Why?" She asked.

"It is more fitting that you leave because the next few minutes will be nothing but instant death. I must be certain you remain alive. This is no longer the Loftain you once knew," he said.

"I must know from Harald. I must have answers from him and him alone."

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