Chapter 33

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The trail to Midland has always been a simple route for him and has never slowed him down. As he walked, Julius could feel the power of the dark wolf inside of him and could not stop it from overflowing his mind. Fortunately for him, the authority did not affect his body because he was still a human. It will not be long until he loses his humanity and succumbs to the darkness and takes the world for his own. He continues to walk at a fast pace towards the city and has the Demon Wolf keep questioning him about everything.

"My, you have a lovely wife. You must feel lucky you got someone like that in your life. Your wife gave birth to an exceptional child... I take it you all feel proud to have such a daughter," the wolf said.

"My wife and child are not your business. I told you already that you will stay away from them. I'm your master, and you will do exactly as I say," Julius said.

"Whatever you say, boss. I have also told you about the many things you will face and doing in the future. I say you should be well-prepared for such an event. Your brother will have lots of things to say to you. I bet my left arm that he is thinking of the next raid in one castle or fortress built by the demons. I wonder what he will say when I'm inside you, and you're with your men to either live or die by the hands of those creatures."

"Are you betraying your kin? Are you seriously turning everyone you hold dear against you?"

"How is it betrayal... if they're the ones who betrayed me first? It was they who cast me out and abandoned me. They bound me in chains, made me stand before the king of Hell, and he banished me to rot in the lands of the earth. You should feel lucky, Julius. Nobody has ever killed so many night creatures to where they can dominate the strongest of all of them. But seriously, Harald must be some man besides a ruler of Loftain's people."

"I pity you, but you will remain silent around these people. They are not yours to take. They are not yours to enslave. We are only doing my brother's bidding. Of course, if there is any betrayal in the palace, I shall be the one to take care of it. We are not the same, you and I."

While walking, Julius was having a wild conversation with the Demon Wolf, but he warned him of many things he will do in the city. He persuaded the creature to put his trust in him and only follow his lead while they are together. Julius saw that the town was only half a mile away as he taught the creature a lesson. He would have to scold the wolf into believing every word he says. Of course, if he wanted to survive, Julius would need a little advice from the beast inside his soul.

"Well, you're not wrong about that. I am a monster, and you are a human. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get their eyes checked," the wolf said.

"Being a human with a monster planted inside of me is the first sign of trouble. If they catch me believing me to be part of the demon race, I will hold you responsible for whatever happens. When I'm around the people I swore to protect, you will remain silent," Julius said.

"Fine. You've made your point. Tell your brother you still love him and side with him, and we'll be done with it."

"I have loved Harald since the very beginning. I've always thought of him as my brother. There's never a single day where I disown him. I always do what he wants and do nothing against his wishes. I am loyal to the throne of Midland. Whoever sits upon it, that's the end of the matter. Now, the city is a few yards away, and you will not speak a word when I'm there."

And so, the wolf was convinced enough to not say another thing to him as he is staying within the knight leader. Then, Julius found himself in front of the town and saw a half of everything from last night was still up in people's houses. Some people were even outside, taking all the decorations down to start a new day and a new week. Then, he ignored the citizens and walked onward towards the palace to have a few words with Harald. A few citizens were looking at Julius and felt surprised because he rarely goes into the city so early in the day.

Then, Julius could feel his demonic power slowly subsiding as the sun was above him, but he still appeared to be a human. Fate would one day take him to a place he never knew he wanted, and he will have to be ready for that day to come. He then opened the doors of the palace and noticed that half of all the decorations were already being taken down. He saw most of the people who were part of the banquet were restarting everything that they had planned before the day of the feast. Then, he saw Harald walking towards him along with his subjects and noticed he was about as energized and awake as his brother.

"Ah, Julius. You've arrived just in time," Harald said.

"Oh, that's impressive. I have come at the exact moment you told me to," Julius said.

"Last night must've given everyone a splendid chance to be asleep. Now, I hope you haven't forgotten what you and I talked about yesterday."

"I know plenty, brother. You and I had so much to discuss, and you don't want anybody to bother us. I take it your little plan worked."

"Oh, this isn't just any ordinary plan I have made. I called you here this early in the day to speak of many important matters. But, I don't think being in this room will be any help to us. We must discuss it in the room full of collections and apparatus."

"Do you have any sort of meaning behind this? I'm sure your subjects and servants would like to have a word with you."

Harald thought about what his brother said and needed some time to think about it as he walked into the library. Julius followed him from behind and saw a whole number of people coming into the throne room to clean the place up. It fit for the citizens to clean up after themselves from the celebration, as others were getting started without them. With enough people helping, it would not take the entire day to put the palace back to normal. Then Julius looked at Harald to see if he figured out what he wants to have in mind as he is in his library.

"Where are we going, Harald?" Julius asked.

"You've never been to the library before? I'm sure all the rooms in the palace are open to the leader of Midland's knights," Harald said.

"Oh, don't think I'm forgetful. I've always known what the place looks like. The last time I was in there was about twenty-five years ago."

"Time sure passes by, doesn't it? I reckon all the things you've seen last time are still intact. I never moved a single thing, so the room should refresh your memory."

Then Harald opens the door of the library and allows Julius to enter the room first, and he gazes upon everything visible. Harald closes the door behind him and follows his brother, looking at all the collections that the place has gathered and kept. The room was downstairs from the main hall, and only the earl was allowed in there because of many reasons. One of those reasons is because all the kings of Midland had their collection of awards and books only they have written which told of their history. Harald leads Julius to one of the round tables and allows him to sit down in front of him; nobody would dare knock on the door to see if someone is inside.

"So, I hope you remember this place? Father would always allow us to come in here and look at his books. It's been so long ever since he shared a story of his grandfather helping a colony of immigrants cross a narrow bridge," Harald said.

"He also told us about how his sword was created. And it was not by some ordinary blacksmith who helped him craft it," Julius said. They both talked about things they never knew they would discuss before they move on towards other essential matters.

The Demon Wolf (Book 1 of The Devil and the Huntsman)Where stories live. Discover now