Chapter 36

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It was being much later in the day, and pretty much everything that was up for decoration has been taken down. Now, everyone can go back to living in their daily lives to live happily and be aware of the demons. Peace would not be with them forever because the demonic beasts could attack them at any moment. Some people were left to believe they were doomed to fail and fated to fight to the death. Fortunately, their walls had enough power and durability to endure any oncoming arrows and spears from the creatures.

It was during that part of the day when Julius was waiting for the dark creature inside of him to open his mouth and say something. Even if he was his master, he could not rush the time it would take for the wolf to wake up. Julius started walking back and forth behind a particular building and waited for something interesting to happen. He was already prepared for the new raid to take place so he could join Balvu and his men to assist them. They would need his help against a demon king since he has killed plenty a few years back.

"Alright, mister big bad wolf. Open your eyes and tell me something so I may know you much more. Got nothing to say?" Julius asked.

"Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It's pretty boring just to sit here and do nothing as you're with your commoners. Even they follow orders from both you and the earl," the wolf said.

"Are you bored? I may despise the demons as you despise the ones who betrayed you. There must be so much you can tell me about yourself."

"Well, I could tell you the basics about what I'm usually known for. I know I have been to the far reaches of the earth, but I have yet to explain myself through chronicles and tales. It could take years to explain even the simplest reason I am the creature you see now."

"I have plenty of time before I am called again. We're not strangers anymore. We both have a purpose in our lives and a reason for living. Why don't you tell me a tale so I may know you? I won't hesitate to hear what you have to say."

The wolf had many reasons for living and had many purposes in life before he became a betrayed creature. He had many friends in the underworld and was loved by all; he did not deserve to be cast out.

Then, the wolf spoke with Julius, saying, "You don't have to refer to me as the Demon Wolf. Call me Mephiles. It was the name I've been given since my birth, and everyone I ever knew called me that. I didn't know any better. I was not born like humans... I never came from a mother's womb. I was simply created a demon by the king of Hell. I lived to bring havoc and bring an end to humans by my king's orders.

"The only difference between me and everyone around me was my durability, endurance, and strength for combat. I defeated every single opponent in a single slash. Unlike you humans, when you see a victorious man defeat a million foes, they cheer for you and award you with whatever you wish. But in the underworld, they are jealous of you and are spiteful towards those who spent almost a single day wiping out every single enemy. They will come for you and wish for your head on a spear and be made into a trophy for whoever wants it."

"One day, I made the biggest mistake of my life. One of my own lifted his sword to take my head. But, I was too careless to know I have spilled demonic blood. For this crime against Hell, I was brought before my god. My sentence was to live for all eternity alone in one of the highest peaks of any mountain in the living world. For many years, I have waited for the same man who has done the same thing I did. Become a champion, kill a million opponents, and receive his prize. As you can see, I am your prize, and you are my new master."

Julius pitied Mephiles and understood his reasons for hating his kind. For a split second, he had some tie with the demons he has put to the sword. Mephiles knew he would have to stay inside the mind of Julius so he can accomplish everything he will achieve in life. He had many reasons for hating the demons and would not hesitate to cut them down. Julius looks up at the sky to think of something else to do while waiting for the evening to come.

"So... Mephiles. Ready to face your kind, once again?" Julius asked.

"I am ready to finish them for everything they have stolen from me. Let them come to us, and once we face that demon king, even the knights will know and witness our ultimate power," Mephiles said. Then, he said nothing more to his new friend and remained silent until the sun went down.

It was already in the afternoon that they had this conversation with each other; the only thing memorable about it was Mephiles telling Julius his dark past. Being a demon hunter and a demon slayer always came at a high cost, and it would genuinely remain with him forever. He would have no choice but to keep trusting the wolf in helping him on his quest. Then Julius walks back to the palace to see if Balvu has gotten his men ready for the evening to come. He realizes some people were already going back to living healthy lives and carrying on with the day.

It appears the speech Harald has given to the people was encouraging enough for all of them to be ready and headstrong. It must have been one of the more robust statements the earl has ever given to his people. Julius sees Brant walking down the stairs and notices that he had nothing else going on. He must be exhausted from everything that happened last night, and he wanted to see if he had time to be talked to. Brant was already in a typical outfit that he would wear if he wanted to go outside.

"Oh, hi, Julius," Brant said.

"Hello, Brant. What have you been up to lately?" Julius asked.

"Oh, nothing much. I was just about to get myself something to eat in the dining area. I slept in, so I was just going to go have myself something."

"Very well. I was just wondering if you have time for a word. I don't think I'll be having anything else going on until the evening comes."

"Well, I could tell you some secrets that my father knows. And I could tell you about this underground basement that my father doesn't allow anyone to see. He would not dare tell his other servants about the privilege of being a high-ranked knight like you. One secret is that the armor that my father wears is the same replica as King Lancelot's armor. Lancelot had that armor crafted only for himself, and he would do anything to have it kept away. I'm sure there must have been some reason behind the making of the armor, other than that it holds back any weapon used to slice someone down."

"Wow, you sure seem to know a lot about it. I'm sure your father told me some time ago how the armor was made. It was made of the strongest steel and the heaviest iron. The armor itself could protect anything and anyone from getting penetrated by any sword and arrow. But, the demons the king fought must've been strong enough to break into his armor and take his head with them. Which is probably why Harald is extra cautious to go up to any night creature he sees."

Both Brant and Julius were getting a little off-key while trying to speak to each other. They could go on for a minute about different topics that may relate to the city. Mephiles was knowing a bit more about the man he was siding with and recognized him for what he is.

"Well, maybe we could continue such a conversation for another time. Possibly another day where we have little going on?" Brant asked.

"Yeah, sure. You can eat whatever you wish. We'll meet again. I'm sure of it," Julius answered. He was pretty confident in himself that he would do what is needed to be done and come back unscathed.

The Demon Wolf (Book 1 of The Devil and the Huntsman)Where stories live. Discover now