four ¤

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Nothing really happened at grad. The only highlight there was me getting compliments for my fantastic dance moves that me and Niall pulled of dancing to "Run Rudolph Run" by Chuck Berry. I asked them to play Christmas tunes to jam to because there was only one more month until Christmas!

"That was fun," Niall shouted.

"Only the part when we danced was fun, Niall."

"That's what I meant," he shrugged, "can't wait 'till Christmas... it's the time of the year where we gather with our family and close friends!"

"Yep," I fake-smiled.

My parents aren't going to be here this Christmas. They had to last-minutely run off taking care of Granny Marie. Recently, she had a stroke, resulting in temporary blindness. This happened when she was all cooking on Granny and Paps' anniversary, which was quite sad. They had to take care of her and arrange different kind of hospitality so that Granny Marie can go back and do her ordinary stuff in no time!

"You still got us, ya know," he took me and squeezed my whole body. Just as we arrived in the ice cream shop, it started snowing. So much for autumn.


"When we get home, Niall. Now... vanilla and strawberry?"

"Nah... let's go to a coffee shop instead. I want something warm."

"Uhhh... it's a bit rude to leave a place when you just came here," I pointed out. It's my pet peeve when I see someone go to one place and only take 5 seconds, and go out. If you just went there for a little while, then don't go there at all.

"Please..." He pouted. Ew. I eventually gave in just because it's 1:30 in the morning and I need to stay awake by drinking a shot of espresso. I thanked and apologized the man at the ice cream shop, and walked towards a section with numerous coffee shops. Besides... what ice cream shop opens for 24 hours? I know... and awesome one.

We finally arrived at a coffee shop called Coffee Toffee, which is one of the coffee shops my mom thinks is quite expensive. But, hey it's our graduation day. Goodbye stinkin' Middle School, hello High School.

"One hot chocolate with extra cream please," Niall ordered, "and... umm... wacthu getting, Fletch?"

"Americano... no sugar please but one spoon of creamer." The man looked at me with an odd expression... COMPLETELY EXPECTED.

"That would be £6.50."

"Whaa..." Niall gasped, "oh—"

"It's on me," I said to the man, and handed him £10, and got my change back.

"So 'manly' of you," Niall joked, which earned him a slap on the shoulder, "but thank you."

"Anything for any Horan," I smiled while looking att my coffee, then looked back at him, "but specifically you." We both smiled and continued talking about our plans for Christmas.

"You go first," I insisted Niall.

"Hmmm," he thought, then raised his finger up and tapped his mouth. I gave him a creeped out look, which made him go to a 'monotonish' face.

"I was about to say... gingerbread house building," he gave me a 'mental face palm look', which made me blush. How could I think of that? "Okay... your turn."

"Uhhh," I thought for a while until a brilliant idea came up to my head and I squealed while jumping up and down.

"What... what!"

"Why didn't I think of it sooner," I shouted, making the cashier man shush me, "sorry. Okay. My idea was kids craft... from all over the neighbourhood. We invite kids over to my dad's shed, which I will clean up, and we could do like a little workshop! Like Santa's elves! We could both earn money and have fun... win win!"

"Why not," he smiled, "but you'll do everything. Kids hate me most of the times."

"It's really not that hard going along with kids... but it's worth a shot," I say while taking my bag and coat, "but really if you don't want to help out with kids, then help out cleaning the shed. You know how messy it is." And with that, I ran to the door, leaving him in the coffee shop. He gave me wide eyes and fumbled with his coat and phone.

"Okay okay  I'll help you with the kids!" He shouted while running after me. Nialler, oh Niall.


VERY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS, my sugar cubes! Hopefully this is not too short. I know it sucks... but I've been having PMS lately. But anyways, that's it for today. I'll post the Christmas edition chapter tomorrow... even though Christmas (in my area) was today.

I GOT A CAMERA FOR CHRISTMAS. If y'all are wondering which, it's the Olympus Pen E-pl 7. It's amazing... and I advise you get this camera if you're investing in a camera. It's quite expensive though... I got mine at around $600 from a Christmas sale. It's a reasonable price... because I got mine with an extra lens, bag, lens cap, an 8GB SD card, and a workshop class on the camera.

Here is my concern.

QOTD: What's your favourite Christmas movie?

AOTD: Love at the Christmas Table. I absolutely love it! It might be short... and mainstream (TO YOU, MFQ) but I love these kinds of heart-clenching movies! And I also like Pete's Christmas (kid).

i am terribly sorry this part came out more than a week after y'all expected it. do... you... guys... still love me? :3 i love you guys!!!

See yous tomorrow (I PROMISE),

Tea :)

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