Inside Out

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Freddy, a black-headed, skinny man with a vest, Audrey, a blonde-haired woman with a pixie cut, wearing a yellow T-shirt and a blue skirt, and Riley, a girl with blonde hair, blue blouse, and red jeans were walking back from the store when they saw Jack's yellow car passing by.
"What do you guys think of Jack?" Audrey asked. "He seems like a nice guy."
"Yeah. Except with him in town, Derek's even scarier." Freddy looked nervous.
"Hilary really likes him." Added Riley. "He's all she talks about."
Audrey saw the car parked a distance away. She eyed Jack, wanting to know more about him. "Come on, let's go meet him!" She took them by the hands and headed in his direction.
"Do we have to?" Freddy said, unsure. "You know I get nervous around strangers."

Jack turned around to see a family heading towards him. Audrey shook his hand in excitement.
"Hello, I'm Audrey Madison! This is my husband, Freddy, and my beloved, smart daughter, Riley! Say Hi."
"Uh, hello." Freddy said nervously. "I'm sorry, sir. My wife tends to get excited."
Jack looked at them with a little smile. "It's okay, it's happened to me many times. Nice to meet you guys."
"Hi, Jack." Riley greeted him. "I've heard so much about you from Hilary."

"Really?""Oh yeah

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"Oh yeah. She really likes you."
Audrey looked at Jack "How long you been in Pixfare?"
"About a week." Jack answered. "Well, I'm mostly here because of Hilary."
"We go to Ms. Richard's class together!" Riley said, excited. All of a sudden, she saw her running.
Hilary soon caught up to them "Hi, Riley!"
"Hi, Hilary." The two girls hugged. "I'm so excited for the weekend!"
Jack looked at Riley with a half-smile. "I wish I had a true friend like her."
Freddy looked at Jack sadly. "Riley was diagnosed with autism when she was 2 years old."
"But, hey. It's not all bad. We love our girl." Audrey tried to brighten the mood. "She's smart, talented, and friendly."
"She's lucky to have such good parents." Jack looked sad as he thought about his past. "You see, for as long as I can remember, I've been in the foster system until I was 15 years old. Then I ran away to live on my own. I don't remember my parents because I was just a baby when they abandoned me.."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Audrey put a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Hey, you know. You might find them again someday."
"That's what Hilary tells me." Jack glanced at Hilary.
"You should trust her." She whispered to Jack. "She's Joy."
Jack rolled his eyes. "And let me guess, he's Fear," he pointed at Freddy. "and they're both her emotions" he pointed at Riley. "from the Inside Out story, but they just don't remember who they are?"
"Exactly." Hilary nodded.
Jack sighed, holding a hand to his head. The family looked at them, slightly confused. "Sorry. She's got this crazy idea that everyone's a character from her storybook."
Audrey looked at Jack with an understanding look. "Yeah, my daughter said that a lot too. Anyways, we're going to Ellen's Diner this Friday for dinner, I was wondering if we can invite you if you're ok with you at 6 PM?"
Jack realized that it was Wednesday and he hadn't been invited by a family before since he came to town.
"That's nice of you, but I wouldn't want to impose."
"Oh, it's no problem at all. We'd love to have you." She insisted. "Besides, the kids can hang out, and you can meet some of the other people in town. Ellen and Michelle are very nice."
Jack thought for a moment, considering her invitation. "Alright. I guess I could join you."
Audrey waved goodbye to Jack as the family headed back to their house. "Bye, Jack, see you at Ellen's this Friday at 6 PM!"
"Ok! See you then! Bye!"
Hilary looked excited. "This is great. As you get to know them, it could help you to break the curse."
"Hilary, it's just an invitation to dinner with new friends." Jack said, slightly annoyed.
"But we can eventually reunite Riley with her real parents, and bring the Emotions back together."
Audrey, Freddy, and Riley got back to their 4-Bedroom, 3-Bathroom 2-story house, Audrey put drown her purse when she read the clock in their hallway saying 4:12 PM. Meanwhile, Freddy and Riley helped out with the groceries.
Audrey came to the kitchen. "Okay, after you're done putting away the groceries, you need to get washed up for dinner, We're having tacos."
Riley was so excited because they have tacos for dinner once a month.
"Hey, Audrey. Do you think it was a good idea to invite Jack?" Freddy asked, unsure. "If Derek sees him in public with us, he'll be mad."
"Yeah, Mom. He's pretty scary." Added Riley.
"Oh, come on." She scoffed. "I'm not scared of Derek, and I don't think Jack is either. Besides, you can't let him control what you do." "So Mom, Dad, can we please invite Aunt Nadia for Dinner this Friday?" Riley asked as she put away some canned food in the kitchen cabinets. "Jack would love to meet her."
"You're right. He would love to meet your Aunt." Audrey agreed. "We can call her after Dinner. I think this will help Jack feel more welcome in town."
Freddy looked unsure. "Do we have to invite her? Nadia always teases me and calls me 'scaredy-cat."
"Come on, she's only kidding. Besides, she's family."
"Ok." He sighed, giving in.
"Ok, now you get washed up." said Audrey.
Freddy and Riley went upstairs to wash their hands. While Audrey making the finishing touches on the tacos, she suddenly felt a pain in her head and saw herself as an emotion and falling to the memory dump. In a flash, she woke up in shock, realizing she already finished the tacos. "What a weird imagination." She said to herself. "Guys, Dinnertime!"
Riley and Freddy came down and sat at the table. They noticed Audrey had a troubled expression and a hand to her head.
"Honey, are you ok?" Freddy looked concerned. "You have a headache?"
"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine."
"You sure, Mom?" Riley asked.
"Yeah. Don't worry." She assured them.
After dinner, Freddy decided to call Nadia. Luckily, she was free on Friday.

In Riley's room, she was video chatting with Hilary on her laptop. "My mom was having a strange headache at dinner. She was mumbling about Emotions and the Memory Dump. I think that she's recalling her memories about being my emotions, along with my Dad, Aunt, and Principal Lewis."
"Really?" Hilary was intrigued. "Did your mom talk about it?"
"No. She just dismissed it as a normal headache."
"Has she had these before?"
Riley thought for a moment. "I don't think so. Not until Jack came to town."
Hilary perked up. "This is good. It means the curse is starting to weaken. We can talk about it on Friday."

Meanwhile, Audrey took her headache medication, changed in her yellow and blue knee-length nightgown, and sat on their bed

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Meanwhile, Audrey took her headache medication, changed in her yellow and blue knee-length nightgown, and sat on their bed. The alarm clock on the nightstand read 8:30 pm when Freddy came in his purple PJs. He looked at Audrey, feeling a bit worried. "Honey, you know you can tell me anything." He placed his hand to her shoulder. "What caused your headache earlier?"
Audrey sighed and told him. "I'm not sure. I was making the tacos when I suddenly felt a vision of me with yellowish skin falling off a cliff, and the colors pink and purple... it might just be my imagination."
Freddy considered her words for a moment. "I'll admit, it does sound strange. Maybe you were just daydreaming, or could've been something from a dream."
"No, it didn't feel like a dream." Audrey shook her head. "It felt like... a memory. I know it sounds crazy."
"You're not crazy." Freddy kissed Audrey's forehead. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever met. We have a great home, amazing jobs, and a smart daughter."
Audrey felt a bit better. "You're right" she then kissed Freddy on the lips. "It was just a daydream. Anyway, tomorrow's Thursday, we should get to sleep."
"Ok. Night, honey." Audrey smiled.
His words helped a little, but a part of her still couldn't shake the feeling. Maybe she would feel better after a good night's sleep. Audrey turned off the light and they laid down to go sleep.

In Riley's room, she watched as the clock read 8:56 PM, and went to her queen-size bed, turned off the lights, then went to sleep, while holding a Bing-Bong push from her mother which was wrapped with the page of Riley and her real parents that Hilary had given her.

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