The Talent Show

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The town started lots of rumors about Andrea's disappearance.
"I'd heard that Andrea died from food poisoning." Michael said suspiciously to Susan.
"Really?" She looked unsure. "Don't you think these rumors are getting out of control."
"I mean last night. Andrea just quit without a clue." Michael said.
"Well, she probably had her reasons." Susan shrugged. "Maybe she found another job."
"...Or maybe she was killed in a car crash and the cameras were down by the time of a death" He suggested.
Susan looked slightly shocked. "Oh no. What if this ends up in the newspaper?"
"Guess all those rumors ended up in the newspaper," Michael said holding the newspaper reading EX-DEPUTY, AND MAYOR'S WIFE OF PIXFARE, QUITS UNEXPECTEDLY on the headline with a picture of young Andrea and the family.
"I guess so." Susan looked at the paper. "I wonder if either Jack will be sheriff now, or someone else will."
"He MIGHT be sheriff," Michael said "this had been the 23rd time this week"
"That's true." She nodded. "And he has been pretty good at his deputy job."
"Let's just forget about that," Michael said hopefully "It's Friday, and tonight's the school talent show. I'm going to perform a guitar version of Carmen" he said, "What's your performance or talents for the talent show?"
"That sounds cool." Susan gave a little smile. "Oh. I don't really think I have any talents."
"Come on, Amiga," Michael said to Susan. "You're good at literature, so you might play the most famous scene from one of your favorite stories and act it out."
Susan thought about his suggestion for a moment. "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I could do some poetry from Edgar Allan Poe."
"¡Gran elección, amiga!" Michael said excitedly, he was always excited for talent shows and performances because of the music. "That's a great choice. You know, it's never too late to sign up, in fact, it's the school's last chance to sign up before tonight!"
"Thanks. You're right." Susan started feeling more confident. She stood up. "In fact, I'm gonna go sign up right now."
At Pixfare Elementary, Ms. Richards' class was talking about the Andrea rumors.
"Looks like you made your foster mom remember who she is," Riley suggested as she looked for her textbook.
"I guess I did." Hilary agreed. "Actually, I just showed her what happened in the story. Andrea told me that she started to remember after she kissed Jack."
"Looks like step one of finding Pixar memories is done," Riley said getting her notebook. It had a list of the steps for bringing back people's memories and defeating Syndrome. "Who knows who Jack will go to next." she sounded unsure.
"Yeah. Our plan is off to a good start." Hilary nodded, glancing at the notebook. "Well, I'm hoping that since he lives with Ms. Richards, maybe she'll remember."
"Quick, get the textbooks!" Barry warned the class. "Ms. Richards is coming in 2 minutes. I repeat we need to get the books before she gets here!"
The class quickly hurried to their seats. Riley put away her notebook and Hilary hid her storybook. Everyone took out their textbooks just as the door opened.
"Hey, guys." Audrey came to the classroom. "Your regular teacher had gone under the weather and had to stay in bed today, so I'm your substitute teacher this Friday!!"
Riley looked shocked when she saw her mother enter the room. "My mom is gonna be our teacher today?" She whispered, nervously.
"Yes, daughter" Audrey said happily to Riley. "It's Mrs. Madison Sanders to the class, sweetie."
Using her book, Riley covered her face in embarrassment and slid into her chair.
"Alright, according to your teacher's request" Audrey looked at the paper of requests from the teacher. "We're gonna watch the movie 'Rio', and I'll get the popcorn and water at the office."
Riley sat up and sighed in relief. "Good, a movie. At least it'll be an easy day in class today."
"Even on a Friday," Hilary whispered excitedly. "Now when the movie plays, we get my storybook and cover it up with the textbook so she's doesn't notice what we're up to."
"Great idea." Riley smiled, whispering back. "But let's try not to make it too obvious."


Meanwhile, Laura Reed was home in bed, wearing her green nightgown, sneezing, and coughing. Jack came in holding a breakfast tray with her chicken noodle soup, coffee, medicine, and a glass of water.
"Sorry about your fever," he said.
"It's ok. Thank you." She took the tray and set it in her lap. "I sure hope my class is gonna be ok with their sub. AHH-COO!" Laura Reed sneezed into a tissue. "My fever was 100° degrees today."
Jack brought over a glass of orange juice and set it beside the water. "Here you go. Drinking lots of fluids will help cool you down."
"Thanks, Jack." Laura Reed said sickly with a sore throat. "How's the deputy sheriff's job?"

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