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Everybody in Pixfare was getting preparing for the holidays. Christmas Eve, some people gave out to charities, some baked, and traditional music was playing throughout the town. They couldn't believe this was the first Christmas in years.

Derek, however, wasn't so excited about the festivities. To him, it only meant that the curse was getting weaker.

Hilary, one the other hand, was so excited about the holidays. For the first time in the town's history, not only was the school was closed for two weeks until January 8th, another reason was that now Jack was in town, everyone can finally follow the holidays. "I can't wait until Christmas." Hilary told her friends in their chatroom. "I'm so glad that I can spend it with my real dad. What do you guys have planned?"

The kids started talking one at a time about their Christmas traditions and even about family.
"My mama and Abuelita have been busy cooking and baking." Michael said.
"That's cool" Hilary laughed.
"Not just that, but this year, Ivanna is hosting a Christmas party this year, for the first time in 28 years!" Susan said, excitedly.
The other kids replied with excited "Wow's" and "Cool's".
At their apartment, Jack looked at the window and Laura Reed was decorating the Christmas tree in the living room.
'Guess this is my first Christmas in this town.' Jack thought.
"I think you'll like spending Christmas here." She told him. "I got an email that Ivanna's throwing a party." "Me too." Jack said. "I never saw a town so festive for the holidays."
She then realized something. "To be honest, me neither. I can't remember the last time we had Christmas here."
At the Sanders household, the family was decorating the entire house.
"The holidays are here! Very, very exciting!" Audrey said, putting up garlands.
"Yeah, honey. I agree." Freddy said, hanging up the Christmas tree. "I can't wait for Ivanna's party." Riley said.
At the Hernandezes complex, the family was getting ready for both Christmas and Los Posadas.
The kids helped hang decorations and the adults put up the tree. "I'm so excited for Navidad and Los Posadas!" Natalie said as she was getting the Christmas lights.
"Me too." Michael agreed. "It almost feels like we're back home again."
"That's ideal for you niños. Las Posadas and Christmas is a wonderful idea!" Lucy said, baking some conchas, rellenos de chocolate y vanilla, along with Maria, Theodore, Edward, Albert, Gabriella, Diego, Henry, Joaquin, and Angela.
Michael smelled the pastries baking and came into the kitchen. "Mmmm, those smell great!"
Juan and Jimmy were playing dolls with Mina.
"Looks like you guys are having fun." Natalie watched them, smiling.
At the Madison Mansion, the servants and maids were getting ready for the holidays. Nadia was preparing for the holidays herself.
She helped decorate the walls and staircases with wreaths and garlands.
"You're such a great help, Nadia." One of the maids said. "We never got help from your parents."
"No problem." Nadia said with a smile. "I like decorating. It's pretty fun."
At the house, Evelyn and Clark were making the decorations for the holidays.
"This might be your first Christmas since you came home, Clark." Evelyn said, putting up with Christmas tree.
"Yeah, I think it is." He agreed. "It's great to see everyone so festive."
At Ellen's Diner, everyone was loving the Christmas menus, Michelle and Ellen were impressed.
"Wow, Mom. Looks like our holiday menu is a big hit." Michelle smiled.
"Yes, Michelle, it is." Ellen said.
"We should bring some of our food to Ivanna's Christmas party." Michelle suggested.
At the Hudson household, Paul, Sarah, Ray, and Matt were preparing for Christmas.
"Isn't this great? All of us being together for the holidays." Ray said, smiling.
"I agree, Ray." Sarah said, decorating the tree.
"Me too." Matt agreed. "Say, y'all planning on goin' to the Christmas shindig?"
"Well, we just received invitations for Ivanna's Christmas party." Paul said.
"We've never been to Ivanna's before." Sarah added.
"That's true. Looks like things are still changing around here." Ray said. "
Ivanna, the kids, and the servants were busy getting the mansion ready for the holidays.
"I'm so excited for Christmas!" Barry said, excitedly as he put the Christmas lights on the tree.
"Me too. Especially for the party." Susan agreed, hanging the stockings.
"I'm glad Ivanna's finally throwing a party on Christmas Eve." Barry said, getting the treats for the guests.
"Yeah." Susan nodded. "I hope that Mom and Dad will be able to come."
"But we have to keep a low profile." Barry said.
"Oh yeah. That's right." Susan looked a little disappointed.
In the servants' quarters, Lorenzo, Leonardo, Lucas, and Charlie were making their own traditional Christmas dishes from their countries.
"I sure hope the family will like our food," Lucas said confidently.
"Not only our foods." Leonardo said. "But some guests are bringing their own foods too?" Lorenzo added
"Cool. I can't wait to have some of their food too." Charlie said excited.
At the Brooks residence, Martin, Diana, and Alex were decorating the entire house for the holidays
"This is great. Our first Christmas together." Martin said with a smile.
"I agree, Dad!" Alex said.
"Me too." Added Diana. "I can't remember the last time we did this."
"And it's the first time we've gone to Ivanna's for a party." Martin said.
"We're going to a party? Ooh, that sounds like fun!" Diana said excited.
"We just got the email this morning." Martin said.
"Maybe I'll get to see my friends there." Alex hoped.
At the Jackson household, James, Melody, and their mother were making the house more festive and cooking some dishes.
"You think the people at the party will like our food?" Melody asked.
"We'll wait and see." Laurie answered.
James then had a strange feeling. "I don't know why, but something about the three of us at Christmas seems familiar."
"Why do you ask?" Laurie questioned her son.
"I don't know. Just a feeling." James shrugged. "Maybe it's just my imagination."
'His memories are returning to him.' Melody thought.
"Never mind. It's probably nothing." James shook his head, dropping the subject.
At Rose's house, she was decorating the house for the holidays while humming 'Deck the Halls' in her head. Soon she went to get the batch of cookies from the oven that she planned to take to the party.
Daniel, Kristen, and Carmen were taking turns cooking, cleaning, and decorating the entire house for the holidays.
"This Christmas is gonna be great, guys." Kristen said smiling.
"I agree, Krist." Carmen said, cleaning the fireplace.
"Me too." Daniel agreed. "I also can't wait for Ivanna's big party."
"Us too!" Kristen agreed as well.
"We never got invited to any of Ivanna's parties before in my life." Carmen said.
Daniel then thought of something. "Yeah, come to think of it, we've never had any parties in town."
"...and my memories returned, and you were named 'Dante' back home." Michael chatted with Manolo.
The dog barked and looked at him, slightly confused. Manolo felt a strong flash seeing himself with Miguel, to whimpering and cuddling his owner in the purple mist, then snapped back to reality. He looked at Michael and started barking excitedly, wagging his tail and licking him on the cheek.
"Aww, Dante!" Michael laughed. "¡Es un milagro de navidad!"
Manolo smiled at the boy with his tongue sticking out.
Jessica was decorating her house for the holidays, when a slender, brown horse, with dark brown mare and tail, dark brown hooves and a light brown saddle, and a pink nose, opposed her. She screamed and backed away, startled. "A horse? How did a horse get in here?"
Jessica then saw a note from Jim, a blue collar, a present box wrapped with a purple bow from 'Kelly', a folded page with a yellow bow, and an invitation from Ivanna.
After trying to decide which one to look at first, Jessica picked up the invitation and read it. "A Christmas party? That sounds like fun."
Jessica then saw the collar that read 'Bullseye' on the silver chain. She looked at it curiously. Why would someone that to send her? She didn't even have a pet.
She looked at the note from Jim, and read it. He had gotten her horse. "Oh, Jim, you shouldn't have." Jessica said, smiling. As a country girl, she always loved horses.
At the shoe shop, Ms. Cordwain was making her shop more festive with Christmas decorations, and some of her traditions back home. She always enjoyed the holidays, but she felt a little sad, knowing that it wouldn't be the same since her family was still cursed.
She could imagine that her family would be still with her in the curse but then went to the kitchen for the baking. As the food was being prepared, she got an idea of taking some to the Christmas party where she hoped to see her family.
Then she went to her room where the dress was laying on her bed. The dress she made was a green and red dress, with a white off-shoulder blouse top with golden tips all over, a beautiful fluffy, purple mold with a mistletoe on top, with a pair of eloquent, black leather high heel boots with golden tips. It was a perfect outfit for Christmas. She only wished that her husband and daughter could be there to spend the holidays with her.
At the Van Buren household, they were getting ready for the holidays as well.
"Like, this Christmas is gonna be awesome, man." Rick said, hanging decorations.
"We didn't have this in years." Mildred wondered.
"I know." Lindsey agreed. "It's great to have something fun happening in this town."

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