Marigold and Violet

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On Wednesday, a 12-year-old, tan-skinned boy with black messy hair and brown eyes, was finishing up his schoolwork on the history of Mexican Cinema when his music teacher, Ben Cruise came in.
"Hola, Señor Cruise."
"Ah. Buenos días, muchacho." He greeted the boy. "How are you doing today? Ready for music class this afternoon?"
Michael hugged Ben in excitement. "Yes, I am!" The boy said as he already had his guitar. "I'm ready for class!"
"Wonderful!" He put his arm around the boy's shoulder. "You know, you're one of my best and favorite students."

"I am." the boy said as he saw the clock read 7:50 AM, and the first bell rang at 8 AM. He needed to get to his first period, which was history. "I gotta go. See you in 6th period."
"Adios, chamaco, see you later." said Ben waving as he's headed off to the class.

Luckily the history class wasn't far away from music class. He slowly opened the door when he heard a voice.
"Michael "Marco" Andrews Hernandez." He turned around to see his history teacher, Ms. Edison, a slender, fair-skinned, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed woman. "You're here early." she smiled
"Oh...hey, Ms. Edison. How are you doing this morning?" Said Michel, waving.
"I'm doing good, thank you. How are you today?" She noticed the instrument on his back. "I see you have your guitar."
"Yes, Ms. Edison." said Michael with an excited expression. "It's in the case for Mr. Cruise's class this afternoon."
"That's great. I've heard you play several times before. You're really quite talented." She touched his shoulder.

Ms. Edison heard the door opening, revealing a 14-year-old skinny girl with a small waistline, fair skin, circular head, pink lips, long straight blue-black hair covering half of her face, and blue-violet eyes walking to class fixing up her school uniform. "Morning, Ms. Edison." the girl greeted her.
"Oh, good morning, Susan." She turned to face the girl. "How are you doing, today?"
"Just in a rush to get here." Susan said as she fixed her skirt. "I had to drop off my little brother, Barry at the elementary school. Oh hey, Michael."
"Well, it's good that you made it on time." She smiled and patted her on the back.
"Hi, Susan." Michael greeted her with a slight smile.
"Also, I just finished my homework on Mexican Cinema." said Michael as he handed his paperwork to Ms. Edison.
"That's great, Michael." Ms. Edison looked over the papers, impressed. "You're always such a good student."
"I got mine too." Susan said holding her paperwork very shy.
"Oh, no need to be shy, Susan." Ms. Edison took the papers. "Good job. You two go take your seats." She said to the two tweens. "Class will start in 4 minutes."
"Yes, ma'am." The two nodded and joined the other classmates. Michael sat in the second row, while Susan retreated to the back row.
All the other students came into the classroom and took their desks. "Good Morning, Buenos Dias, and Bonjour, students," Ms. Edison said with a welcoming smile.
The kids all looked at her and answered back in their native languages.
"Now today, we're finishing up our lesson on Mexican Cinema for our Pop quiz this Friday." Ms. Edison said as she wrote on the chalkboard CONTINUING WITH MEXICAN CINEMA. "So take out your textbooks and turn to pg. 32, where we left off."
The class all opened their books.
"The Golden Age of Mexican cinema was a period in the history of the Cinema of Mexico between 1933 and 1964," Ms. Edison lectured. "When the Mexican film industry reached high levels of success and gained recognition internationally. It soon became the center of commercial films in Latin America."
Soon after the class was over, the kids grabbed their supplies, and began to leave the classroom "...and remember to study for our Pop quiz Friday." Ms. Edison said as the students left. In the hallway, everyone moved in and out of the various classrooms.
During lunchtime, Michael was eating a bean burrito, carrots, apple slices, and a carton of milk, when he saw Susan.
She walked over to an empty table and set her lunch tray down. He stood up, grabbed his lunch, and came over to her.
"Hi, Susan. Do you mind if I join you?"
"Sure." She agreed. "I would have mine". Michael then sat next to her. she's having spaghetti and meatballs, red apple, corn, and apple juice for lunch.
Susan looked down at her food, not sure of what to say.
"So, what did you think of Ms. Edison's class today?" Michael asked, trying to make small talk.
"It's fine." Susan said sadly and ate her lunch. Michael placed his hand on her shoulder. "You ok, amiga?"
"Yeah, I'm ok."
"You don't talk much, do you?"
"I just have depression after my parents died in a car crash." Susan confessed as she sipped her apple juice. "So I'm the one responsible for paying the bills, taking turns doing the choices, taking care of my little brother, Barry, working part-time to support everything, and going to school. History and Gothic literature help keep my mind off my past."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Michael felt sorry for her. He couldn't imagine what that must be like. "I didn't mean to pry."
"It's okay." Susan smiled a little after eating half of her spaghetti. "I understand. Thanks for comforting, mi amigo."
"No problemo." Michael smiled. "After what you've been through, I thought you could really use an amigo right now."
"You're the best, amigo." Susan smiled a little at him again. "You're the best."
Michael smiled, touched. "You're pretty cool yourself, amiga."
"You can come over to my house after school with your brother if you want." Michael suggested.
"Oh. Uh, no one's ever invited me over before. But I guess I could." She looked unsure. "I don't know. He and I don't really get along."
"It's fine. I understand." Michael said with an understanding look. "I'll walk you after class."
"I'd like that. Thanks." She looked at him, slightly smiling.
After lunch, they went their separate ways. Susan was in literature class, and Michael was ready for music class at 2:30 PM. He was always early 10 minutes before class started. "Buenos Tardes, Señor Cruise." Michael greeted him while he took his seat.
Ben turned around and smiled at seeing Michael already seated. "Ah. Good to see you coming in early again, nino."
"Yes, Señor Curise." Michael said excited. "I'm ready for the lesson today!"
More students began to enter the classroom. They took their seats and brought out their instruments.
"Good Afternoon, and Buenos Tardes, students!" Ben said with a exciteful expression.
The students all responded back, preparing for the day's lesson.
Towards the end of class, Ben announced that tomorrow there would a quiz about Mozart. When the bell rang, everyone headed out into the hallway. Outside, Michael saw Susan sitting on a bench, reading "The Tell-Tale Heart by Eger Allan Poe" while waiting.
"Hey, Susan." Michael greeted her as he came over.
She looked up from her book. "Oh, hey Michael."
"Ready to go?" Michael held out his hand to her.
"Sure." Susan said as she put the book in her dark purple backpack. She took his hand and stood up.
They walked to the Elementary School where Barry, a slender, 10 year old with blonde hair, blue eyes, and light freckles came up to her.
"Hey, Susan. I just came from track practice." He noticed Michael standing beside her. "Ooh. Who's the boy?"
"This is Michael." Susan as she looked embarrassed. "We know each other from school, and we're going to his house."
"Ooh. Susie's got a boyfriend." Barry teased.
"Shut up, Barry!" Susan grabbed Barry's hand. "He's only a friend, now stop it, please!" Michael looked extremely confused.
"Ok. Ok." Barry agreed to back down.
Susan turned to Michael. "I'm really sorry about that. My brother can't mind his own business."
"It's okay" Michael looked at Susan with a understanding look. "I understand."
Soon they walked for almost a hour till they made it to Michael's house.
Susan stopped before they entered the doorway. "Are you sure your parents are gonna be okay with me visiting?" She asked hesitant.
"It'll be fine." Michael knocked at the door. "My family is really caring." The door opened and his father, Edward, a tan skinned man, with a mustache stood with a welcoming smile.
"Welcome home, mijo." He leaned down and hugged Michael. He then noticed Susan standing beside him. "I see you made a new amiga."
"Si, This is Susan, and her brother, Barry." Michael smiled showing his one dimple. "I know Susan from school!"
"That's wonderful. It's nice to meet you both." Edward shook their hands. "Come on inside." He gestured for them to enter the house.
Susan and Barry were amazed at Michael's house. It had Mexican décor and many rooms in separate houses inside. Michael found his mother, Lucy, a tan skinned woman with brown eyes and a loose ponytail, making the chilaquiles for dinner.
"Hola, Mama." Michael greeted her.
"Hola, mijo." Lucy turned to see her son approach her, and kissed him on the cheek. "How was your day at school?"
"It's great. We learned about Mozart." Michael answered excitingly. "Oh, and this is Susan and Barry. I know Susan at school."
"That's nice." She smiled, and then noticed the other two kids. "Hello. Nice to meet you. It's great to see that Michael's made friends."
"Very nice to meet you." Barry said with a lustful inspection to Lucy. "That name's Barry."
"Brother!" Susan scolded at her brother. "She's an adult."
"Yeah. A pretty adult." Barry looked at her, trying to put on a flirty grin. Susan facepalmed in annoyance. Lucy smiled and patted Barry's head. "Aren't you adorable."
Someone hit Barry's head with a sandal. "Ow!" Barry said rubbing his head.
Maria, a short obese old woman with tan skin, gray hair with white streaks, and brown eyes. "That's not nice to say to a married woman."
"Oh, now, Maria. He's just a kid. I'm sure he didn't anything." Lucy tried to calm her down.
"Sorry about my grandmother." Michael said to Barry. "She can be pretty strict. We'll work on our homework before dinner."
Michael soon led the other two kids up to his room. They took out their books and started their homework. Barry sat off to the side, playing games on his phone with his headphones on.
"What year did Maria Felix start in her first film?" Michael asked Susan as part of their study.
Susan thought for a few minutes. "It was sometime in the 40s. I wanna say 1942."
"Correct." Michael said as he picked another flash card. "What year did the first Selena song came out?"
"Oh, uh..." Susan tried to think. "I know this one. I wanna say... 1985."
"You're right." Michael took the final flash card "Now the 12th and final one. What year did Jorge Negrete do his first movie?"
Susan's face perked up. "That's an easy one. It was in 1953."
As Michael was about to put the flash cards away, he suddenly felt a flash of him falling off a building in the Land of the Dead. He then snapped back to reality and almost fell to the floor, but Susan caught him.
"Michael, are you ok? What happened?" Susan asked, concerned as she helped him sit down.
Michael groaned as he rubbed his head. "What if I give you my number so I can text you on what's wrong."
But as Michael put his hand on Susan's shoulder, she had a flash of her own about the Incredibles fighting the Omnidroid. She then flashed back to reality and grabbed Michael's shirt.
"Whoa, whoa. You okay, amiga?" Michael asked, holding her steady.
"How about I text you. You just give it to me and I'll tell you." Susan stands back up again
"Kids, Dinner!" Edward called.
"Coming, Papa!" Michael answered back.
"Sure, we can do that." Susan agreed. "Are you gonna tell your parents about what happened?"
"I'll tell them we just had homework." Michael whispered to Susan. "I can text you on what I did in my vision."
"Ok." She whispered back. "Sure. And I can tell you about what happened in mine."
After dinner was finished, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it" said Lucy, and she opened the opened the door to reveal Ivanna, a short slender woman with fair skin, short black hair, and brown eyes with her arms crossed "Good evening, madam."
"Oh my goodness. Ms. Nagasaki." Lucy was surprised to see the town's famous fashion designer at their house. "What a surprise. May I help you?"
"Well, I'm here to pick my niece and nephew." Ivana Nagasaki said. She approached Susan and Barry and give them each a kiss.
"Hey, Auntie Ivana." Susan said in embarrassment.
"Were you two kids good for Michael's family?"
"Yes." They both answered at same time.
"Well, it's time to go home. It's 6 PM already. So say goodbye to your new friend." Ivana said sarcastically.
Michael and Susan exchanged phone numbers, but all three kids said goodbye to everyone. The brother and sister soon left with Ivana.
When they got home, both the kids went to their rooms, took a shower, and put on their pajamas. Susan wore a dark purple nightgown and black knee socks, and Barry in his dinosaur pattern pajamas. Susan sat on her bed and instead of texting Michael, he decide to video chat him on her phone.
"Hi, Michael!"
In his room, Michael had gotten ready for bed, when he heard his phone ringing. He saw that it was a video chat with Susan and answered it.
"Hola, Susan!"
"Remember the flash I had before dinner?" Said Susan as she laid on her pillow. "Well, it was me getting hit by some robot in the city. And yours?"
"That sounds scary." Michael looked surprised. "In mine, I was surrounded by skeletons and one threw me off a building."
"Oh my gosh." Susan looked frightened. "Looks we've both had strange flashes. It must be like a memory. Anyway, what kind of pajamas are you wearing tonight?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Michael agreed. "It did kinda feel like a memory. It felt so real. Oh, I'm wearing red and white matching pajamas with a guitar on the shirt."
"So cool!" Susan said in excitement. "BTW, I'm wearing my dark purple knee length nightgown and my black knee socks, like it?"
"Thanks." Michael smiled, and then noticed her nightgown. "Yeah. It looks nice."
Susan looked at her alarm clock, which read 8:54 PM. "It's getting late. We should go get some sleep. Night."
"Oh, ok." Michael nodded in agreement. "Night. Talk to you again tomorrow?"
"Sure, night Susan said tiredly. "Night" said Michael said, then they turned off their phones and went to sleep.
Present day (2 days later)
Michael sat in his room, playing his guitar when he saw a page sitting on the window with marigold petals scattered around it.
He put the guitar down and went to look at the page. He picked it up and looked at it, curiously.
As he looked at the picture, it's was some skeleton ancestors at the sunrise spectacular. He looked shocked and immediately video chatted Susan.
Susan was reading one of her favorite Gothic stories, when she heard her phone ring. She picked it up and answered it. "Hey, Michael. What's up?"
Michael showed the page to Susan. "This is from the flash I had the other day!"
All of a sudden, Susan saw a page on her desk and grabbed it. She was shocked to see a picture of her and the Omnidroid.
"Look what I just found." She showed him her page. "It's just like the flash that I had. Something weird is going on."
"I agree." Michael nodded. "These feel like memories of a previous life!"
"A previous life? Like that reincarnation stuff?" Susan looked doubtful. "I'm not sure if I believe in that."
"We'll I'm just guessing." Michael nodded. "We might keep that a secret."
"Michael, time for bed." said Edward.
"Yeah, I think we should."
"Well, night." Susan then turned off her phone, and then saw her brother, Barry looking scared and frightened and out of bed.
"Barry, what is it?" She asked, concerned. "Did you have a nightmare?"
"Yes." Barry started to cry. "It's was you and I falling out of a plane into the ocean with Ms. Richards. Then I woke up. So I snuck into your bedroom to see if I could sleep with you tonight."
Even though Susan thought he was too old for this, she hugged him. "Ok. I guess you can stay with me for the night."
"Yes!" Barry said quietly as he crawled on Susan's bed and hugged her. "Night, sissy." He said as he yawned on her chest.
"Night, little bro." She smiled and soon fell asleep.
Michael put away the page in a drawer, and laid down trying to think about his flash while he slept.
In the shoe shop, Ms. Cordwain was making boots with her 'R' signature on the sole. As she looked at her family photo, she wondered if she'd ever see them again.

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