Chapter One

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*June 2023: currently being revamped with some new parts to be added*

Greetings reader. I've been planning this story in my head for some time, so I decided to finally put it down somewhere, as a fan of Stoker, Hellsing, and Vlad Dracula himself. I wanted to combine historical fiction with the story of our favorite vampire, so the events will take place chronologically, progressing from 15th-century Romanian (Wallachia and Transylvania) to the present. The story follows the plotline of Hellsing Ultimate, and I have also added some aspects of Vlad Dracula's (real) history.

I will use some Romanian terms now and again and will include their translation. Please note I do not speak the language myself, so if there's anything incorrect please feel free to correct me.

UPDATE: You can now find the sequel to this story, 'Fragments', on my profile.

Târgoviște, Wallachia, 1441

The young girl ran through the courtyard, ducking quickly behind the large stack of hay. She crouched, obscuring her small form with ease. Her mother would surely scold her for getting her dress dirty again, but she pushed the thought aside quickly without care.

The princely court of Târgoviște seemed to glow in the bright summer afternoon sun, its high towers and walls looming over the town. The girl squinted as she looked into the sky, watching as small birds flew overhead. She pushed her dark wavy hair over her shoulders, lifting a small hand to shield her eyes from the sun.

Since her father, a close confidant of the Prince, had moved their family from her birthplace of Transylvania five years ago when lord Dracul was crowned, she had never stepped foot outside the fortress. Of course, the girl only now at the age of seven years old, barely remembered this journey.

She closed her eyes, feeling the heat of the sun on her, and imagined what it would feel like to fly away from the palace, soaring far above the walls.

"Caught you!"

Her eyes opened with fright to see her older brother, Nicolae, grinning as he stood over the haystack she hid behind. His deep brown hair and large, almond-shaped eyes matched hers. Normally a lush brown, they turned hazel in the sunlight; a peculiar trait they both had inherited from their mother. 

Frowning with defeat, she stood from her hiding spot, attempting to smooth out her gown.

"Ilona, your dress is so dirty! Mother will be very upset when she sees you!" he teased, earning a dejected sigh from his little sister.

Just then, the sound of galloping approached. The horse, dark and tall, stopped abruptly in between the siblings, making the older brother take a step back quickly. The boy who sat upon the animal was barely ten years old but carried with him a sense of pride that made him seem far older than he was.

"I forbid you from capturing this fair maiden," the boy spoke, his voice loud and clear.

"No fair, Vlad!" her older brother cried in protest. 

Vlad turned to her, his mouth curling upwards into a grin. He dismounted the horse with ease and stood so that he was in front of her, his frame towering over her small one. His dark, ebony locks were messy, falling into his green eyes.

"Thank you, my lord," she smiled back at him, as he took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on it, just as he had seen his older brother Mircea do when entertaining ladies in court.

"Vlad Dracula!" a sharp voice rang out suddenly.

He dropped her hand and turned to see the Princess, storming towards the children hurriedly, her skirts flowing behind her.

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