Chapter Four

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Buda, Hungary, 1453

The weeks between when she had received the letter from her brother and the King's coronation dragged on far too long for Ilona's liking. She felt as though she had barely slept the night before, but awoke, realising it was finally the day. She bathed with care, allowing Helena to assist her into a gown.

The deep red coloured fabric seemed to make her skin glow. Her long, dark and wavy was left down, with part of it braided intricately down her back. She couldn't help smiling as she looked into the mirror, as Helena dabbed oils of orange blossom and lavender behind her ears and her wrists.

"You look beautiful, my lady. Truly."

Ilona smiled, thanking her. At that moment her cousin, Erse entered. The two would travel to the coronation together, along with both their mothers.

"My goodness, Ilona. What will Dracula do when he sees you?"

She blushed. "You too, look lovely, cousin. Come, we don't want to be late."

They left the room with haste and climbed into the carriage that would take them to the cathedral.

During the ride through the city, Ilona's stomach turned to knots. She searched the faces around her as she entered the grand cathedral, her heart beating fast. There were too many people. It was impossible to find him in the sea of faces. Had he changed much? She wondered if she would still recognise him, or maybe he wouldn't recognise her.

"No," she thought, "I would remember that face anywhere."

"Do you see him?" Erse whispered as they took their places. Ilona shook her head sadly.

"Fear not cousin, you shall find him at the feast."

Ilona nodded, trying to calm herself. She tried to pay attention to the coronation, listening to the words of the priest. But the entire time she couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her. The ceremony seemed to last hours. She fidgeted in her seat, earning a glare from her mother who sat beside her.

Finally, the event was over. The king was crowned and now the celebrations would take place well into the night, and carry on for many days. She peered around once more as they left the cathedral with the crowd, but she still couldn't find him.

As they rode to the palace, and after addressing the king with her family and taking their places for the feast, Ilona still couldn't see Vlad.

"Perhaps he didn't accompany Hunyadi after all", she thought to herself dejectedly.

Erse noticed her change of mood and did her best to cheer her up, changing the conversation in an attempt to lighten her mood. The feast consisted of several courses, which each being more fragrant and delicious than the next. But Ilona ate little, her insides still twisted. She felt nervous and bored all at the same time.

"Come, cousin, eat. A man prefers a woman with an appetite."

"Your cousin is right," a voice behind them interjected.

Ilona's heart seemed to flip. It then dropped with equal force as she turned to see none other than Matthias Báthory.

"Lady Ilona, I hope you have not lost your appetite again," he grinned as if they shared some kind of inside joke.

Ilona forced a smile. "Forgive me, cousin, lord Mathias. I am not feeling well suddenly, and require fresh air," she rose.

"Allow me to accompany you, my lady," Matthias offered eagerly.

"Thank you, my lord. But please, do entertain my cousin in my absence. I shan't be too long," she explained, offering her sweetest smile as she excused herself.

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