Chapter Thirteen

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Planning her escape was not easy.

For days she had been trying to come up with a plan, but finally, she had discovered one that she thought might work.

The night had been a struggle. As usual, her blood bag was delivered at exactly midnight on the dot. She had been practising her mind-reading capabilities and listened intently to the thoughts of the man that had delivered her dinner.

"What a slow night. I wish they had let me go on the mission too."

"Something important is happening tonight," she thought. She often saw many men walking past her room, going about their business and ignoring the vampire hostage, but tonight she had hardly seen any. The headquarters seemed empty and nor the Major or Doctor had visited her in days.

She took a breath and focused, directing her attention to the man who had just placed the tray through the small opening.

"Look at me," she thought. The man stopped and then looked at her through the glass. She smiled widely to herself. She had done it!

"Unlock the door."

The man blinked and then moved to the door. She heard him enter in a code into the keypad and then the door swung open widely.

"Give me your jacket and weapon."

She watched as he obeyed, taking off his jacket and handing it to her, then his gun. She slipped the jacket quickly on over her white shift dress and then moved to the door, stepping outside and closing it quickly. On her door was a simple white plaque with a name on it.


She grimaced as she read the plate. The Major's little nickname for her.

"Follow me," she commanded the human man under her trance.

She gazed down the hall and saw her door was one of many, each with their own name on the door. Curiously she moved down the hall, reading the different signs. There were many and none seem familiar to her. She stopped as she came to one that was different, for it had only one word.


"Open the door."

The man entered the code into an identical keypad, pushing the door open with a click. The room was long, much larger than hers, and dim. She stepped inside and heard her footsteps echo. She focused her eyes and saw a figure, chained to the wall. She moved closer to examine it. It was a gruesome sight.

Every part of the person was bandaged, its limbs twisted and contorted. She smelt the metallic scent of blood but sensed no life in the figure and realised that they had been dead for some time. She spotted what appeared to be some sort of tag. Moving closer she took it in her hands. As she read the name she took a step backwards with a jolt.


Was this to be her fate also?

She exited the room quickly and ran down the hall, leaving the human man behind, still in a daze. She looked around as she held the gun, its weight odd in her hands. She had seen humans holding firing them on the television, and felt she could do the same if needed to.

She was running when someone tackled her. She pushed the soldier off her and jumped up quickly. He took a swing at her but she was amazed to find that she deflected it with ease. His hand came at her again and she caught the fist, squeezing it without much effort, the sickening crack followed. He screamed in pain, the blood spurting from under her fingers.

She saw the others approaching from a distance, counting at least five of them. They fired their guns. She ducked behind the soldier whose hand she held, using him as a shield, and crouching quickly, retrieved her gun from the floor, taking aim and hitting each one. She heard their cries as they fell the floor. The blood lust came on her again, the metallic scent filling her nostrils. She lifted her hand, licking the warm blood on her fingers.

She snapped herself out of it quickly. Now was not the time. She could hear others coming.  She tried to sense if The Major or The Doctor were closeby but she heard nothing and realised they were not on the premises.

She ran in the direction the others had come from, pushing, tearing, ripping apart those who dared come in her path. And at last, she found herself outside. She was shocked when she found herself in a city, expecting to be somewhere far more rural.  She ran, too fast for them to catch her. When she sensed no one following her she stood for a moment and gazed at the night sky.

"What a beautiful night," she whispered.


He was having the dream again. It was the same one that had been plaguing him for weeks now.

He had gone centuries without thinking about her for too long, but somehow she had slipped back in inside his mind. She was his weakness, just like she always had been.

In the dream, they were at their home again, together. He was holding her in his arms, kissing her. And then the sky had turned dark, her appearance changing like it always did into the form that tormented him; the deathly pale skin, her ripped dress and wet, dripping hair, her dark, empty eyes. And the two puncture wounds on her neck surrounded by the stain of blood.

He reached out to her, calling her name like he always did.  She turned to him one last time, looking at him sadly. He knew that in a moment she would be gone, over the ledge and into the river far below. But this time something changed.

"Ajuta-ma," (help me) she whispered. And then she jumped.

He awoke with a start, his breath hitching in his throat. He realised then that he was crying and wiped the blood tears away with his gloved hand.

She had spoken his native tongue. It had been so long since he had heard it and the sound was sweet, her voice just as he remembered.

"Dreaming?" he realised.

But this one was far too real. The dream never changed and something didn't feel right about it.

But he knew it didn't matter. She was gone now, forever lost to him. He gritted his teeth together, his hand clenching into a tight fist.

" It was just a dream...It was nothing."

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