Chapter Eighteen

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He was thinking about her again; her eyes, her hair, her skin, the way she said his name, calling to him.

He had awoken that evening with her, in his coffin where they had slept together. He could feel her petite form on top of his, her legs entwined around him, her cheek pressed to his bare chest as she slept, thinking of how he wanted to stay like this for all eternity. But he heard his master requesting him, telling him to come to her at once.

With a sigh he had touched her cheek, his fingertips sweeping across her face gently. "Wake up, iubirea mea." (My love)

He felt her begin to stir. She had mumbled something in their native tongue, a jumble of words he didn't understand. He chuckled, the sound reverberating off the coffin walls. He pushed the lid off with one hand, the other still around her naked waist.

She moved, placing a kiss on his neck. "Good evening, Prințul meu" (my Prince) she murmured, her breath on his neck.

He took her chin in his hand, bringing his lips to hers in a kiss. She wound her arms around his neck, kissing him back eagerly. He brought her closer, his hands moving over her body.

"Alucard! Come to my office at once! That's an order!" He heard his master's voice again and he broke away from Ilona's lips with a frustrated sigh.

"What is it?" she kissed his neck again, driving him crazy.

"Integra is summoning me," he moved, rising from the casket grudgingly.

He felt her gaze on his back as he stood, materialising his clothes in an instant. He heard her gasp, amazed at what he had done.

"Will you teach me how to do that?"

He turned to her and saw she was lying on her stomach now, propped up on her elbows. He noticed how radiant she looked, the red velvet lining of the coffin making her creamy skin even more appealing to his eyes.

"No, I think I prefer you this way," he grinned. He bent on one knee and kissed her again.


He broke away from her, standing again, and moved through the walls quickly. When he arrived and saw his master, he could sense she was irritated.

"Where the hell were you?!" she glared at him from behind her desk.

"My apologies, master," he bowed.

"Don't let it happen again."

"Of course," he replied with a smile.

"Her majesty has called for a gathering of the round table in two days time. I want you to make your report of what occurred in Brazil. Ilona and Seras will come too," she told him, her voice still fierce.

"Very well," he nodded. He watched as she retrieved a cigar, lighting and bringing it to her mouth.

"How is her training going?" She spoke again after blowing out a cloud of smoke. Her voice was slightly calmer now.

"Very well. She has surpassed my expectations. I believe she will be quite a sight in battle" he admitted. He was impressed with how quickly she had acquired the skills he had taught her.

"Good," Integra nodded, but he sensed there was something else she wanted to discuss, so he waited patiently for her to continue.

"Alucard," she began sternly, "don't her presence here compromise you."

He smirked, earning another glare from his master.

"Integra," he began, "I am forever loyal to you and the Hellsing organisation, as your loyal servant. Nothing can change that" he bowed again. He spoke the words Integra wanted to hear, but deep down he knew it may not be true.

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