Chapter Eleven

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When The Major visited her the next evening she had already finished reading Stoker's novel.

This time though, he was without the strange Doctor, and rather than stand behind the glass barrier, he asked if he could enter. Ilona shrugged. It seemed rather pointless to her that he was asking to enter somewhere which she couldn't leave by her own free will.

The Major thanked her and unlocking the door, took a seat on in the armchair across from her. He crossed his legs and stared at her for a few minutes. She had many questions to ask him but didn't know where to begin.

"I've finished reading the book you recommended," she broke the silence suddenly.

"And what did you think?" he leant forward in his chair excitedly.

Ilona was careful how she worded her next sentence. She still didn't trust the man who had sought out her tomb and made her his prisoner, all the while taking her blood without consent.

"It was interesting."

"Come now, Ilona, you must have more to say than that," The Major scoffed, a playful smile on his lips. "I am here to answer any questions you have and to help you understand," he offered.

Ilona hesitated. "What do I have to lose?" she thought, "I need answers."

She thought of Stoker's account of the fearsome Count Dracula who had terrorised the streets of 19th Century London. The vampire had longed for the young woman Mina, but in the end, had been defeated.

As she read of The Count's relationship with the woman, she felt both fury and jealousy combined. The Major had told her that the book would provide her with information, but how much of it was true?

"By Stoker's account Dracula was staked. Yet you spoke yesterday as if he is lives, under the name Alucard."

"Ah, yes." The Mayor pushed his glasses further up his nose with a finger as he prepared to explain the story.

"Poor Dracula was staked through the heart and defeated, just like Stoker writes. But his un-life did not end there. Abraham Van Hellsing captured The Count and took him to his Hellsing Organisation, its sole purpose to defeat supernatural threats." He paused, surveying her over the top of his glasses.

"They altered your dear Prince, providing him with unimaginable power and making him their greatest weapon, and loyal servant."

Her jaw tightened as she tried to control her emotions.

"This book is classed as fiction yet it appears it is the very opposite. Vampires are a secret then? And... what of the woman?" She saw his smirk at her query but chose to ignore it.

"Yes, as always the monsters remain in the shadows as nothing but make-believe. People only see what they want to see, that hasn't changed since your time. In regard to Mina though, she had a rather happy ending. She returned to normal life, married Mr Harker and died a normal death," The Major paused, surveying at her.

"Do you want to see what she looked like? Here I have a photo."

Ilona stared back at the small man. "What is this item you speak of?"

The Major blinked, silent for a moment, the burst out laughing. "Oh, I'm sorry, my dear Princess. I keep forgetting you aren't from this time!" He reached into his pocket and retrieved it.

"Here," he handed it to her. "It's called a photograph. It's created using a device called a camera which is used to capture a subject's likeness. You really must start reading the books I've provided you."

The Major spoke but she wasn't listening to his words. She stared at the photo and was stunned.

Mina Harker looked exactly like her.

The photo had no colour but she saw that she had the same long, dark hair and eyes, just like hers. If it weren't for the peculiar attire, Ilona might've mistaken it for a portrait of herself. She raised a hand to her mouth in astonishment.

"Yes, I know! It's rather shocking isn't it, the resemblance. She looks just like you. It makes sense now why he went after her."

There was an abrupt knock at the door. "L

"It seems my time is up. I hope I was able to answer some questions for you." The Major stood and saluted her in his usual fashion before disappearing behind the thick metal door.

As soon as he was gone a quiet whimper escaped her lips, and taking her head into her hands she bent over her chair.

She moved her left hand into view and looked down at the ring he had given her so long ago.

Did the fact that Mina shared her face make her hate or love Vlad even more?

She felt more conflicted than ever, wishing that Millennium had never found her tomb and had left as she was, dead to the world.


It had been a long time since he'd thought about her. He felt the pain in his chest and saw the blood tear drop down into his palm, and then he realised why. It was far too painful to think of her beautiful face, even for a second.

In his dream, they were in their home, the castle he had built for her and their young son, another to soon arrive. He wanted to protect them, so he had the fortress built on the highest peak, far away from the towns of the region. But in the end, it wasn't enough to save her.

He'd felt the warm sunlight on his skin as they walked together through the courtyard, her small hand in his. She laughed, her voice sweet and soft, and he felt happy.

The years with her were the only time in his life that he'd actually felt content, away from the pains he'd suffered from his hostage childhood, the betrayals, the wars. And even when there were battles during their time together, he knew that she'd be there, waiting for him with outstretched arms as he returned, for she was his home and what he fought for.

She'd wrapped her arms around his neck in the way that he loved, reaching on her tiptoes to meet his height so that she could press her lips into his. His arms went around her waist, pressing her small frame against him eagerly, her scent overwhelming his senses.

When he broke away from her lips the sky was dark, the sun no longer visible. Her face was obscured by shadow so he couldn't see her. But then she moved, and in the darkness, he saw her face.

She was standing on the ledge again, looking back at him. She was deathly pale, sick looking. Her dress was torn and shredded, her hair dripping wet. She looked like she was in pain and he longed to reach out and take her into his arms again. He spotted the two marks on her neck he had put there.

He had done this to her.

He tried to reach her, to call out, but it was too late. She was gone, forever.

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