Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Release control art restriction zero. Announce your return. Say the words and release your full power. Now!"

Ilona watched from the roof where she stood with Integra and Seras as she heard the command being given to Alucard. The battle had begun.

A great wave of blood passed over the square, the army of souls he had absorbed. He had consumed them all, hundreds of them.

She watched in awe as they passed like water, destroying everything in sight. And then she saw him in the distance, just the way she had remembered.

He was in his true form, the one she had bound herself to in her human life. Dracula.

"Ilona," she heard him calling to her.

When the sky was dark and their enemies slain, she found him amongst the hundreds of staked bodies, their blood dripping slowly to the ground.

She moved among them, stopping to stand in front of him. She remembered the armour, the cape, his long dark hair and the moustache matched with gruff on his chin. It was as if she had been transported back in time.

"Prințul meu" (my Prince) she smiled.

"Dragostea mea, m-am întors," (my love, I have returned) he spoke in their tongue as he took her into his arms. His voice too was just as she recalled and she closed her eyes contentedly as he kissed her softly.

"Mi-a fost dor de tine," (I have missed you) she whispered into his lips.

"Ai luptat bine, prințesa mea," (you fought well, my Princess) he told her as he took her hand gently and kissed the ring he had given her. She caressed his cheek gently.

She saw Seras and Integra approaching. The young Draculina couldn't hide her excitement to see the two of them embracing. Ilona moved and stood next to her husband as the two women reached them. Alucard kneeled in front of his master.

"My servant. You have returned," Integra greeted him.

"At your pleasure my lady," he bowed to her.

"Hi, it's really nice to have you back master," Seras squeaked before ducking behind Integra. She reappeared a second later. "Um, you seem to have grown a moustache master," she indicated two the hair above his lip.

Alucard reached a hand towards her, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Yes Seras, my Seras Victoria," he smiled.

Just then she heard a terrible cry. She looked up to see Anderson coming towards them, his blade held high in the air.

With one arm Alucard pushed her behind him defensively, withdrawing his sword quickly to deflect the attack.

"Nicely done, my nemesis," Alucard spoke to Anderson.

She stepped backward with Seras and Integra as the two of them began their duel. The sound of the swords meeting each seemed to vibrate through the very ground they stood on.

She watched as Anderson raised his knives and her breath caught in her throat. Alucard shifted into his regular form, the two guns in his hands. He fired The Jackal, and using the power of the souls he had absorbed, took a great hit on Anderson's arm.

"Now what will you do? Your dragon stands before you Catholic. You're going to defeat me, is that right? What do you think your chances are?" Alucard mocked him, standing behind his army of souls.

"I am more than prepared to destroy you, you monster. No matter what the odds are against me." Anderson began to fight them, cutting them down.

She saw the soldiers of Iscariot appear suddenly to his aid. Ilona bit her lip nervously as they destroyed Alucard's army quickly.

She couldn't just stand there and do nothing. She stepped forward and prepared to attack.

"NO!" his voice rang through her mind. "Stay there, please..."

She hesitated but withdrew.

Anderson had now made his way to stand in front of Alucard. She watched in horror as he produced the Nail of Helena, driving it into his own heart. Alucard moved closer to him, standing in front of his deformed shape, overcome with thorns. They attacked each other, the two of them now alike. Alucard fired at the nail, but it did nothing. Anderson was no longer a man.

She saw him raise his gun into the air, but at the same moment, Anderson's sword landed in between his eyes. She seemed to stop breathing as he fell to his knees weakly. His army of souls went up in flames as the thorns overtook his body. She screamed.

"Who's that? Who's there?... Oh, of course. It's me."

He was dreaming again of his past. He saw the fields aflame, the piles of bodies.

The scenes of his life flashed before his eyes. His childhood as a hostage. The abuse. The torment. The crusade.

Failing to defend his country, his people, his family.

The moment he had tasted blood and decided to become what he was now. A monster.


"That voice, calling to me. Who is that? Who's there calling out?"

He heard her voice calling to him again.

He opened his eyes and saw her face, the only one who he had truly ever loved. Ilona.

"Oh, of course, it's you..."

"Vlad!" she called again, she blocked the sword that Anderson meant to drive through him.

The thorns crept down the blade, coiling around her arm. She felt it tighten around her, the heat from the flames burning her skin.

"Ilona, I'm here," she heard him speak suddenly. His hand reached out over hers on the sword.

"Anderson, there was a moment when you could have defeated me. You had your chance, but now that moment has passed. You cannot defeat me!"

He broke the sword in half. She felt the thorns break, releasing her from the fiery grip.

"Only a human can destroy a monster! Only a human could dare hope to."

Ilona moved backwards as they battled again. She could see Alucard was overpowering him. His form had shifted again, his clothes were now dark and his hair longer. And then, in one swift move he reached and took Anderson's heart from his chest, destroying the nail.

Ilona exhaled a sigh of relief, leaning against a wall. Her body ached. She hoped it was over.

Yet, it was only the beginning.

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