Chapter Twelve

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Over the following weeks, The Major visited Ilona's room often. She had read many books that he had left for her; science, religion, history, culture. All of these she discussed with him, asking many questions which he always answered both formally and politely.

She had become a kind of pupil to him, and he, in turn, had taught her about the world but also, herself.

He had given her a small box which he called a 'television'. She was perplexed by the moving images in colour. It seemed a grand gift to her and through this device, she had learned quickly about the world she now lived in and its people. She observed their languages, their sense of dress and the way they interacted with each other.

Ilona was unsure if she would classify her relationship with The Major as a friendship, never forgetting her current position. Yet, the place she was currently being kept remained a mystery.

What exactly was Millennium? Were they also some hunting vampires like the Hellsing Organisation he had told her about? Even so, that didn't explain the blood that The Doctor took from her regularly.

His very touch sent a wave of uneasiness through her. There was something odd about him, and she disliked him immensely. She watched the many vials he drew from her, the crimson liquid filling to the top, and she felt unsettled.

"You will be doing a great service to us, and more importantly to humanity, by providing your DNA for our studies," The Major had reassured her.

What Ilona truly feared though was if she had resisted. She thought of The Doctor's awful hands and sharp, long face and wondered what he was capable of.She had pushed these worries back into the depths of her mind.

"What did it matter now?" she thought dejectedly with a shrug.

The very fact that she was here now, existing and breathing nearly 600 years later past her natural life made her feel numb all over.

She thought of Vlad and all her resentment towards him; the brides, Mina, the fact that he never searched for her and had made her into this monster unwillingly. She could no longer deal with the pain and anger and felt towards him, and so she too pushed these thoughts aside.

Ilona took a sip of the blood from the medical bag and then pushed it aside, suddenly not feeling so hungry anymore. She closed her eyes as she laid down in her coffin filled with soil. She scooped a palm in her hand and examined it.

'Many myths suggest that vampires must sleep in a coffin or the soil of their homeland.'

She remembered the quote from the book she had read on Vampire lore that The Major had given her. At first, she had felt strange, but she had to admit, it was indeed comforting somehow to have a part of her home with her.

"Even if it is dirt," she jeered. She gazed at the ceiling absent-mindedly and realised suddenly that she hadn't seen the night sky in too long. She felt restless.

"I'd feel restless too, all cooped up in here."

She heard the young voice and her eyes snapped opened in shock.

Two large, purple eyes stared down at her. The boy, who she guessed was around thirteen or fourteen, wore a uniform consisting of a yellow military shirt and high, dark shorts. He had blonde shaggy hair and what appeared to be cat's ears.

She sat up quickly and the boy took a step back, a mischievous grin on his small face.

"How did he get in here?" she thought.

"I used the door, of course!" His voice was laced with a thick German accent.

"How did you-?"

"Read your mind? My goodness, our Major hasn't told you anything, has he?" he chuckled. "You could do the same too you know. You just haven't tried."

She thought of the book again and how it had mentioned legends about vampiric powers. She felt silly, for it had never crossed her mind that she may possess some of them.


"Focus. If you believe you can, then you will," he explained, rather mysteriously. "Here, try it on me. What am I thinking about?"

She turned to the young boy, gazing deep into his purple eyes. She felt ridiculous at first, but she exhaled slowly and tried to focus. She felt a slight pressure on the centre of her forehead, but then it was as if something opened and suddenly there was another voice in the room. She was reading his mind!

"You're thinking about cats."

The boy clapped his hands together in glee, laughing. "You see, easy."

She noticed the third voice in the room was gone. She focused on the boy again and heard nothing. He smirked at her. She realised he had blocked his mind from hers and she stared at him, trying to do to the same. She wasn't sure if it worked for suddenly he jumped up and headed towards the door.

"Well, I must be going. I'd probably be in trouble if The Major found me here, but I couldn't resist." He put a finger to his lips, winking at her. "Auf wiedersehen!"

Ilona jumped up and tried the door handle once he had disappeared through it, but it was locked again. "I have to get out of this room," she thought, "and find out what this place is about."


The battle had begun, finally. Much like a ritual, he knew its course well. The lead-up was always exciting to him, but today he felt rather bored.

His opponent was cocky and overconfident, perhaps even more than he. Yet there was something different, about this one. He let the man fire the shots into him, the bullets leaving holes in his body. He didn't bother moving, shooting back lazily without aim. Every single one missed.

He laughed manically. "Yes, excellent! I haven't had this much fun in ages! What'd you say your name was?"

He saw the confidence falter in his opponent's expression.

"It's Luke Valentine. And I told you, I'm nothing like you've ever seen before! I'm more like you than you know!" The man's voice cracked.

He could smell his fear now. How boring.

"It's obvious your powers are beyond even than the highest category of vampire! Releasing control art restriction systems 3, 2, 1..."

"Monster!" he had yelled, disappointingly.

As the fight came to its end and he absorbed his competitor, he sensed something there that was unusual, somehow familiar, but he disregarded it hastily.

Hellsing now had bigger problems to deal with. Millennium had returned.

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