Chapter Two

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Some notes for this chapter:
Dracul/ Vlad Dracul- used to refer to Dracula's father. Dracul translates to 'dragon' or 'devil' so Dracula then translates to the son of either term.

Târgoviște, Wallachia, 1447 (six years later)

Ilona blinked softly as she opened her eyes into the morning sun. Another strange dream. She was flying again, high over a faraway castle in the mountains. A dragon appeared in the distance, its red eyes glowing. It came closer, its size enormous next to her, but she felt unafraid. She reached out and touched its rough, black scales. The feeling was strangely cool under her fingertips. She closed her eyes and tried to remember the rest.

"Ilona Văcărescu!" her mother called to her from outside her door. "It's late! Time to wake!"

She sat up with a sigh, running a hand through her long wavy hair. "Yes, Mother," she called in an annoyed reply. 

She dreaded the thought of her daily lessons that lay ahead. Latin, sewing, reading, weaving, manners, and etiquette, all of which would mold her into the perfect lady and wife for an unknown lord someday. 

She turned her head as the door creaked open and her handmaiden, Sofia, entered. She was a Wallachian girl of eighteen, a few years older than Ilona, with soft brown hair and a kind smile. 

"Good morning, lady Ilona."

Ilona smiled as she saw her, thankful it was not her mother instead. "Good morning, Sofia. Are you well?"

A look of uneasiness flashed through Sofia's eyes momentarily.  "Yes, my lady. Thank you," she replied quickly, helping Ilona out of her nightgown.

"What is it?" Ilona questioned, looking into her eyes. Sofia averted her gaze. "Please tell me," she pleaded.

"Alright," Sofia sighed. "Let's get you dressed first though, before your lady mother reappears," she gestured to the pale green dress lying on the bed. Ilona agreed, allowing Sofia to help her into the dress. She sat down in front of the small mirror as Sofia began to braid her hair for the day.

"Your hair has grown so long," Sofia smiled, as she brushed her locks out, trying to distract her,

"Sofia, please tell me!" she asked, pressing her hands together as if in prayer.

Sofia sighed once more. "You know far too much for a girl of your age."

"I'm not merely a girl," Ilona huffed. "I will be thirteen in but a few months!"

The handmaiden chuckled. "Alright, my lady. But please do not repeat this," the smile disappeared from her face, her tone turning more serious. Ilona nodded in reply.

"I overheard from the servants in the kitchen that your lord father worries for the safety of both you and your lady mother," Sofia lowered her voice as she spoke.

"Your father thinks that John Hunyadi, our enemy, will attack Târgoviște, with plans to place Prince Dracul's nephew, Vladislav on the throne. The servants overheard..." Sofia hesitated.

"What is it?" Ilona turned, clasping both of Sofia's hands in hers.

"The servants overheard that your lord father wishes to send you with your lady mother to her homeland of Hungary and that Prince Dracul agreed with him. After the Prince lost his sons to the Sultan years ago, he didn't want your father to take the same risk and lose you." Ilona dropped Sofia's hands, sitting back in her chair quietly in thought.

It had been eight years since Vlad and his brother Radu had been taken hostage by Sultan. The meeting at Adrianople that the two young boys and their father, the Prince, had attended was nothing more than a trap. The Sultan had let the Prince return to Wallachia but kept Vlad and Radu as hostages in his court to ensure loyalty. Not a day had passed when Ilona didn't think of Vlad and her first kiss, that she shared with him. It now seemed like a distant memory from so long ago. She often wondered what Vlad looked like now, what type of person had he become. But mostly she wondered what life would have been like if he had never left that day. She prayed daily for the safe return of both him and his younger brother.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Sofia squeeze her shoulder affectionately. "It will be alright, my lady, do not fear."

Ilona forced a smile as she attempted to gather herself. She hoped the girl was right.


A few months later

It was the eve of Ilona's thirteenth name-day, and like any young girl before such an event, she could not sleep. But this was not out of excitement, rather the opposite. An uneasy feeling had plagued her that day since she awoke which she couldn't ignore. Admitting defeat of falling asleep any time soon, she rose from her bed and crossed her room to cover herself with a cloak. She slipped on her shoes before grabbing the candle holder next to her bed.

Opening her door slowly, she peeked outside to make sure no guards were about, before slipping out and closing it behind her silently. She found the staircase and began climbing the stairs quickly, the flame from the candle illuminating her path.

She reached the top of the tower with ease, thankful for her recent growth spurt that had lengthened her legs slightly. She placed the candle down on the floor gently, feeling at ease in her favorite spot of the castle. Few ventured here, and she knew she was safe. She gazed out the window into the night, surveying the town below.

The situation at the Princely court had become tense recently. As a young girl, much information was withheld in an attempt to shield her from the horrors of the outside world. As always, she resorted to eavesdropping when she could or gathering information from Sofia or her elder brother Nicolae, but even they weren't willing to share everything.

A few days earlier she had heard two of the stablemen discussing Prince Dracul's current situation. They spoke of how the Prince had betrayed the Sultan by allowing his enemies to pass freely through Wallachia. "His boys will be killed then," she had heard one of them speak darkly.

When she asked her brother of this he only touched her cheek gently. "Don't worry, dear sister. I hear that Vlad is excelling at his studies and that Radu has taken to the Sultan's son," he explained, but there was something behind his eyes that told her that he worried too.

"Prince Dracul and Mircea will protect us. You are growing into a beautiful woman, Ilona. Perhaps Mircea will ask for your hand, and someday you will be a princess," he winked, before leaving her alone in the courtyard.

Ilona frowned to herself as she continued surveying the night sky from the tower. Mircea had been kind to her, but she barely knew him. Her thoughts once more turned to Vlad. She hoped he was safe.

She heard a sudden commotion echoing up the tower steps. In the dark, she saw movement down below at the gates of the fortress and she squinted, trying to discern the events. Knowing something wasn't right, she grabbed the candle quickly and made her way down the tower steps as quickly as possible. As she reached the lower level she saw guards and servants moving about the halls.

"Ilona! Oh thank goodness," her mother cried as she arrived at her room. "Where have you been?"

"I could not sleep," she explained as she removed her cape. Sofia entered her chambers hurriedly at the same moment.

"Help her dress, quickly," her mother told Sofia.

"Yes, my lady."

"And pack what you can of her belongings, but do not waste time."

"Mother?" Ilona called, but her mother was already at the door, one hand on the latch.

"John Hunyadi rides to Târgoviște. Prince Dracul has fled. You and I must leave immediately for Buda," she explained to her daughter quickly.

"But what of my father? And Nicolae?!"

Sensing her panic, her mother crossed the room quickly and took her hands in hers, giving her a hard look. "We must be brave," she told her before she departed with haste.

Ilona felt like she was in a dream as Sofia helped her pack what belongings of hers she could quickly. Her life as she knew it was about to change.

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