Chapter Twenty

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"The queen awaits you both. Remove your glasses," Integra ordered her servant.

Ilona took in the sight of the grand room inside the palace. It's high ceilings and marble flooring reminding her of all the castles she had seen in her time and for a moment she felt nostalgic.

By her side, Alucard obeyed his master's request, slipping the spectacles down from his nose. She followed him as he moved past the long table, ignoring the seated men who gawked at the both of them.

Two security guards stepped forward apprehensively. She noticed Alucard tense slightly, watching as the two men moved with an imaginary force, headbutting each other and falling to the ground at either side of him. She kept her head high, trying not to look down at their unconscious faces as she passed.

She followed him as he moved up the steps, stopping a few feet behind him where the Queen was seated at her throne. Although her face was obscured by shadow, Ilona could see her clearly, noting the deep lines in that indicated her age. She couldn't help herself from wondering what she would have looked like if she had aged naturally. Would her hair have become the same shade of grey? Would she have lived to the same age?

"It's been a long time, vampire. Come closer so I can see you," she insisted.

Alucard bent down on one knee. The Queen's hands reached out to cup his face. Ilona watched with interest.

"All these years and you haven't aged a day, Alucard. Unfortunately, time's march has not been as kind to me." She let her go his face and indicated to her own. "Can you believe how quickly I became an old woman?"

"I still see the same spirited woman I met fifty years ago, your majesty. In fact, to my eyes, time has made you even more beautiful, your highness." The queen chuckled quietly at his words.

The Queen's gaze moved to her. "And this must be Ilona."

Ilona bowed her head respectfully. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance".

"The Queen of England meets The Queen of Vampires," she responded with a smile, which Ilona returned.

"Proceed with your report, vampire," she addressed Alucard once more.

He rose from his kneeled position and stood tall, turning to the table of humans.

"Fifty-five years ago a deranged Nazi major attempted to breed a vampire army. Walter and I laid waste to their operation. However, it seems they simply refuse to die. They've returned, replenished their numbers and are ready to complete their original mission. That's what Millennium truly is, the last battalion."

She heard the men exclaim in fear as his words.

"I guess Mr Tubalcain's fearsome blood must have given us away. The Major sure blew that one!"

She knew that voice.

Her stomach flipped as she looked up and saw the boy with the cat ears, the only who had taught her how to read minds when she was a hostage at Millennium. She stepped forward, her teeth clenching as she glared at him.

Pip Bernadotte, the French man she had met the night before, raised his gun, as did another man who was standing on the other side of the table who was dressed in what appeared to be Priest's robes. She understood that he must be from The Vatican.

"Wow there, I'm just the messenger. I'm not here to fight anyone," he admitted, taking a few steps forward with his hands casually in his pockets.

"Explain this," Integra commanded.

"My deepest apologies ma'am, I don't know how he got past security," Walter apologised.

"They are useless against me. I'm everywhere, and nowhere," the boy told them as he placed a screen down on the table.

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