Chapter Sixteen

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Note: To avoid confusion I'll be switching to the name Alucard now, but Ilona will still refer to him by Vlad when she talks to him.

As Ilona awoke the next evening, for an instant she forgot where she was.

She stared at the stone ceiling and looked around the large room as she sat up, remembering she was in the basement of the Hellsing Organisation. She groaned quietly to herself, wondering if she would ever wake up not feeling confused.

There was a knock at her door suddenly. Tiredly she got up and opened it.

A young girl stood before her with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Ilona sensed instantly that she was a Draculina, although it appeared she had yet to consume blood and become a true vampire. She was dressed in what appeared to be her uniform; a short skirt and military top in a shade of yellow, bearing the Hellsing arms.

"Oh, hello. You must be Ilona," she introduced herself with a shy smile. "I'm Seras. Sir Integra sent me to check on you. She wants to see you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Seras," Ilona noted her nervousness and greeted the young Draculina politely. "I need to dress. Would you mind waiting for me? I was rather tired last night and I'm unsure if I could find Sir Integra's office alone."

"Of course," Seras smiled again. "I'll wait for you here. Take your time."

Ilona thanked her and closed the door, moving to the wardrobe Walter had pointed out the night before. She examined the garments inside, feeling overwhelmed. She decided on a pair of fitted black pants and turtle neck, long-sleeved top. She slipped on same black boots as well, impressed to find fit her well.

Examining herself in the mirror quickly, she felt satisfied that she had put together a modern human outfit herself. She felt free in the material, being so used to the heavy gowns with many layers from her time. She smoothed her hair quickly and opened the door to find Seras waiting patiently for her outside.

She thanked her for waiting and the two women began walking together, Seras directing her through the halls.

"Sir Integra said you would be working with us from now on. It's great to have another female vampire around here. Usually, it's just master and I and he usually keeps to himself," Seras began, rambling slightly.

"Vl-Alucard is your master?" The pseudonym sounded strange to her ears as she said his name out loud.

Seras nodded proudly. "Yes, I've only been a vampire for a little while now so I'm still getting used to it."

"How interesting..." Ilona thought, her brows furrowing slightly. She wondered if he had other fledglings.

They stopped as they reached the familiar doors of Integra's office.

"What about you, how long have you been a vampire, Ilona?" Seras asked her as she knocked on the door.

"Close to six-hundred years." Ilona admitted, trying not to laugh at Sera's clearly shocked expression.

"Come in," she heard Integra call.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Seras," she said, before opening the door and going inside, leaving the poor girl still looking confused.

She sensed his overwhelming presence as soon as she entered the room.

Like a heavy fog in the room, his scent clouded her senses. But no longer did he smell like the scent of leather and pine that she remembered from her human life, no, his scent now resembled something else entirely. Blood. Metal. Gunpowder. Something harsh yet completely appealing to her at the same time.

Alucard stood quietly, his gaze upon her the entire time as she came closer to where Integra was seated at her desk.

"Ilona," Integra nodded at her as she stood before her.

"Good evening, Integra" she replied to the woman, still feeling Alucard's gaze upon her.

"What vampiric powers do you possess currently?" Integra asked her.

"I know little," she admitted. "Apart from my ability to read human thoughts and apply mind control."

"I see," Integra nodded. "Technically you are the queen of vampires. Is that not correct Alucard?" She turned to her servant.

"Yes," he spoke finally. "She is."

Ilona looked at him and saw him grinning widely at her.

"Her powers go far beyond that of a regular vampire. She just hasn't learnt to use them yet," he continued, never breaking his gaze from her.

"Very well. Alucard, I want you to begin training Ilona how to harness these powers, immediately," Integra ordered him.

"It would be my pleasure, my master." He moved to the door and she followed.

He held it open for her and she stepped back out into the hallway. Seras had disappeared.

He touched the small of her back gently, leading her away from the room and back towards the direction of the basement. She felt her skin tingle there, just as it had every time he had touched her, so long ago.

They walked in silence together, going deeper underground. She realised it was the first time they had been alone and she felt anxious suddenly. He opened a heavy door and she saw a set of stairs leading into the darkness.

"After you," he grinned again.

She stepped into the darkness, her eyes adjusting more quickly than if she were in a bright room. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she found a large open space.

There were little light and minimal furnishings. She saw only a tall chair, positioned next to it was a small table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. On the floor sat a large black coffin with engravings on it which she couldn't decipher.

"This is your room," she realised aloud, moving about curiously.

She sensed him behind her but he said nothing, watching her, as always. She turned around, meeting his gaze, confused by the expression she found there.

"What is it?"

"I have dreamed of you being here, for so long," he admitted. "It seems surreal."

She nodded. Losing her words again.

"Există ceva ce vrei să mă întrebi, prințesa mea?" (Is there something you want to ask me, my Princess?)

Her heart seemed to stop as he spoke their mother-language. The way his tongue rolled over the words made her feel weak. She shook her head, her eyes moving away from him again.

"There are too many things I would like to ask you," she admitted. He waited, watching her with interest.

"I met your fledgling. Is she your bride?" She asked, deliberately avoiding eye contact.

Alucard let out a low rumble of laughter. "Are you jealous, Ilona?"

She met his gaze again, shooting him an icy glare.

"No," the smile disappeared from his face as he spoke seriously. "Seras made the choice to become a vampire, of her free will." He paused as if reminiscing on the moment.

"Come, regina mea" (my queen) he changed the subject. "It's time to start your first lesson."

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