Chapter Nineteen

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Hi! Sorry about the long wait for this chapter but I've been busy! I've nearly finished writing the rest of this story, which will be released shortly! Thanks for reading and if you have time please vote and/or leave me a comment!


"Behind that girlish exterior lies a fascinating and complicated creature."

Ilona thought of Alucard's words as she gazed over the table at Seras Victoria.

She nodded, listening to the girl ramble. She observed her playful smile, the bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

She realised suddenly how much Seras reminded her of her dear cousin, Erse. She thought of how miserable and alone she had felt when she had arrived in Hungary after she had fled Wallachia. Erse had been her saviour, her rock. She had been there for her through almost everything, even holding her hand when she gave birth to her first son, Minhea.



Another lifetime ago. Lost.

"Ilona?" Are you alright?" Seras' voice broke her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Seras. Please continue," she apologised guiltily.

Seras offered another sweet smile in return. "It's ok. What were you thinking of?"

Ilona had not been expecting the question. She straightened, trying to think of an explanation.

"Were you thinking of your past?"

The young Draculina surprised her again. The blue eyes observed her with curiosity, but there was a kindness there, a sincerity. Just like Erse's.

"Yes, actually," Ilona admitted with a sigh. "It's all I can think of these days."

"I'm not surprised, you've only been awake a few months now. I can't imagine what that's like."

Ilona nodded quietly. "Yes, I suppose you're right."

"What was he like? My master, I mean..." Seras seemed to be embarrassed to ask the question, her cheeks tinted pink.

Ilona couldn't help but smile, and seeing her expression the girl relaxed.

"Brave. Courageous. Intelligent. Fearless. Terrifying," she paused, "Cocky."

Seras giggled.

"He was, and still is the most incredible person I've ever known," she reflected. "And so I fell in love with him before I even knew what love was."

"How did you meet him?" She sat up in her chair excitedly.

"Well, I knew him before I could speak. We were raised together. My father was a close confidant of the Voivode, his father. But when he was ten years old and I, seven, he... went away. And then I didn't see him again till I was twenty-two."

"But when you met again it was love at first sight?" Seras clapped her hands together.

Ilona laughed at her enthusiasm. "Yes, actually, it was. And then not long after he asked for my hand," she revealed, earning a squeal from Seras.

"I can't believe Master is so romantic! You wouldn't think so, because he's always so serious and scary!" As soon as Seras had said the words she seemed to regret it, blushing deeply. "And then you became The Princess, right?" she changed the subject quickly.

Ilona smiled at her outburst but continued. "No, he didn't retake the throne until two years later after our first son was born. Then I became the Princess of Wallachia."

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