Chapter Twenty-One

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Something terrible was about to happen. She could feel it.

It was the same nagging, ominous feeling she had experienced before. A tightening in her chest that made her feel uneasy, hanging over her like a dark cloud.

She had this feeling when she awoke that evening to discover that he was already gone. His glasses, the only possession of his she ever saw lying around the room, were absent from the small table he kept, one of the only pieces of furniture in the large room deep underground.

Even though Ilona had her own room on the higher level of the manor's basement, she always slept with him in his coffin. The large black box was strangely comfortable with the two of them inside, despite the limited space. It was an interesting contrast to the large four-poster bed they once shared in their castle in Wallachia.

Walter seemed to have noticed, for there were always two blood bags on the table when they awoke. Yet as she rose from the coffin, she noticed both still remained in the bucket of ice.

She frowned to herself as she dressed in her clothes from the previous day, a simple white long-sleeved top and black fitted pants paired with boots. She grabbed one of the blood bags and opened it, sipping it slowly as she moved through the walls back to her room.

She threw the packet in the bin as she arrived, moving to the bathroom to turn on the shower. Although she didn't necessarily need to bathe often, Ilona enjoyed it thoroughly, still amazed by how she could simply turn the faucet and hot water would come pouring out. She thought of the days in her time when one had to heat the water on a fire manually, the whole process lasting a very long time in comparison.

Of course, Alucard had found this incredibly amusing and often teased her about it.

She took a long, hot shower, allowing the bathroom to fill with steam. When she was finished she wrapped a towel around herself and moved back into her room to get changed.

"I was wondering where you were," she acknowledged him, sensing his presence as he materialised in her room.

"Good evening, regina mea" (my queen). He appeared from the ceiling, hanging upside down.

She noticed his glasses and hat and assumed he had just returned from an outing.

"Enjoying another human task, I see."

She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "He always did enjoy making a grand entry," she thought.

He moved from the ceiling quickly, his arms wrapping around her waist. "I heard that."

"Good," she smirked, turning away and moving back to the wardrobe in search of clothing. She had barely taken one step when his arms wrapped around her once more, this time from behind.

"Vlad!" She cried as he lifted her up off the floor easily.

She landed on the soft sheets of the bed, the towel she had on dangerously close to slipping off. He noticed, grinning as his eyes moved down her body as he propped himself up on top of her on the bed, one hand on her waist to keep her from moving away again.

She reached up and removed the large red hat and tossed it behind her. The tinted glasses were next, her fingers brushing against his face. She gazed into his lustrous eyes, his dark hair falling into his face.

Moving a hand towards him once more she laid her fingers gently against his icy cheek. He closed his eyes at her touch, sighing in contentment.

"Ilona," his eyes opened, the intensity startling her momentarily.

"What is it?" She knew that expression too well.

"Millennium has taken a Navy battleship. I'm going to destroy it, tonight." His eyes were hard as he spoke, his voice firm.

He was leaving then, off to fight another war. She had lived this moment already, many times before. She remembered the last time he had said goodbye to her before going off to fight almost six centuries ago. His mortal life ended before he returned.

She laid a hand on his chest and pushed against him, allowing them both to sit up on the bed.

"Vlad, please. Don't go," she urged him. "Come away with me and forget this human war. We can be together, finally, away from all of this."

She knew her words were pointless as she said them out loud. He would never back down from a fight.

He smiled at her sadly, moving his hand to her neck as he reached and pressed his lips to her forehead softly. He held her close, his breath at her ear as she entwined her arms around him.

"We will be together again, iubirea mea". (my love)

He moved to look into her eyes again. For a moment they said nothing, simply observing each other.

"Millennium may attack at any moment. Please, Ilona, be careful. I can't lose you again," he begged her.

"I promise," she breathed as his face came closer to hers. He kissed her, slowly and deeply.

As their lips parted he took her hand in his, laying a gentle kiss on the ring he had given to her so long ago. She watched as he passed through the wall, leaving her.

Her mind was made up the second she sensed his presence departing the manor. She rose from the bed and moved to the wardrobe, pulling on a pair of black pants and a top with the usual boots. She examined herself in the mirror quickly and wanted to laugh.

"I wear far too much black now I'm dead. How ironic," she mused to herself.

She stepped out into the dark, empty hallway and began climbing the stairs to the upper level of the mansion. She knew she could have gotten to her destination much faster if she didn't have to take such a human route, but showing up unannounced was definitely impolite.

She reached the familiar double doors and knocked hard.

"Come in."

She entered, crossing the room confidently with her head raised high to stand before the mahogany desk.

"Sir Integra," she greeted the woman with a nod. "I want to help destroy Millennium."

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