Chapter Five

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Buda, Hungary, 1453

Summer was fast approaching in the kingdom of Hungary. Blossoms flowered around the palace, their strong scents permeating the air. Birds chirped under the warm sun, their tone cheerful. All were happy for winter had ended. Yet none so happy as much as Ilona.

It had only been a few days since Vlad had admitted his feelings for her, but to Ilona, it still seemed like a dream. They had met every night since then on the same terrace which had become their favourite spot in the castle. They spent hours sitting together, laughing and reminiscing of all old times. Vlad sometimes spoke of his time in Constantinople, but only provided her minor details in passing comments. Ilona didn't push further. She sensed pain in his memories and she knew he that if he wanted to confide in her, he would when he was ready.

The things Vlad did share fascinated her. The Sultan had provided him and his younger brother, Radu, a fine education. As Ilona was told by Nicolae, Vlad had excelled at all of his studies and was now even able to speak Turkish fluently, amongst several other languages. Greek philosophy, the Quran, science, mathematics, alchemy. He had studied these and more, and his intellect astounded her.

Ilona also knew that Radu had become close with the Sultan's son, Mehmed, during their childhood. With the death of his father, Mehmed had now been crowned. Radu had chosen to stay loyal to the new Sultan and the Ottoman empire, unlike Vlad. Ilona noticed how his jaw clenched every time he spoke his brother's name.

"Radu the beautiful, they call him," he spat.

Vlad explained to her how the King and John Hunyadi had now consented him the responsibility of the Transylvanian frontier against Turkish attack. The brothers had now become enemies on different sides.

Ilona gazed down at Vlad's head resting in her lap, her fingers absentmindedly twirling locks of his thick dark around her fingers. His eyes were lost in the night sky. She wondered how one person was capable to endure so much.

She was thinking of their time together, just risen and dressed for the day when there was a knock at her door. Her cousin Erse came into view as it swung open.

"Ilona, come quickly. Your mother and lord Vlad await you!"

"Vlad?" she blinked.

"Yes!" her almost shouted with a smile. "Quickly!"

Ilona smoother her hair quickly, following her cousin down the hall to the sitting room. When she entered she saw Vlad sitting with her mother. They seemed to be in a pleasant conversation for both were laughing. Even so, Ilona felt nervous.

Vlad rose from his seat to kiss her hand. "Lady Ilona."

"Lord Vlad." She couldn't help but blush, trying to avoid eye contact with her mother.

"Good morning. Sit with us, child. Vlad has just submitted to me the most interesting suggestion," her mother spoke.

Ilona sat down across from them quickly, waiting for her to continue.

"Lord Dracula has come to visit this morning," she paused. "As he would like to ask for your hand in marriage. It seems he believes you would be a good wife and desires for you to return to him to Transylvania, where you would wed."

Ilona's breath caught in her throat. She was speechless.

"Is this what you desire, my dearest daughter? Do you love this man?" her mother smiled.

Ilona looked to Vlad. He smiled at her confidently.

"Yes," she exhaled, still looking at him. "I do."

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