Chapter Twenty-Five (The End)

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I can't believe we've already reached the end. I've really enjoyed writing this story and want to thank you all so much for reading and voting.

I may return in the future to continue this or re-write parts. Who knows.

Until then...


She awoke with a start.

She had been dreaming of him again.

She was calling out to him, searching for his eyes, his face, his touch, just the same as she did every single night for the past thirty years.

She closed her eyes once more momentarily and steadied her breathing. Opening them, she glanced out the of the aircraft's window, taking in the sight of the clouds they moved over. She was nearly home.

With a sad smile, she thought of Integra and Seras. The three women had lived together for the last thirty years and she would miss them both, especially Seras.

"But, Ilona, why do you have to go?" she had asked her.

"My home calls to me, Seras. I don't know why, but I feel I have to go."

Seras had nodded in reply, her eyes cast downward. "I understand... but, we're immortals, anyway! We'll see each other again right?" She beamed at her.

Ilona couldn't help but smile. This was what she loved about her friend, she always saw the positive in everything.

"There's no such thing as an immortal, remember?" She laughed, shaking her head as she remembered what Alucard had told them both.

"How did Integra take it?"

"Fine. Even though she didn't say so, I know she understands why I need to do this. She even offered a private jet to get me there, although I could very well travel on my own. It was very generous," she explained. "And she'll be safe here, with you."

Seras leapt towards her suddenly, taking her into a tight hug. Ilona managed a laughed, the breath knocked out of her.

"Seras, if I were human I'm sure you would have just broken some of my bones!"

But there was no reply, only the quiet sound of sniffling.

"Oh, Seras. Don't be sad. We will see each other soon enough, I'm sure of it."

She stepped back and placed her hands on her shoulders. The two women smiled at each other softly. Thirty years ago they had fought a war together and they had won, become different people, grown stronger. And they had survived.

But he hadn't.

"Do you think you'll find him there? My master..."

Ilona's smiled faded as she released her grip, her arms falling to her sides.

"I don't know.."

"He can't be gone" Seras straightened, her expression now serious. "I can feel he's out there somewhere. I know you can too." The girlish smiled appeared once more.

Ilona shook her head gently. "I feel... something," she admitted. Her voice lowered, afraid Integra would appear suddenly at the topic of their discussion.

"It's easy for you two to wait patiently, you're bloody vampires!" Integra had scolded them the last time Seras had brought him up. Ilona studied the deep lines on her face and understood her frustration.

Her dreams had become more realistic in the past few weeks, more intense. They were all different, memories from her past life that they had shared together. Yet they all ended in the same way; he would disappear suddenly, everything turning dark. She would call out to him, looking into the abyss, before she awoke, panting and struggling to breathe.

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