Chapter Eight

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Poenari Castle, Wallachia, 1462 (a few hours later)

The fortress was silent, and she heard nothing except the distant sound of the river flowing below.

She was alone at the top of the tower, watching the sun as it set over the Carpathians, retracting its warmth as night fell and covered the land in darkness. She wrapped her arms around herself, thinking of all that occurred that day, and felt empty.

"Helena," she told the young handmaiden, just hours before, "You have been loyal to me for years and I trust you with my life, as well as theirs. You must take my sons to safety, for they are the heirs of Prince Dracula, and now are in grave danger. You must take them to Buda. My family there will protect them. There is a secret passage under the Castle," she spoke quickly, trying not to let her emotions overcome her.

"But, my lady! What of you? Can you not escape also?" The girl was panicked.

Ilona was patient with her, knowing she had every right to be frightened. The task she had handed her was dangerous and of great consequence, but it had to be done. She touched her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down.

"Courage, Helena," she looked her in the eye. "I must stay, as a diversion. If they see that I remain here it will buy you time. It is the only way. I will try to escape before dawn."

If they do not attack in the night, she thought grimly for a moment but pushed the idea out of her mind quickly.

Later, she had said goodbye to her sons, never knowing when she would see them again. Since their birth, she had been there, keeping them safe. It tore her apart to be parted from them.

"Why can't we stay with you, mother?"

"Where is our father? He will save us!"

"It's not safe here anymore. You must go with Helena. Listen to what she says carefully. It is very important for we are in danger," she explained quickly.

She took them into her arms and kissed their cheeks. "Be brave, my sons, like your father." She watched them go through the passage Vlad had shown her, deep beneath the castle. She felt the pain in her heart but held back her tears. She had to be strong.

She thought of all the events that had taken place that day and felt overwhelmed, hoping her sons and Helena had now made it safely through the passage that led through mountains.

Night had completely fallen now and the moon was full in the dark sky. The skirts of her dress and her long hair moved in the cold breeze. She stood, still and silent for what felt like hours.

"Ilona..." she thought she heard the wind speak her name.

"Ilona," it repeated. That voice...

She thought she must be dreaming but she heard her name again. She turned slowly and she saw him standing there.

The steel armour was flecked with blood. The dark cape moved about him with the wind, as did his long dark hair. His skin was pale and devoid of any colour. She searched for his eyes, and when she found them she was startled, taking a step back away from him with a gasp.

The eyes that stared back at her seemed to glow brighter than the moon. The deep green she had so loved so much had now turned a disturbing shade of red.

"Iubirea mea," (my love) a hand reached toward her. She took another step backwards.

"Stay back, demon!" she shouted. She pulled the small dagger she had hidden under the folds of her dress and raised it towards him.

"Ilona, it's me," he reasoned.

"No! My husband is dead. You are demon conjured by some dark magic, a cruel attempt by my enemies to best me. I am the Princess of Wallachia and you will not have me! Stay away from me!"

"Ilona, it's me, I promise you!," He yelled, startling her. "Every promise I made to you since we were children I kept, thinking of you every moment after I left and was enslaved by the Turks when I was a boy. Enduring all forms of torment where I was raped, tortured, thinking of how I had to keep going, become stronger and defeat my enemies so that I could one day return to you and fulfil my vow."

She was astonished by his words, hearing him says things he had never shared before. She swallowed, her throat dry and sore. The dagger shook in her hands. He took a step towards her and she didn't dare move.

"Ilona..." he pleaded.

It was then that she saw the two sharp-fanged teeth. She raised the dagger to her throat quickly. His eyes grew wide.

"I will end my life before I submit to you! You aren't him, you can't be!"

She saw his intention to move once more and with one final thought, she moved the blade and felt its edge pierce her skin.

What happened next happened too fast for her eyes to register, but the next thing she knew he had snatched it from her with one hand, throwing it aside in one fluid, in-human motion. One hand was around her waist, the other holding her arm that once clutched the dagger. His touch felt like ice. His glowing red eyes stared into hers and she felt as if she were in a trance, unable to move a muscle.

She felt the blood trickle down her neck where she had cut herself and watched as his eyes hungrily went to the same spot. He moved, very slowly, and she felt his breath on her neck.

His tongue went from her collarbone to the cut and she gasped. He was still for a moment as if he were hesitating. Her heart was beating fast now and she was sure he could feel it, pressed so closely against her.

She felt his fangs pierce her skin suddenly and she moaned, leaning against him as her eyes closed as her body slackened in his strong grip. She felt her head spinning and she felt as if she would faint.

"Is this what dying feels like?" she wondered.

She felt his arm grip her shoulder suddenly and push her away. She clutched the ledge of the balcony weakly, trying to breathe. She shivered, feeling cold all over.

"Ilona.." she heard him say her name once more.

She was helpless as she watched him come towards her again. She tried to fight him but it was no use. He overpowered her easily, taking her face in his hands. She was surprised as he kissed her suddenly, his tongue easily entering her mouth. She felt sick as she tasted blood, his mouth taking control of her. She realised she was crying suddenly and he let her go again. She dropped to the floor like a ragdoll as he turned his back to her, taking a few steps away from her.

"I'm sorry, iubirea mea," he spoke to her with his back still turned.

With the last bit of strength she had left, she scrambled to pull herself up and onto the high ledge quickly, gazing down at the cold dark river far down. From here she could see the army of soldiers approaching, now reaching the gates as the attack began. She would never let them take her.

"No! Ilona! Don't!" She turned quickly to see his terrified expression, the fear in his gleaming red eyes.

It was the last thing she saw before she leapt.

"Just like my dreams", she thought, as she flew from the castle walls like she had imagined so many nights.

All was dark as her body crashed onto the hard wet surface below.

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