Chapter Three

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Buda, Hungary, 1449 (two years later)

It was an ordinary day in the kingdom of Hungary. Ilona stood still and listened to the sounds of servants moving around the floors, birds chirping as they flew past her window. She gazed at the blue Danube, sparkling in the sun, as the river flowed past the city.

She had excused herself from her sewing lesson, feigning a headache as she felt like she might go insane if she had to spend another hour in the company of the noblewomen of the court and their gossiping.

Ilona thought of her distant home of Wallachia and how the roses would be blooming now in her home at Târgoviște. She reminisced on the days she had spent there, running through the court happily and playing games with the other children.

Two years had passed now since they had arrived at Buda, but to Ilona, it felt even longer. The journey from Wallachia had been long and arduous. She remembered the first time she had laid eyes on Buda Castle as they approached, how she was amazed by the sheer size of it and how it took her breath away.

Her mother had held her hand tightly as they stepped into its grand halls. Together, they had stood before King Albert II. They curtsied before him at the throne.

"King Albert, I come to you today with my young daughter, to seek your protection," her mother spoke in Hungarian.

Ilona was suddenly thankful she had studied hard in her lessons and was able to understand the conversation.

"Lady Magdalana, it seems you have not heard the terrible news," the King frowned.

Ilona felt her mother's hand squeeze around hers tighter.

"What news, my king?"

"I am sorry to the bearer of such tidings. I have been informed that your husband has been killed. Your son's whereabouts are unknown. It seems that there was an uprising of the boyars in Wallachia after your departure who planned to overthrow Prince Mircea. Your husband had tried to warn him. Unfortunately, the boyars succeeded in their wicked task and they were both killed. Prince Dracul was also captured by John Hunyadi, and met his end."

The room seemed to be spinning. Her throat felt dry and her head pounded. Her father, Mircea, and his father are also, gone forever. She saw tears on her mother's cheeks but she made no sound.

"I pardon you Lady Magdalana, of your husband's actions against the Kingdom of Hungary. Your father, my cousin, was loyal to me, and I would not cast his daughter aside. I will allow you and your daughter to reside here within the court, with your family, and be at peace."

It had been a hard time for her poor mother following that day. Once a strong and fierce woman, Ilona noticed how pale she looked and quiet she had become. She clenched her fist as she continued watching the great river outside.

"If I were a man," she thought "I would be able to avenge their deaths."

The door to her room swung open suddenly. She spun around to see her cousin, Erse, holding a letter in her hand. Her face was flushed pink, her pale hair seemed wild.

"What is it, cousin?"

Erse, out of breath from running, spoke only three words.

"Nicolae. Dracula. Prince."

Ilona's heart seemed to stop beating. She grabbed the letter from her cousin quickly, her eyes skimming the page with haste. It was a letter from Wallachia addressed to her mother.

"Vlad Dracula has returned to Wallachia. He has taken the throne and is now Prince. Your son, Nicolae who survived having fled to the Carpathians, has returned and joined his ranks " she read aloud.

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