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Kim Taehyung

I yawned as I woke up and rubbed my eyes, turning over to look at my clock on the side table, oh fudge, I'm gonna be late! I rushed up out of my bed and threw on my clothes I had planned out last night for my first day. Yes, today is my first time at my new high school in Seoul.

My family and I just moved up from Daegu, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little terrified, who wouldn't be? 

"Tae honey! Don't forget your breakfeast!"

"I can't eat today mom, I'm gonna be late, bye I love you!"

Before she could respond I was already out of the door, running down the street. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into a hard surface, causing me to look up. 

"Oh! I'm sorry."

The guy around my age just smiled at me and responded, "Nah, its ok, but make sure you pay attention next time.

"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin call me Chim." He said with a big smile.

"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung but you can call me Tae!"

"So are you going to Seoul High School?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, it's my first day and I'm pretty nervous."

"Well don't be, you have me, your new best friend, come on lets go, we are going to be late!"

He grabbed my had and started running so I had no choice to keep up with him. In a matter of 3 minutes we reached the high school and went through the main entrance. 

"Here is the principles office, go in and get your schedule, I'll wait for you"

"Okay Chim!"

With a nervous smile I knocked on the door and entered when I was told to. The principle gave me my schedule and wished me good luck, I guess I'm gonna need it. I walked out into the hallway and saw Jimin was still waiting for me.

"Hey Tae, let me see your schedule." 

I gave him my schedule and he squealed and hugged me.

"Tae we have all the same classes, how exciting!"

After hearing the news I smilled and squeezed Jimin harder in the hug.

"Okay, lets go, I don't want you to be late on your first day."

Jimin grabbed my hand again and took me to what I'm guessing is our first class. He went to the second row an sat down, pulling me with him. Jimin and I chatted until the teacher walked in and greeted the class.

"Good morning everyone. Today we will start on chapte-"

The teacher didn't get to finish her sentence as the door slammed open, I looked over and saw it was a boy with long black hair who looked to be about 5 inches taller than me. His eyes met mine and for a second I could feel an attraction to him. He then averted his eyes an walked pass me and went to the last row and sat down in the corner.

The teacher picked up where they left off. But I couldn't pay attention because I could feel eyes on me. Slowly I turned around and locked eyes again with the mysterious boy, I blushed and looked down when I saw him looking at me with such interest.

I felt someone poke my thigh and I turned around to see Jimin looking at me and told me to pay attention. Soon the class was over and students started to make their way out of the room. "Hey Jimin, who was that boy that came in late?"

He stopped walking and looked at me.

"Jeon Jungkook is his name, stay away from him unless you want to end up dead."

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