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As we walked into class Jungkook's hand never left my waist. The other students started whispering about us to each other. I slowly reached my hand down to Jungkook's and lightly pushed it off me.

Once I got it off I walked over to Bogum and sat next to him. "I'm sorry about that Gummie, I don't know what got into him." He just smiled and hugged me. And I not noticing him smirking to Jungkook, hugged him back. 

"So Gummie, wanna come to my house after school? Jin hyung would love to see you again." I asked him as I tilted my head. "Of course baby,I came here for you after all." He said and smiled to me.

I squealed and pecked his cheeck. "I'm so happy Gummie!" He just smiled and shook his head playfully at me. The i felt a presence nect to me and a hand creeping up my thigh. I turned around to see Jungkook there not looking at me.

"Jungkook." I whispered getting closer to him so no one could hear us. "What are you doing?" He just turned his head to me and smirked. "I already told you you're mine." And with that the teacher walked in and class started.

Time Skip

It was finally the end of the day and I was waiting at the gate for Bogum. I was staring into space when I felt someone grab my hand. "Let's go Baby." I looked up to see Jungkook, not Bogum. I yanked my hand away from him and stepped back a little.

"I'm waiting for Bogum." I said and sat down on a bench. "But you and I go to your house everyday to work on the project so lets go." I pouted and crossed my arms looking at the entrance of the school.

"No, I'm waiting for Gummie, I missed him and we already finished the project and will be presenting tomorrow so we don't need to hang out today." I said looking up at Jungkook. But I wasn't expecting him to be glaring at me with his tongue poking his inner cheek. "Lets

"Fine, go be with fucking Bogum." He yelled and walked away from me. "Hay baby." I turned around to see Bogum there smiling at me. "Let's go." I said and grabbed his hand.

When we got to my house we went up into my room and watched tv while cuddling and talking. Since we were home alone, Jin Hyung must be working. "I missed you so much. I wanted to have our sleepovers where you cuddle me all night long because you can't sleep without cuddling something." He says and we both chuckle at that. 

"H-hey baby, d-do you still have a crush on me?" He asked and I opened my eyes in shock. "H-how did you know I had a crush on you?" He just chuckled and looked down. "It was pretty obvious."

I looked down and started playing with my hands. "Do you?" I looked up at him and slowly nodded. I know I said my crush on him passed but seeing him again brought up a little flame in my heart. He was the first boy I've ever liked, and its hard to move on from that.

Yes, I like him but I don't love him in that way yet. He smiled and stood up and started to do a weird funny victory dance. "YESSSSS!" He yelled and started to punch the air and i started giggling seeing him so happy. "I like you too baby." I smiled and hugged him.

"C-can I kiss you Baby?" He asked with hope in his voice. I shyly nodded and wrapped my hands around his neck and his hands went to my waist, we leaned in and as we were about to kiss the door slammed open and we both jumped away from each other in shock.


Looking For a Star  | Taekook | COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now