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It's been nine months since I found out I'm pregnant, and surprise it's a boy! Kookie and I were so happy when we heard about our baby being a boy. Not that I would love him less if he was a girl but I've always wanted a boy.

Next baby can be a little girl. In the period of the nine months, Kookie and I had graduated and now live together in his mansion. Right now I am currently cuddled up on our couch watchin Spongebob because who doesn't like Spongebob.

"AH!" I yelled as I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach and my legs becoming wet. "JUNGKOOK!" I screamed as I tried to push myself up. "What's wron- oh my god it's happening. I will grab the bag and then we can go." He said and did what he said he would. 

Thirty minutes later I was in the hospital room pushing out our babyboy. "AHHHHH!" I yelled as I pushed for the last time. "Congradulations, a healthy baby boy, what will his name be?" The nurse said and looked at us.

"You pick baby." Jungkook said and kissed my forhead. "Yeonjun, Jeon Yeonjun." I said and slowly passed out because I was tired.


It's been two years and I love being a mom. Yeonjun is a little angel. Jungkook and I did get married three months after I have birth and I was so happy. And one month ago I found out that I am pregnant again.

Jungkook was so happy when I told him. Jungkook still is in the mafia, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to which is good.

"I love you Jungkook." I said

"I love you too baby. When I first found you, I was Looking For A Star and it found it my baby." He said and kissed me passionetly.


I have decided to end the book here because I suck at writing and I knew there was no fixing this book. I am sorry for how bad this turned out. But thank you so much for reading this crap. Until next time baby. I love you.

p.s I have another book in mind, so look out for that. Goodbye.

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